Dec 13 2007

Google Analytics Reporting Looks to be Fixed for Australia

Published by at 6:39 pm under Google Analytics

Remember a few weeks back I wrote an open letter to Google asking if they could please fix Google Analytics for Australians, and other places in advanced time zones?

I’ve had a bit of correspondence with Google over the last three weeks, and it looks like they’ve implemented an upgrade so that we can now see today’s data when it’s today in Australia. Yay!

A few things look different, but I haven’t had a chance to check out the other changes. Just thought you’d like to know.

Google Analytics

A special thanks to Simon Chen and Avinash Kaushik for their assistance in making it happen, and to the analytics team at Google for being responsive to consumer needs.

5 responses so far

5 Responses to “Google Analytics Reporting Looks to be Fixed for Australia”

  1. Megan over at Imaginifon 13 Dec 2007 at 6:56 pm

    Meg, you wonder woman….I noticed the changes today and I rather like it. Thanks for your google analytics nudge.

    Now…what can we do about Bumpzee. Do you know what is happening there??? I really miss that particular set of stats and seeing my peers faces.

    Megan over at Imaginif’s last blog post..Waiting for someone to hold my hand…

  2. Karen (Misc Mum)on 13 Dec 2007 at 6:59 pm

    [Is wondering how many posts you’re going to do today and if I need to boil a pot of coffee and get ready for a night of further updates ??????!]

    I hadn’t looked. I hadn’t known it was that important.

    I really think I need to get a better handle on these stats facts.

    Karen (Misc Mum)’s last blog post..Calling Mars to be our new home

  3. Megon 14 Dec 2007 at 10:55 am

    Megan – I really don’t know what’s happening at Bumpzee. I’ve been trying to have a look, but the site has been really slow, or not working. I’ll have a look into it though.

    Karen – [I know – most rare] Real time analytics aren’t that important to me for my blog, but they are for my other websites – hence my frustration.

  4. Burgoon 14 Dec 2007 at 11:05 am

    Kudos Meg; while it’s not all that important to my site, the “ego checking” thanks you for getting them off their asses with this 😛

    Burgo’s last blog post..It’s a Coldplay Christmas – 2000 miles. And, a side order of The Pogues.

  5. cerebralmumon 16 Dec 2007 at 11:59 pm

    That’s brilliant. Nice to see something positive about Google after all the grrrrs of recent weeks, too. But stats? That’s another grrr altogether. Everyone I’ve tried gives me completely different numbers. So going up or going down is the most solid info I can glean from them. I guess that’s enough for me.

    cerebralmum’s last blog post..Cleaning up and link love…