Archive for February, 2008

Feb 18 2008

Australia 2020 Summit

Published by under Australia

The 2020 Summit will bring together some of the best and brightest brains from across the country to tackle the long term challenges confronting Australia’s future. Not quite up to a trip to Canberra? There are a few other ways to get involved.

2 responses so far

Feb 15 2008

Handy Entrecard Tip

Published by under blogging,Entrecard

This Entrecard link allows you to see the last 98 cards that have been dropped on you, and whether you have dropped a card on that site.

25 responses so far

Feb 15 2008

Australian Blog Advertising

As a majority of bloggers would agree, making money from a blog is pretty tough work. A lot of advertisers pay on a cost per click basis (such as Google AdWords) and typically click through rates are not great on blogs.

4 responses so far

Feb 13 2008


Published by under random

It seems I can’t avoid seeing plenty of ads for the new Australian drama Underbelly, to be shown on the Nine Network and airing tomorrow night (13/2).

11 responses so far

Feb 12 2008

Weird Random Favourite Media Mentors Love Awards

Published by under awards,memes

Catching up on some memes and awards.

16 responses so far

Feb 10 2008

Tale of Two Brains

Published by under random

Ever been fascinated by the differences between the way men and women think? Wonder no more as it is all explained by Mark Gungor in this hilarious clip (5m 27s) entitled “Tale of Two Brains”. It is SO true.

3 responses so far

Feb 09 2008

So What is Entrecard?

Published by under blogging,Entrecard

The idea behind Entrecard is that you create a “business card” for your blog which you use to advertise on other blogs. It’s free and uses Entrecard credits as a currency, which you earn through a variety of activities.

21 responses so far

Feb 09 2008

A Broken Ankle

Published by under family

The combined sum of my children’s ages is 42 . Today we had our first broken bone. Miss 15 was playing basketball and landed badly, rolling her ankle in the process (warning this post contains photos which may not be appropriate for squeamish readers).

15 responses so far

Feb 06 2008

Monthly Update for February

Monthly update for the Top 100 Australian blogs etc.

9 responses so far

Feb 04 2008

21st Century Date

Published by under random

So with all this talk of “twenty-twenty” (no, not the cricket – the 2020 summit), it got me wondering when to we start saying “twenty” followed by the year? Is it 2010 (two thousand and ten vs. twenty ten)?

10 responses so far

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