Archive for March, 2007

Mar 31 2007

Supporting the Keiretsu Model or Synergy

Cameron Reilly has just written about a concept called “keiretsu”, which he loosely defines as “…a group of non-competing businesses with a strategic relationship”. In doing so he has put an official sounding name on a concept Theo and I have discussed in depth, are working towards and wholeheartedly support. At the Stirr Sydney meetup […]

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Mar 30 2007

StreetAdvisor – Hyperlocal Wikipedia

Australian startup StreetAdvisor launched this week and has received a huge amount of coverage. GigaOM, Mashable, SearchEngineLand and TechCrunch among those to review.   Essentially people in 26 countries can log in and rate their street (Google maps mashup) according to a 5 characteristics StreetVIBE StreetWIRED StreetHEALTH StreetVALUE StreetESSENTIALS There’s a wealth of valuable content […]

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Mar 30 2007

Sydney Stirr Startups

Last night I attended my first “tech” function – Sydney Stirr. What a great night! The evening was organised by Martin Wells and hosted by Tangler, Omnidrive, Technology Venture Partners and Atlassian. Many thanks guys for a the opportunity and fun evening. It was great to actually meet (or at least put a face to […]

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Mar 30 2007

Recylcing Computers for the Disadvantaged

Published by under Australia,random

Via a comment on this blog by Matt Vapor, I heard about a service that Matt is running called CLiCK Computer Recycling. CLiCK operates out of Murdoch University in Western Australia. The idea is that they take obsolete computers (computers which are no longer required by individuals, schools or businesses), wipe the data, and repackage […]

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Mar 28 2007

Keeping Safe

Published by under blogging

Anyone with a finger on the pulse of the blogosphere would no doubt have heard about Kathy Sierra. I have to say that I wasn’t familiar with Kathy or her blog, but from what I understand she’s well respected in her field and her blog seems filled with good quality information. Irrespective of her reputation […]

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Mar 28 2007


Published by under random

Ok, so this isn’t a particularly popular blog, yet the spammers seem to find it! I think over 30 spam comments today alone – might not sound like a lot to many blogs, but it is for a little blog. I can’t understand why they bother with WordPress blogs, given that they have Akismet built […]

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Mar 25 2007

Technorati Adjustments Apparent

Published by under technorati

Mark Robinson is reporting that Technorati has fixed the errors I previously mentioned. I noticed one blogger who was claiming a ranking of 3,830 just 3 days ago is now around 50,000 and Mr Chow has dropped out of the top 100. Back to status quo.

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Mar 25 2007

Hidden Life – an Online PostSecret

Many of you would be familiar with a popular website called PostSecret, whereby people (make and) send a postcard via snail mail with a confession, or innermost secret thought included. These are then added to the website, which is updated weekly and are subsequently compiled into books which can be purchased. Via the Blog Herald, […]

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Mar 23 2007 now in “Rightful Hands”

Published by under,

Well after some speculation, and a failed auction, it seems Darren Rowse did buy after all. The price? Somewhere between $4,050 and $7,000 USD. Good luck to Darren, and I hope his investment pays off.

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Mar 22 2007

Local Search Frustration

People often complain about the results when they search on an online directory. When I say online directory, I am referring of course to a business directory, such as Yellow Pages, or dLook (a site which I co-founded). Not to be confused with a search engine like Google. I make this distinction because, whilst we […]

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