Archive for September, 2007

Sep 30 2007

Meg White Video

Published by under blogging,random

Yes, I’m talking about that alleged Meg White video… SP also goes on to highlight a statement of denial made by the band’s publicist (prior to the SMH article), points to the original forum where the tape was posted for a laugh and how the original poster admitted it had no connection with Meg….The lesson here? Take your pick – “sex sells” or “never let the truth…”.

4 responses so far

Sep 29 2007

Bloggers Beware! Your Privacy Might be at Risk

Published by under blogging

I urge you to read this. Your home address details might be displayed to anybody who wants them. Mine were. Please check what details are being displayed for your website via the link in this post….

17 responses so far

Sep 28 2007

Bangkok Express

Published by under random

A short video clip of a train going through a crowded marketplace in Bangkok.

7 responses so far

Sep 28 2007

Subscribe to Comments Glitch

Published by under wordpress

I’ve just received an email from a second person who has previously “subscribed to comments” on a post, but has been receiving many comments on posts he hasn’t subscribed to or even commented on. So if you’ve received comments on posts you have subscribed to please accept my sincere apology.

6 responses so far

Sep 27 2007

Emotional Abuse Against Children

Published by under random

Children are a wonderful gift, yet it upsets me when I hear parents say truly awful things to their children. While most parents gasp in disbelief at despicable acts of physical and sexual abuse, emotional abuse can often go unnoticed. The outward signs are more difficult to pick. The behaviour is hard to describe (especially for a child) and they would probably not be aware this is not normal. The results, however, can be devastating to a developing psyche.

7 responses so far

Sep 26 2007

Recounting Australian Blogs

A common search term that gets visitors to this blog is “How many Australian blogs are there?”.

Anyone who tracks the Aussosphere would love to have a definitive answer to this question. Of course, having a blog and having an active blog are two separate things.

I noticed today, however, that Blogger does actually count blogs that provide a location….

8 responses so far

Sep 25 2007

7 Ways to use StumbleUpon as a Discovery Tool

Published by under StumbleUpon

A while back I wrote a Beginners Guide to StumbleUpon. Since then I’ve read a lot of articles about StumbleUpon being a great source of traffic….. But what I’d like to focus on today, is not what StumbleUpon can do for your blog, but rather how it can enrich your internet experience. Let’s face it, without stumblers there is no StumbleUpon.

17 responses so far

Sep 24 2007

Blog Improvement Zone

Published by under blogging

Yes, a meme! “What do you really feel the need to improve about your blog? There has to be something. Something you know you could make or do better and you really want to and intend to, but for whatever reason, you just haven’t.”

11 responses so far

Sep 23 2007

Idol Chat – Final 10

Published by under Australian Idol

As I previously mentioned, I have a vested interest in watching this year’s Australian Idol, as two of my children know Matt Corby.

I have to say it was really great to see him get a highly coveted “touchdown” from judge Mark Holden tonight. Matt, along with Tarasai, would have to be my favourite performers….

16 responses so far

Sep 23 2007

Days Like This

Published by under random

What a beautiful spring day in Sydney today! Brilliant sunshine, 19 degrees Celsius, not a cloud in the sky.

I had a lovely lunch out with the family, not because the food was great, but taking time out and away from the house.

On the way home we put on the cd player in the car to hear the strains of Van Morrison’s “Days Like This”….

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