Feb 01 2007

First Day at School

Published by at 6:13 pm under family,General,random

OK, so I’m taking a moment to do the “mummy blog” thing. But a milestone is a milestone. Today Jessica, who just turned 5, started school (much to the disgust of Nikki – little sister and best friend up until now, who won’t be starting until next year).

Off she went absolutely ready, as she says “she’s really raising the bar now” (where do kids get this stuff?). Already reading simple words, as well as writing, I’m not sure that her first day was entirely fulfilling, as they didn’t do any “school stuff” – but they did make a humpty dumpty. She did comment “I’m exhausted”. Seems we will all have to get used to the early starts….

Becky, 14, asked me how it felt to make lunches again after “over half a decade”. Smartass teenagers! Isn’t that what canteens are for?

So for another five year old, an adventure begins.

2 responses so far

2 Responses to “First Day at School”

  1. Randy Smytheon 02 Feb 2007 at 2:59 pm

    Thanks for the blog. It’s always good to hear the perspective from Down Under. I’ve been to Australia twice and I love it there. Hope your little one had a great day at school.

    Randy Smythe (And don’t laugh at my first name)

  2. Megon 02 Feb 2007 at 3:25 pm

    Wouldn’t dream of it 😉

    Thanks for stopping by.