Mar 30 2007
Recylcing Computers for the Disadvantaged
Via a comment on this blog by Matt Vapor, I heard about a service that Matt is running called CLiCK Computer Recycling.
CLiCK operates out of Murdoch University in Western Australia. The idea is that they take obsolete computers (computers which are no longer required by individuals, schools or businesses), wipe the data, and repackage the computer to give to someone who can’t afford to buy their own.
When you think that computers are almost a disposable item when they pass their use by date, that these can then be cleaned up and distributed to people who mightn’t otherwise have the opportunity, well I think it’s a terrific initiative.
So if you have any unused computers lying around, or you can spare some time to help Matt and the team out, head over to CLiCK Computer Recycling and Computer Assistance and let him know. Matt also faces some unique challenges with Microsoft Licencing, so if anyone has any suggestions, I’m sure Matt would love to hear from you.
And to Matt, all the very best with the program.
6 Responses to “Recylcing Computers for the Disadvantaged”
Awwww thanks
That was really nice
Now I am all chuffed! π
Hey Matt
No worries – great stuff
(just wish I had the audience of Techcrunch π )
lol, no worries, I think we all wish we had that sort of audience, but as long as we all help each other out then maybe we will get there some day π Anyway thanks again! I have also added your blog to our blogroll
Thanks Matt
I have too
[…] Meg wrote an interesting post today onHere’s a quick excerptThe idea is that they take obsolete computers (computers which are no longer required by individuals, schools or businesses), wipe the data, and repackage the computer to give to someone who canβt afford to buy their own. … […]
[…] couple of months ago I wrote about Matt Vapor’s wonderful initiative with CLiCK computer […]