Jul 26 2008
Google PageRank Update – July 2008
It seems the July 2008 Google PageRank update is under way.
How can you see the PageRank of any site? You can install the toolbar, or visit a site with will allow you to query PageRank:
http://www.iwebtool.com/pagerank_checker (this site always freezes Firefox for me)
Remember that results fluctuate between data centres and it takes a while for all data centres to be updated.
No change here (I was worried that I might have gone backwards), but dLook has gone up from a PR5 to a PR6 and Obits up from a 4 to a 5, which is sweet 😀
How did you go?
28 Responses to “Google PageRank Update – July 2008”
Not so good! Just when i thought I had survived (spoke too soon!)..I’ve got a big fat zero! Maybe it’s still updating and it will take a few days. Thats what happened last time…
Peter G’s last blog post..Portobello Road Markets
Still at 4. Which surprises me, cause I have stopped doing the tag thing cause it brings more freakshows.
I really have no idea what I am doing, do I? LOL
Kelley’s last blog post..Dear ‘Concerned’
Haven’t had the toolbar of checked up on PR in so long…after my issues with it. Had trouble finding a site that would work.
No change on crazymeezer, but was surprised to see AFW with 3, after a 0 for nearly 12mths now. Still selling text links.
Leigh’s last blog post..The urge to stab is rising
Kin’s Home is on a 4, Kin’s Money is still unrated – to be expected.
But Kin’s Home goes from a 3 to a 4 – hooray!
Kin’s last blog post..Happy Birthday to Me!
My new blog is still at 0
Maybe next time.
Lindsay’s last blog post..Eva Mendes on Rehab
Looking like I’m still on a 4. No idea what I’m doing anymore.
Karen Andrews (miscmum)’s last blog post..When your mother quotes her daughter’s blog in the wider media
Looks like I’m still a 4.
jen’s last blog post..Prison – only visiting
My blog has gone down from PR4 to PR3.
Injader.com is still on PR4.
Ben Barden’s last blog post..A good description is the key to understanding
[…] blogpond.com.au/…/google-pagerank-update-july-2008/ From 5 to 5 (No Change) […]
Doesn’t look like any change for me… still on a PR4. I’ve always thought though that there’s probably a fairly big jump between 4 and 5… more so than between 3 and 4
Burgo’s last blog post..Live Music Friday – Kaki King, live at Ironhorse
my blog is unsure, many PR checker say my blog have PR0 but other give PR3, but all update PR are bad news, because it mean my pr was down from pr4 to pr3 or even pr0 ?
hope this is not the final result.. because pr update still underway..
I’ve got a good bit of sites out there, and I don’t see a single change (yet?). I’m hoping to see some nice changes as a result of a lot of effort….
Hopefully, I’ll actually have something to report in the next few days.
Thanks for the post!
PotPieGirl’s last blog post..SquidooCashMachine.com $$ 1st 3 Days = 3 Sales
I’m not seeing any changes yet.
swollenpickles’s last blog post..One week left if you want your $10 sign on bonus
I have gone from 5 to 4. Some people keep reading regardless. I keep churning out whatever I feel like writing about. Life goes on.
Colin Campbell’s last blog post..New Family Pets
Wow. I got good PR for all my blogs
Sunil’s last blog post..Google Knol Top on Search – Left Wikipedia Behind
Hmmmm still a zero; but oh well I’m only brand new
Next time…. hopefully
Congratulations to all those who saw a rise, and chins up to those who saw a dip!
Horse’s last blog post..Australian Horse Racing Blog
Well, I just don’t really get it! Google’s algorithm is rather unpredictable. One day I have PR3, the other day it’s just PR1. I was just thinking if there’s a way to get around all these.
Hi there,
Just wanted to say hello. I found your site whilst searching for information about how much to charge for cpm ads and have enjoyed scanning through your posts. I recently emigrated to Australia from the US (via the UK). You’ve got a lot of great resources for both Aussie bloggers and bloggers in general.
Thanks for that!
A Free Man’s last blog post..MP3s of the Week: Melody, Mystery and Memory
Oh, and by the way pr was 3 for my new blog and 4 for the old. I’ve no idea what it means though…
A Free Man’s last blog post..MP3s of the Week: Melody, Mystery and Memory
Hi Meg,
Congrats with dLook moving up.
Bad news for me I’m afraid. I dropped from PR5 to PR4 on my main blog and PR4 to PR3 on the China blog. It seems that there’s been a slight drop for quite a few people, so maybe Google have just tweaked the algorithm a little.
The good news is that I haven’t lost anything in the SERPs or in terms of search visitors, so I guess it’s no biggie.
Stephen Cronin’s last blog post..Flickr Picks – 2008 Olympics – Chinese uniforms
I managed to stay the exact same…no change up or down
I really need to work on getting some more links to help me get unstuck from a PR3.
Good Luck!
Justin’s last blog post..Short Road Trip to Lake Pleasant
I haven’t seen a change in any of mine yet. Weird.
swollenpickles’s last blog post..Get on board PerformancingAds
giornale’s last blog post..Blog chiuso per ferie
My recent new look for the blog affected my PR4/ lets hope it improves the next time.
Eva White’s last blog post..Jamaica’s Usain Bolt
Well I only managed to get 3 PR
Michal’s last blog post..Free Weight Loss Help: Fantastic Tasting Diet Shake Recipes Will Help You Lose Weight
I went up to a 3. Does really matter though does it as it’s meaningless unless you’re selling the site.
John Walters’s last blog post..Earth4Energy
Swollen Pickles took a 2 point hit. Down from 4 to 2. Guess I got flagged as ‘suspect’. Haven’t seen a drop in traffic though so that’s a good thing. The sooner google dump the page rank beast the better I reckon.
swollenpickles’s last blog post..Mount Gambier woman’s unsuccessful Darwin Awards attempt
I think so. a week back one of my site’s pr dropped to 0 but other of my sites still has the same pr. I can’t wait to see what my new pr would be. I think it should jump to atleast 5, finger’s crossed. 😀
suicidalsam’s last blog post..Performance Laptops or All Purpose Laptops?