Nov 11 2007

Australian Idol – Audience Choice

Published by at 10:01 pm under Australian Idol

This week’s Australian Idol had the contestants performing both a song of the audience’s choice and a song of their own choice.

First up – Natalie Gauci. Oh, I feel so sorry for Natalie. The song that was chosen for her was “Ray of Light” by Madonna. It was so wrong for her, and she knew it.

Mark tactfully said she was half a step too high, Dicko thought she was an “energy saving ray of light”, and that it was mundane and suburban. Natalie said that she was nervous, well you wouldn’t expect her to say “that was a shit performance, and I know it”. Marcia was even more tactful than Mark saying Natalie sang it really well. Kyle said that Mark dulled down his review – that he thought it was a disaster, the worst thing she’d done and while she looked good it was a wipeout. I’m sorry, but I’m with Kyle.

Next up Carl Riseley performing “You Give me Something” by James Morrison. First I thought I heard Van Morrison – cool! Then I’m thinking Jim Morrison (The Doors – that’s Marty’s domain), then the Aussie James Morrison, but no – this is a British 23 year old. Glad we cleared that up. Forgive my ignorance of contemporary music.

Meh – I didn’t like it, but it didn’t completely suck either.

Dicko said he was nervous that Carl was doing another ballad, but thought he did it well. Marcia said it was a cool song, that Carl stepped it up well and he did a great job. Kyle said that Carl had been performing above the line each week and that if you vote for him you know what you are getting. Mark thought his performance level keeps going up and that it was well done.

(Sidebar: there was talk about McHappy Day and that Kyle would be serving. Kyle piped up “I only do cones” which had the judges cracking up).

Next up Matt Corby doing Evermore’s “It’s too Late”. I thought it was the best performance so far. The judges agreed it was done well – Kyle asserted he thought Matt was the best on the show and Mark had the audience sing “happy birthday”, as it was Matt’s 17th birthday on Wednesday. Dicko made some comment about Matt joining the Balshoi Ballet (because he was wearing super tight – almost legging type pants) and suggested he should buy his “audience picker” a drink (I’m thinking a juicebox, because he’s only 17 right?).

Second song – contestant’s choice

Natalie did Pink’s “Nobody Knows”. That’s more like it! Except for the bottom half of the wardrobe. Peddle pushers and ankle boots with a big chunk taken out of the front. Not. a. good. look.



Uh-oh. Kyle’s up first. You just know he’s going to say something, and he doesn’t disappoint. While he enjoyed the performance, he referred to the shoes as “chicken looking” – bwock, bwock, bwock… The other judges agreed that it was a great performance.

I did learn a new word from my daughter thought “cankles“. See, even Idol can provide a learning experience.

Carl’s second performance was “For Once in my Life” by Stevie Wonder. Sorry Carl, you’ve come a long way mate, but no cigar with this performance. Mark says that no one has improved more that Carl (I agree), and that while his timing was great he needed warmer, richer tones. Dicko said it’s do or die and while Carl didn’t “die” he needed to deliver more. Marcia said something nice and Kyle reckoned he needed more “Justin Timberlake” moves, which Carl attempted, somewhat unsuccessfully.

Matt with the final performance – John Lennon’s “Across the Universe”. I thought it was lacking the “oomph” of his first song, but not bad. Dicko said he was the most consistent performer, and a “hell of a talent”, Marcia said something nice, Kyle said something bizarre (doesn’t he usually?) about Matt being “straight”, but clarified that by saying that he was a “good boy” and the kind of kid a parent could trust with their daughter (HUH?). Then Kyle snapped out of wherever his thoughts had taken him and asserted Matt was a true star and the “best we’ve got”. Mark said he should believe in himself.

So it will be interesting to see who gets cut. A tough decision all around.

Meg’s choice? Natalie and Matt to the Opera House.

8 responses so far

8 Responses to “Australian Idol – Audience Choice”

  1. Kinon 11 Nov 2007 at 10:20 pm

    I think Meg’s on the money. While I love Carl (and disagree with your thoughts on tonights performances πŸ˜‰ ) He is clearly the 3rd best performer left, and shouldn’t really be there at all.

    I would LOVE to see him at the Opera House, but I don’t think it will happen. If nothing else the girly vote is split between him and Matt. I didn’t like Matt’s second performance, and thought that might be enough for Carl to get a few more votes and maybe beat Natalie to the House, but I’m not counting on it.

    Didn’t think Natalie’s performances really showed her well, and at this point in the game, we’ve learned over the years that ballads just don’t get you there, and Matt’s first song was great, but I didn’t think his second was as great.

    Ah I’ll stop babbling now and go back to my study.

    Matt and Nat for the Opera House, with Matt to win. And Kin to the shops to buy Carl’s album πŸ˜‰

  2. Cellobellaon 11 Nov 2007 at 11:46 pm

    Yes me too me too… I’m over Carl. Is he really a pop-star? No. Too niche.
    Matt and Nat for me too.
    CB x

  3. Anne Maybuson 12 Nov 2007 at 9:15 am

    Matt and Nat for me too!

  4. Megon 12 Nov 2007 at 10:39 am

    Kin – Did you like Carl’s performances? I just didn’t think he was as good as a couple of week’s ago.

    “And Kin to the shops to buy CarlÒ€ℒs album” LOL!

    CB – don’t forget Michael Buble & Harry Connick Jnr – you can make a decent living out of “niche”… but I hear what you’re saying.

    Anne – oh good, another one – fingers crossed we’re right.

  5. Cellobellaon 12 Nov 2007 at 11:16 am

    But I don’t think of Michael Buble and Harry Connick Jr as pop idols. So what is Carl doing in the competition? :)

  6. Megon 12 Nov 2007 at 11:22 am

    Ah, yes I see your point πŸ˜‰

  7. Kinon 12 Nov 2007 at 12:25 pm

    But it’s not Pop Idol is it? It’s Australian Idol. And why can’t a niche singer be an Australian Idol? I’ve just got Damien Leith’s album (yeah I’m slow) and I’d hardly call it “pop”.

    I liked Carl’s performances the best with the exception of Matt’s first performance, but at the same time I thought he could have done better (then revise that when I remind myself he’s only 17)

    Carl definitely “entertains” more, while Matt and Nat are clearly the better singers. I mean John Farnham is hardly the worlds greatest singer, but he entertains.

    And Kin swoons at the copious references to Harry Connick Jr. πŸ˜‰

  8. […] I couldn’t help but notice that one of them (Paulini?) was wearing the infamous “chicken shoes” from a few episodes back. Are wardrobe trying to save […]