Feb 10 2007

My Week in Review

Published by at 2:16 pm under dLook,family,General,Google

Well it’s been an interesting week – typical rollercoaster week in the life of a startup. Sometimes I just want to stop the ride, and hop off. But that’s just *not* going to happen.

A couple of important meetings this week, outcomes still pending. I’ve learned not to hold my breath, or devote too much energy in sweating on an outcome. If it pans out – then all good and well.

I realised that I’m really not getting out much when my car battery was flat – again. Had it replaced less than six months ago, because it kept going flat. Have to be more diligent in taking it for a ride.

Early hours of Wednesday morning, we awoke to a high pitched scream. The power was out, and the alarm system was letting out it’s periodic “beep”, much to the horror of Nikki, who’s three, and sleeps right next to the alarm pad. Three in a bed, and the little one says…. well, anything she wants to at 4.00 am. Set the phone alarm for 7 am (I am NOT an early morning person, and yes, I consider 7 early).

Up in the morning, get the kids ready, discover that the internet is down. Ring the ISP. Am unable to order a technician as I’m not “authorised” on the account. AARRGH! Get the “account holder” to authorise (both the technician’s visit and ME on the account). No one available for 24 hours. Stuff around for two hours trying to get connection to work, trying to set up unwired connection on my pc and discover I don’t even have a dial up modem. We resort to an Unwired connection on another pc, rationed between everybody. Actually get A LOT of work done, and resolve not to waste so much time on the internet. (Resolution didn’t last long). Have a long, leisurely dinner with the family – no one was rushing off. Son comments that the “Internet Gods” decided we needed some family bonding time. Smart kid. Internet spontaneously reappears at 8.30pm. Cancel technician. Ironically missed this post.

Jessica’s first full week of school. Nikki’s still missing her big sister, but has been getting up early and making sure Jessie’s up and ready, so she’s not late for school. Conversation between sisters in the car “Nikki, you missed me so much that you insisted on coming to school to pick me up. Now don’t start arguing with me before we’re even home”.

One of the highlights of Jessie’s week was a tour of the school. She commented “we had to stand in lines and hold hands, because one wouldn’t want to get lost”.

Heard from Google that our Trademark violation complaint had been reviewed, and that all offending ads containing our registered trademark “dLook” had been removed. So now all those businesses trying to cash in on that search term (namely, Mylocal, Yodel and Companions), are not able to. Small victory, but a victory nonetheless.

Out for dinner & dancing on Friday night. A drunken *%@# stomped me on the foot with lethal stilettos actually drawing blood, but amazingly NOT breaking the pantyhose. Fought back tears, quelled first instinct to slap said *%@# (who hadn’t even noticed), applied ice and managed to dance on… Pretty bruise – funky shades of blue.

Getting ready for another week…

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