Feb 11 2007
Australian Blogs – Hosting and Search Review
Nearly a month ago I wrote about Blogging in Australia basically because I’m interested in local Australian content.
I thought I’d revisit that post in a more structured and in depth way. To do that effectively, we need to separate Australian Blogging into two categories – Australian blog hosts and Australian blog search engines or directories.
Australian Blog Hosts
A blog host is a website that will allow you to create a blog which sits on their site. It will then have an address such as yourblogname.theirdomain.com.au or theirdomain.com.au/yourblogname. Usually these types of accounts are free, and can be set up in a few minutes. You generally don’t need to be highly computer literate to set up one of these accounts.
Many niche sites, like Minti, Cooeey and Nook, will also allow you to set up a blog, but these have been excluded from this comparison as they are not blog hosts per say, but more an extension of their social functionality (i.e. they don’t exist merely to host blogs).
This appears to be one of the largest blog hosts in Australia and is available to students, teachers and librarians – anyone involved in education in Australia. It is built on WordPress technology and was founded by James Farmer.
Google Page Rank (Home Page) 6
Pages Indexed (in Google.com.au “the webâ€) 24,700
Alexa Rank 47,829
Note: whilst this is an Australian site, it is not recognised in “pages from Australia”
BlogNow was previously known as whitepage.com.au. In somewhat of a controversy, Telstra was awarded ownership of the domain in October last year. The site incorporates social networking in that bloggers are able to add friends and allows a search of bloggers via “interest”, “location” and other tags. Search of blogs is via broad categories (34) or a Google search of the site.
Google Page Rank (Home Page) 5
Pages Indexed (in Google.com.au “pages from Australiaâ€) 141,000
Alexa Rank 74,061
This is the blog hosting offering from Telstra, which is coming up to its first anniversary and is available to all Bigpond customers. It provides interactivity via communities and voting, and posts seem to attract a lot of views. You can also post MMS (Multimedia Messaging Service) messages to your blog (provided you are with Telstra).
Google Page Rank (Home Page) 6
Pages Indexed (in Google.com.au “pages from Australiaâ€) 9,370
Alexa Rank 165,957
Weblogger appears to be in early stages of growth. It is also based on WordPress, and is tied in with AustralianBlogs (see below).
Google Page Rank (Home Page) 0
Pages Indexed (in Google.com.au “pages from Australiaâ€) 36
Alexa Rank 2,952,056
The following Alexa graph compares the daily reach for the first 3 sites over the last three months.
Australian Blog Search Engines
A blog search engine allows you to search through blogs for specific terms. A blog directory, contains links to blogs, but the search functionality is somewhat restricted.
In Australia, there are only two blog search engines that I have been able to locate. The third site is a blog directory.
Gnoos was released in the middle of 2006. It accepts blogs via submission and has a strong Australian focus. Posts on participating blogs are regularly indexed and their content can be searched via this facility (i.e. it is not reliant on tags for searching, but does a full text search). Users can leave comments about individual posts and also vote up or down (like Digg), but this doesn’t appear to be a widely used function. I’m not sure if voting affects how results are displayed as yet.
This is a terrific site, and I’d urge all Australian bloggers to add your blog to this site – the more they get, the more comprehensive the local search results will be (and yes, it’s free).
Google Page Rank (Home Page) 6
Pages Indexed (in Google.com.au “pages from Australiaâ€) 250,000
Alexa Rank 179,681
The Australian Index is another site that allows users to search Australian blogs. This site also lists blogs via direct submission and also allows users to specify which Australian State they are from. They list around 2,275 blogs and posts are frequently indexed. They include a Technorati ranking for many of the blogs listed (although I’m not sure how often this is updated, as I noticed my ranking is quite old), and blogs can be searched by their Technorati ranking.
Their home page lists recently updated blogs, and this is updated periodically during the day. You can also search for images in blogs, as these are indexed as well. I’m not sure when this site was established, or who runs it, but it appears on the Alexa radar in the middle of 2006.
Google Page Rank (Home Page) 3
Pages Indexed (in Google.com.au “pages from Australiaâ€) 3,300
Alexa Rank 236,014
Both are great tools for searching for local content, and each are slightly different in what the offer.
Australian Blog Directory
AustralianBlogs.com.au (which redirects to www.buggerall.com.au)
This site lists around 1,200 Australian Blogs and is searchable by tags. It accepts blogs via submission, but I would urge anyone submitting a blog to give serious thought to the tags you are going to assign to your blog first, because this is how your blog will be searched and you only get one shot at it.
Still a great resource, but probably not as fully functional as Gnoos and The Australian Index. This is part of a suite of sites which includes weblogger.com.au (see above) and Australian Wiki, which I mentioned previously.
Google Page Rank (Home Page) 6
Pages Indexed (in Google.com.au “pages from Australiaâ€) 13,400 (buggerall.com.au)
Alexa Rank 361,014
Below is an Alexa graph comparing the three sites in terms of daily reach
So, in summary, if you are an existing Australian blog owner, I would suggest that you submit your site to these three sites – help fellow Aussies to find you! And please, if I’ve missed any sites in this review, please let me know via the comments so I can add them.
18 Responses to “Australian Blogs – Hosting and Search Review”
[…] post by Meg and software by Elliott Back Tags: ecommerce, search engine marketing, adsense, […]
Hey Meg,
Thanks for the analysis – I should be more diligent in doing this myself (there was a time when I used to surf the awstats everyday during lunch…heheh)
Just one point, AustralianBlogs accepts repeat submissions so as to reflect the evolving nature of one’s blogs (it’s the spam that we object to). No real dramas.
Thanks again for the plug. We’re definitely at the low-tech end of the blogosphere
Hi Jon
Cool about the repeat submissions – I might revise mine
It was more a warning to be prepared to GIRFT, rather than just fire off the submission on a whim.
BTW, I’d say “emerging” rather than “low-tech 😉 And you have an impressive PR, which is nothing to sneeze at.
Great to see an Aussie focus – keep at it!
Hey, I’ll happily be no.1 blog provider in Aus
Although strictly, as the majority of my clients are overseas, my Alexa rank (amazon toolbar users) is always going to outstrip purely .com.au domains.
But having said that there are another 30K blogs on learnerblogs.org, eslblogs.org and uniblogs.org added to the 36K on edublogs.org… so maybe it balances out.
Thanks for the very interesting analysis.
Very useful information. Thanks from a fellow Aussie and blogging researcher. I will refer to this article on my site.
Hi James & Sue
Many thanks for your comments & link to the article.
James – that sure is a lot of blogs – great stuff! Hope it keeps growing in Oz
[…] – Australian Blogs’ Craigslist In a recent post about Australian blog hosts and blog search, I mentioned Australianblogs which was redirecting to […]
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A great “how to”, thanks.
Hi Gail
Thanks for stopping by, and taking the time to leave a comment
[…] you can browse via country (which I love), language or user and search by tag and category which makes it much more functional than […]
[…] I’m a strong advocate of the Aussie Blogosphere, and I’ve actually been collating a list of my own – but […]
[…] I’m a strong advocate of the Aussie Blogosphere, and I’ve actually been collating a list of my own – but […]
[…] Many Australian Blogs are There? I have previously written about the state of blogsearch in Australia and how difficult it can be to find Australian content. I’ve mentioned gnoos, the […]
[…] have previously written about the state of blogsearch in Australia and how difficult it can be to find Australian content. I’ve mentioned gnoos, […]
Good post.
Do any of these free blog hosts allow advertising like Blogger does? Meaning, can you ad your own ads?
– GoldCoaster
Not that I can see!
Thanks Meg. I didn’t think so.
– GoldCoaster