Apr 11 2007

Calling Sydney Startups

Published by at 4:43 pm under Australian Startups,Open Coffee Club

As a follow up to my guest post about the Open Coffee Club Sydney, KH has just informed me that the details for the meeting are:

Date: Thursday 3rd May, 2007
Time: 8.30 am – which counts me out :-(
Location: Brew Cafe, 121 Harrington St, The Rocks, Sydney
Ph 02 9251 1577

A little more info:

“OpenCoffee is about creating a regular, informal, meeting place for people involved in, or who want to be involved in, the Startup Industry

We know Sydney has the talent, but we’ve never really had a regular place for all the entrepreneurs, investors, developers, creatives and anyone else with an interest in startups to just hang out.

The more we get to know each other and spur each other on through collaboration and competition the faster the Sydney Startup industry will grow and the quicker we can make ourselves a global player.

Let’s do this.”

To RSVP and see further details – visit Sydney OpenCoffee Meetup.

One response so far

One Response to “Calling Sydney Startups”

  1. Working in Startup Company | SYPon 12 Apr 2007 at 12:12 am

    […] in Startup Company Via Meg’s post, Sydney OpenCoffee Meetup is an informal and regular meeting for people involved in, or want to be […]