May 06 2007
About the Index
This index evolved from Craig Harper’s Ultimate Aussie Blogroll, which no longer exists.
The Index can be explained as follows.
I have taken three variables –
AU = Alexa Rank in Australia
X = Global Alexa Rank
T = Technorati Rank
and applied a formula – which is (3 x AU + X + T) /5.
To give you an example for this blog (as at 30/8/07)
AU = 586
X = 55,364
T = 18,134
So the Index = (3 x 586 + 55364 + 18134)/5 = 15,051
In the instance that a blog is part of a larger domain:
then T is multipled by the average of all other ranking blogs (i.e. the Total Index / Total Technorati Rank). This average may vary from week to week (at 30/8/07 this average is 4.61).
(n.b. “Subs” – refers to the number of feed subscribers, where this number is available. It does not factor into the equation but is provided purely for interest).
My reasoning for including both the Alexa AU rank, the Alexa global rank and the Technorati Rank, is because I believe this is a fairer estimation of the popularity of a blog than just using one variable alone. I have weighted the AU rank, as I believe this to be a stronger indicator of the popularity of a website within Australia.
Various memes, and blogroll exchanges can lead to an inflated Technorati ranking, that does not necessarily reflect the merit of the blog.
A blog must have a Technorati ranking for the formula to work. Blogs published on multiple-blog platforms should be claimed individually. Visit Technorati to claim your blog.
Of course, Alexa also has its critics. So no one method is perfect.
I’m not implying that this is the best method of creating an index, but it’s my method. I’m happy to hear input, and tweak if required. Please let me know what you think – objectively 😉
P.S. Whilst I promise to be objective (it’s all about the numbers), I reserve the right to NOT include blogs that I consider “inappropriate” – deal with it 😀
Please note: I am sure there are Australian blogs that should be on this list, that aren’t – please don’t take it personally! With thousands of Aussie blogs in the Aussosphere, chances are I just haven’t come across it. I encourage you to send me an email (meg at this domain), or leave a comment here, if you think that your blog might be eligible.
110 Responses to “About the Index”
[…] Meg has a a list called the Top 100 Australian Blogs Index, and this is based on more complex method of […]
Hi Meg,
I came across your post via an ego feed, I noticed you came across a similar list from Craig Harper…we’ve emailed back and forth about generating an OPML for this list, but Craig isn’t really OPML Savvy.
My idea is to generate an OPML URL feed for this list so:
– you can subscribe to all feeds at once
– or subscribe to the actual OPML URL at BlogBridge or in Grazr
See more about what I mean at this related post:
Even an SLE feed would be a great idea:
I’ve just made a post about this idea:
BTW I have some Aussie blogs on a list at this post:
Ok, so how do I do something to improve my AU and X rankings? Seems I need to start exploring these as I know that my Technorati one is improving but the other two seem to be pulling me down the list, instead of up!
Hi Kathie
Not a lot really. You need to get Alexa toolbar users to your site (if you install it that’s a start)!
Thanks Meg, looks like another thing – I wonder just how much stuff we can cram into our blogs? But I will definitely explore this one – staying in the top 100 is of interest to me and so I need to protect my interests, don’t I? 😉
Hi there,
How can I register? I’m curious to see where sits! 😛
@Swollenpickles – consider yourself registered
Hi Meg, where does one get their Alexa AU ranking? My problem is that when having a blog on edublogs, the default Alexa ranking comes from that site not the individual blogs hosted within.
Hi Graham
I’m not sure what’s done in that instance (from a webmaster’s point of view). I know that and have managed to do it. With blogspot if a blog is popular enough it gets its own rank – if not it gets the default rank of 15.
What I do in this instance (see for example #64 this week –, who would have a global Alexa rank of 12), is work out the average the index according to Technorati rank (ie sum of all the “index” scores divided by the sum of all the Technorati ranks) which has been hovering about 5. I then take that number and multiply the Technorati rank for those particular blogs to arrive at an index score.
This week a blog that didn’t have an ascertainable Alexa rank would need a Technorati rank of around 31,100 to be included. It’s about the best I can do
My blog hovers around the 43,000 mark so I’m not too worried but was just curious how the different parts came together.
Hi Meg, Id like to register my site too, making the top 100 is something to aspire to.
What info do you need to consider my blog?
Hi Lavender
Consider it registered
Cheers Meg, you’re a Champion!
So I just need to set my Technorati location to “Australia” to be considered? anything else?
Dr Nic
No, you don’t really even have to do that, as long as you’ve claimed your blog in Technorati (which you have) and you are an Aussie (which you are). Your blog will definitely make the list (somewhere in the middle), so it’ll be included next week
Thanks for letting me know, and sorry for overlooking you.
@meg – I think I had it set as Netherlands in Technorati as I was living there at the time.
All fixed now 
Hi Meg,
Yes I would love to be included and aspire to be in the top 100
Thanks, You are doing a great job for all of the Aussie Bloggers
Hi Suzie
Thanks for your kind words. I’ve got you down to check each week
Just glancing thru the list, and I’m wondering why is listed as an Aussie site?
How does one determine what’s an Aussie site and what isn’t?
Hi Aurelius
Leon Ho is the founder of He’s an Aussie
I’d say an Aussie site is one which is authored, or founded, by someone who identifies themselves as being an Aussie – either because they were born here, or they live here.
how do I go about registering my blog?
Cheers~ Tina
Hi Tina
Consider it registered! I’ll put it on the list for checking.
You might like to join us at Bumpzee too.
Thanks! Going to check it out now
Would you be willing to calculate the blogs that I have here?
If you only wish to check one or two blogs, then perhaps: or
Thank you for the listing you have created.
Cheers, Thea
Hi Thea
Coach resources, inspiration daily and forwardsteps.blogspot have not been claimed on Technorati, so I can’t get an index for them. I will send the others by email to you.
Hi Meg
As of today, I’m, not hosting the Business and Blogging site – . It could still rank as an Aussie blog if b5media engage another Australian to host it, but as of now it does not qualify any longer.
Many thanks for letting me know. I’ll keep an eye on it.
Hi Meg
So interesting – I never knew that there was a way of seeing just Australian blogs and their popularity.
Two points.
1. I’m surprised that you use Alexa. I recall hearing a long time ago that they were a spyware company – a tag that they deny but antispyware companies continue to detect – even Symantec. I raised this on another website just the other day – you can see what I wrote at
2. How do I get noticed by technorati and how do identify myself as an Australian blogger? My blog is at and
Hi Michael
Glad you found it interesting.
1. I’m not concerned about Alexa in the slightest. It’s actually classified as “trackware”. Antivirus software is merely doing its job by alerting the user of the presence of this toolbar.
But yes, it does record your actions on the internet and feed that back to the Alexa database. The services are provided by Amazon, which is a large and reputable company, and millions of toolbars have been downloaded.
2. You need to claim your blogs on Technorati, it’s a pretty quick and simple process – see
3. Getting identified as an Australian Blogger is a little harder on blogger and WordPress – I’d certainly recommend you add the words “Australia” and “Australian” to your blog on Technorati and add your blogs to the various Australian directories listed in my sidebar under “Australian Blog Resources”.
Many thanks for stopping by.
Hi Meg,
Stumbled across your site while doing some research for my blog, Lifehacker Australia – the top 100 blog list is a great resource and interesting reading – so thanks for that.
I’ve ‘claimed LifehackerAustralia’ on Technorati and I’d be interested in registering to be ranked on the Top 100 list if we qualify.
Hi Sarah
I have included Lifehacker on the list to be checked each fortnight so it’ll be included when it qualifies.
Glad you found the list helpful and thanks for stopping by
Hopefully I can keep working on my blog, and make this list soon! 😀
That’s really freaky, because you will make it this week (around number 78)! I’m just putting the new list together & it will be up tomorrow at the latest. Congrats
Hi there,
I am an Aussie blogging about football of the world, Australian and American variety from Sweden. The blog features opinion pieces on football, including Socceroos and the A-League.
Would be happy to be listed on your site!
Hi Meg,
I’d be honoured if you’d have a look and see if my SEO blog qualifies for the list –
Thanks and keep up the great work!
Hi Meg,
Why does your Top100 List program doesn’t count my feed subscribers. I have given access to any 3rd-party software to access my feed count in my feedburner account. Do you have any idea?
Hi Thiru
The subscriber count doesn’t get used in calculating the index.
I have to manually collect the number of FeedBurner subscribers (it doesn’t happen automatically). It’s possible that I’ve overlooked quite a few, but I’ll make sure to look for yours next time.
As a blogger located in Australia but blogging to an international audience via a site located on a server located in the US hosted by an Australian company, (confused? me too!), I’m not sure if I qualify for your list. But if I do, I’d love to see where Ask Kalena fits:
Thanks Meg. You are doing a great job – I was thinking you are able to access the subscriber count via the feedburner API. I do not have much expertise with APIs.
Thanks Thiru
Hi Meg,
I’ll bite… I suspect I’ll be just outside the top 100, but I’d love to be included – IF I qualify (I’m an Aussie living in China, but I’ve used my Australian address for everything to do with my site and I’m returning in 6 months or so). If I don’t qualify, no worries
Anyway, great list!
Hi Stephen
You’re on the “radar” so to speak!. I’ve added you to my list to check this week (Thursday / Friday) when I do the update 😀
Hi Meg,
Thanks for putting me on the radar – I hope I make a blip!
I would like to register my blog =)
Hmm why is it that my actual blog only has a ranking of 12 because it only registers as blogger. However some of my page views have their own ranking?!?!
Hi Karina
Some blogspot blogs do have their own Alexa ranking depending on the amount of visitors they have that have the Alexa toolbar installed. If there aren’t enough to register on Alexa, then the blog gets the default rank for blogger, which is (at the moment) 12 – meaning that it is the 12th most popular site in the world amongst Alexa toolbar users.
This is different to Google PageRank, which relies (among other things) on how many people are linking to your site.
Great job. Mine will be listed one day.
Hi Meg,
Please register my Blog for your list!
It’s only a few months old but its full of completely transparent, no-BS information on all the different ways to legitimately make some money online!
Keep up the great work, I’ll come check you out at BumpZee and I’ll be looking out for a Paypal donate button somewhere.
Melbourne, Australia
Hi Meg,
I’d like to be in the running to make the list! –
kudos btw!!!
Ooh, I think qualifies for this list. Index score of 124,712, if I’m doing my maths right.
I’d be honoured to be considered! 😀
Absolutely right, I’ve added on the list
[…] Ask to be considered for the Top 100 Australian Blogs Index […]
I have absolutely no clue what my page rank is, but I’ve been blogging at the same URL since 2000 and I’ve been an Aussie the whole time. 😉
Another Aussie blog – most grateful if you could add to the list. Though its shift to a new URL last month has dropped its Technorati ranking. There you go.
Pickledeel’s last blog post..12 Things to Tell Your CIA Captors
Can I register my blog as well? I doubt it would be anywhere near the top 100, but maybe one day it might be.
Riayn’s last blog post..Things I want to do in 2008
Hon – Can you add my old friend. He’s just claimed his blog on technorati.
Karen (Misc Mum)’s last blog post..Bon Bon Quotes #4
Mine is not near Top 100 but I’ll keep trying! Please add 😉
Johnny Mestizo’s last blog post..My tribute drive to the Adelaide cycling community
I might as well throw my hat into the ring as well for my blog. dunno if it’s that popular to mae the list but can’t hurt to give it a shot.
DaNnY bOy’s last blog post..The Night Cap – Want To Make A Star Out of A Cabbie?
Hi Meg, I’m just a new member to Aussie Bloggers and wondered if you could please add my blog to your index although i’ll probably never hit the top 1000 let alone 100, but hey it would be nice just to be included in the count! cheers, Andrew
Andrew’s last blog post..1978: January 28-February 3
Hi Meg, i’d like you to consider my blog please. I am an Australian guy living in Tokyo.
I hope you’ll find your visit to my site a pleasurable one!
Neil Duckett’s last blog post..Photo Hunt – Old Fashioned, Jidai Okure
I guess it doesn’t hurt to ask to add my humble visual rumblings, if you don’t mind.
Digital Photo Ted’s last blog post..Communication breakdown
hi Meg I would love my blog to be considered for the list.
Jen Leheny’s last blog post..hotspots
hi Meg
I can’t work out your calculations this month …for my blog ..laketrees…
regards Kim
laketrees’s last blog post..Ranking and Awards
Hi Meg, I’d love to be included if possible. My blog is fairly new, but top 100 is a great aspiration! Cheers, Christie
Christie’s last blog post..All Women Blogging Carnival
not sure i would qualify but i thought id leave a comment here anyway just in case 😀
Mel’s last blog post..Ice Cream Cone Muffins!!!
Hi Meg, great idea. I’d like to be included if possible.
James Clark
Hey Meg, look at that – I just scraped in at #97 with my Paris-based Aussie blog Welcome to Wallyworld. I haven’t been blogging much lately and my traffic has halved so that result surprises me. Maybe I should pull my finger out 😉
I run a website and Im an Aussie.
Its only new, so it probably wont make the list.
Hopefully you can consider it for the future?
Slave 2 Net’s last blog post..Google Sky
[…] Tsiamis of Dipping Into The Blogpond uses three variables to work out the blog rankings, one of which is the Alexa ranking. After Blogpond reported on a […]
Having read all these comments I suspect making the top 100 will be even more of a challenge.
Thanks Meg for getting your brain around this list. It’s beyond me.
CB x
cellobella’s last blog post..The trouble with keys
[…] haven’t done a geekie post for a while but I thought I’d give a thumbs up to Meg who runs the Top 100 index for Australian […]
so this is how one gets on the consideration list?
add me baby! lol
Bettina’s last blog post..For Kelley
Not entirely sure if my blog is registered to be in the running for the top 100 list. I am definitely not in this caliber yet, but one day I might be.
Riayn’s last blog post..Eating Local
Looking at my ranks I don’t think I’d be in the top 100, but I’d appreciate if you considered anyway.
kristarella’s last blog post..Tumblr, tweets and twizzles (for shizzle)
Hi Meg,
Can you please add Mr.Gadget Australia to your blog database?
Keen to see how we’re doing compared to other blogs in Oz.
Best Regards,
Arnold Aranez
Mr.Gadget Australia
Arnold – Mr.Gadget’s last blog post..3G iPhone to Come in Three Colors?
Please add my blog to your list – it’s the top digital scrapbooking blog in Australia.
Maria’s last blog post..Digital Scrapbook Freebies – 2008-05-30
Hey Meg.
Would love you to consider my site for the top 100 Aussie blogs list (just broke into the women’s list, and I’m buzzed!)
Details are: KidStyleFile
Thank you
Angela @’s last blog post..Home Library Book Review: Blasts From The Past
Hi Meg, great work you’re doing here!
I would very much appreciate it if you could include my blog in your calculations. It’s located at: “Neil Creek – Photographer”. If you want to track my subscribers, the feedburner link is:
Thank you very much!
Neil Creek’s last blog post..Spare Room Photo Studio – Before
My blog is probably much too niche to ever get into the Top 100 list.
(Not that it is established yet – it’s a baby!)
How about a list of the most influential Australian blogs?
Though dunno how you’d measure this – comment count? link influence (like PageRank)?
Or even a vote!
Craig Thomler’s last blog post..Making government recruitment effective online
Hi Meg,
Can I get my other blogs added to the list please?
Also how can I get my blogs added to the blogroll?
Cheers~ Tina
mummifiedx5’s last blog post..Should I?
[…] instead of relying on 1 variable such as Alexa or Technorati, it calculates the ranking based on formula derived from few variables. While many still claim this to be inaccurate (there is no real formula […]
Hi, can I add my blog to the list? It’s Australian (VIC!)
LJP’s last blog post..Entrecard Droppings
I was wondering if you exclude professional blogs belonging to newspapers and celebrities.
Thanks for a great index
Have you looked at Pete Williams’ blog yet?
[…] can read about the formula used to rank the blogs on the “About the Tip 100 Australian Blogs” page, but essentially the calculation is based on Alexa toolbar, and Technorati rankings. I […]
Hey Meg,
Just wanted to put my blog up for consideration – Online Marketing Banter. According to your criteria/formula it would make the list.
Thanks for your consideration
James Duthie’s last blog post..Guest post on SEO 2.0
I agree with Charlie above.. Pete’s blog has to be in there.
Charlie & Jenny – it’s on the list for checking each update
Hi Meg, I wondered if you’d like to add my blog to your list. I’m on the Aussie women’s list but not this one. Thanks.
rhonda jean’s last blog post..Banana bread and butter pudding
Hi Meg,
I’ve tried in vain to work out how to get my AU Alexa ranking to see whether if I was eligible for nominating my blog, but I just can’t figure it out.
Can you have a look at: and see if I qualify for your list?
Umm Yasmin
Umm Yasmin’s last blog post..Melbourne Muslim Music Festival 2008
Hi Meg,
What about this; an Australian who has relocated to Silicon Valley – does that fit in with Australian bloggers? Especially those that still call the land downunder home?
Lidija Davis’s last blog post..Telstra’s BigPond Team on Twitter – Big Twits
[…] Combinations of webmetric data (compete, technorati, quantcast, alexa etc) are combined with complex algorithms to determine top rating […]
Hi Meg
I can’t recall whether I ever submitted my Des Walsh dot Com site – I may well have done: it’s going ok on Technorati but I don’t know how the Alexa ranking affects it.
Des Walsh’s last blog post..Daily Blog Cruise Choice Posts
Quite unclear why you multiply it all by 3 and than divide by 5
(3 x AU + X + T) /5
I think explaining it better by
a) why choose Alexa when it ignore visitors coming to a webpage whilst being at work as explained here:
b) multiply it all by 3 and divide it by five —- why not explain your rational as done here with the FT ComMetrics blog index –
Please help me in figuring these things out.
Thanks WebUrs
I’ve often lamented on the limitations of Alexa and agree entirely. What is the alternative to approximate traffic?
Only the AU Alexa rank is multiplied by 3. This is to give a higher weighting to the popularity of the blog within Australia.
Dividing by 5? Because the numbers just get too big.
I’m sure the are much more sophisticated methods of ranking. I’m just one person with barely enough time to compile this list every month, and certainly technologically challenged when it comes to funky geek stuff.
Anyone prepared to come up with a better ranking system for Aussie blogs, and maintain it, is more than welcome – I’ll retire my list gladly.
Hi There Meg,
I’m no doubt miles away from inclusion in your list, however I notice an Aussie blog that I read religiously is absent from the list too.
His Technorati is 121,119 and Alexa is 1,225,146 so should qualify right?
Moses’s last blog post..The Grieving Process
Hi Meg
I’ve been blogging for about three months and I wonder how I could be listed. I know I’m far off from getting listed now but would you be able to advise? I know there are many ways to go about getting more traffics but I think I have done just about all legit things (without going into the spamming business :))
I also tried to register with and it seems like I need an invitation code.
Would you be able to let me know how one could go about getting a code?
Thank you so much.
songy’s last blog post..Bag love with whosbag
thanks for the note. You write:
Anyone prepared to come up with a better ranking system for Aussie blogs, and maintain it, is more than welcome – I’ll retire my list gladly.
I think retiring your important list would be a shame. However, maybe we can help you in improving your ranking system while reducing your workload for doing this?
Why not drop me a line … so we can figure things out?
Ciao WebUrs
You wrote, of Meg’s offer to retire her list if someone thought they could do better on the ranking that it “would be a shame”.
In my view it would appalling. While I like being in the list, what I believe is more important is that Meg has done more, singlehandedly, than most or all of us to promote awareness of the richness and diversity of Australian blogging.
From clicking through to your own site I appreciate that you are an expert in this field and I imagine Meg appreciates your offer to help. I would just like to express the hope that Meg won’t in the process be discouraged from continuing to provide this great service.
I am in awe of your dedication to this project and I for one hope you will carry on with it!
Des Walsh’s last blog post..Daily Blog Cruise Choice Posts
How do I go about registering Meg?? Very keen to see how stacks up!
– Paul
Paul Warren’s last blog post..Paying by Credit Card Over the Phone/Online.
I was wondering if you could include my blog Glocal Christianity at which is Australian.
Matt Stone’s last blog post..Can we coexist?
Hi Meg – I recently sold two of my previous blogs (both still Australian owned) and have taken over another one adding it to the Australian blog list. Would you please add it to your list. Many thanks.
What a great list of blogs. I will have fun visiting them. A blog I go to which seems popular comment wise is – Lillys Life www.
Sarah’s last blog post..What happens to blogs if you are no longer around
Hi Meg,
Would you please consider my blogs and
Organic Fertiliser’s last blog post..Midwestern Bio-Ag Bio-News Vol 14 Issue 1
I never notice that I’m at rank #11 on the list – thanks for putting my blog up there long time ago (I think it was rank 50-100 the last time I checked my blog’s rank here)
Michael Aulia’s last blog post..January 2009 Traffic & Income Statistics
hi… I wonder how too I could register to be on the blog list please?
Elizabeth xx
What do have to do to be included? Is the fact that I’m an Aussie enough for qualification or does the blog have to have something to do with Australia?
Sire’s last blog post..Obama Girl’s Stimulating The Stimulas Package
Interesting! I like the way you’ve combined the alexas and technorati rankings to get a more appropriate result. I didn’t realise one could get regional Alexa rankings. I got the Alexa toolbar running on my laptop, and need to investigate it a bit more, methinks!
hi Meg
I see laketrees and PoeARTica have disappeared from the list…does that have to do with my Alexa rankings ??
laketrees’s last blog post..Dancing all night
I’m an Australian, and i have a blog!
how more eligible do i need to be? =)
Nattie’s last blog post..more than i can bear.