Feb 21 2008
Princeton Premier
Back in October I received an email from Princeton Premier that read like this (and was prefaced with my full name):
It is my pleasure to inform you that you are being considered for inclusion into the 2007-2008 Princeton Premier Business Leaders and Professionals “Honors Edition” section of the Registry.
The 2007 / 2008 edition of the Registry will include biographies of our country’s most accomplished individuals. Recognition of this kind is an honor shared by thousands of executives and professionals throughout the world each year. Inclusion is considered by many as the single highest mark of achievement.
Upon final confirmation, you will be listed among thousands of accomplished individuals in the Princeton Premier Registry.
For accuracy and publication deadlines, please complete your application form and return it to us within five business days. There is no cost to be included in the Registry.
[link to apply removed]
On behalf of the Managing Director, we wish you continued success.
Jason Harris
Managing Director
Princeton Premier
Sounds like a lovely honour – doesn’t it? Fortunately I’m grounded enough to be suspicious 😉 (and maybe the reference to “our country”). So I did a little bit of digging, but couldn’t really come up with definitive proof that it wasn’t legitimate. I promptly forgot about it.
In January I received another – almost identical:
It is my pleasure to inform you that you are being considered for inclusion into the 2008-2009 Princeton Premier Business Leaders and Professionals “Honors Edition” section of the Registry.
The 2008 / 2009 edition of the Registry will include biographies of the world’s most accomplished individuals. Recognition of this kind is an honor shared by thousands of executives and professionals throughout the world each year. Inclusion is considered by many as the single highest mark of achievement.
You may access our application form using the following link:
[link removed]
Upon final confirmation, you will be listed among other accomplished individuals in the Princeton Premier Registry.
For accuracy and publication deadlines, please complete your application form and return it to us within five business days. There is no cost to be included in the Registry.
On behalf of the Managing Director, we wish you continued success.
Jason Harris
Managing Director
Princeton Premier
But what has rung alarm bells is that in the last week I have received another four invitations, all to various different names of people on the Obits website.
So I decided to do a bit more snooping.
Now, they do state that there is “no cost” for inclusion, and I believe that to be true. But apparently they try and stitch you up with a membership starting at $100 up to $789.
If you’ve received one of these emails – I urge you to visit this discussion about Princeton Premier before you do anything. Gauging from the comments, quite a few Australians have received these emails.
Looking at their press release page (at PR.com), it looks as though quite a few people have submitted their details. I just hope they didn’t part with good money.
Just think about this – how selective are Princeton Premier if they are contacting people listed on an obituary website?
371 Responses to “Princeton Premier”
Yep, I have a similar experience. Be careful here
Thanks for the thread people. I also received my “special” invitation and being both a researcher and a sceptic dod some ferreting around.
I feel quite deflated to disciver that I am not that special anyway.
I really do not expect to do any business in princeton so after consideration for about 1.5 seconds, I have decided to pass on the initation
I will now go and enter my ctredit card details because I have won a lottery in Nigeria that I did not buy a ticket in.
i received this invitation too, but i am no business leader, i am an artist. as i receive at least every week an e-mail to notify me that i am the lucky winner of whatever lottery, i won’t reply to this one either.
Well, I think you’re all special in my little “Honours Directory”
I received this a few times, so decided to ‘google it’ and ended up here. Thanks all for the advice. A dead give-away for me was the closing comment:
“On behalf of the Managing Director, we wish you continued success.
Jason Harris
Managing Director”
Who signs off on behalf of themself?
03/03/08 THEY ARE STILL SENDING IT OUT !!!!!!!!!!!!!
I’ve had another 24 invitations since I wrote this!
I too received an email from Princeton Premier and thought that it was a more than a little suspisious so did a little investigation and it appears after checking several websites including this that there is little doubt that it is a scam to obtain details- thanks for sharing your findings.
Thanks for the heads up. I am an academic and have received several invitations to publish articles in various “up and coming” journals, of late, so I presumed Princeton Premier must have discovered my address via academic channels. Ever suspicious, I googled Princeton Premier and came across this website!
Maybe we should all send emails back to Jason Harris saying bugger off!
Hi Chrissie
As tempting as that is, my concern is that somehow I’d end up on MORE lists! I do feel better having written this though 😀
I received the same invitation. I investigated even did a membership to find out that there are nothing found. This is not like Angie’s List or Craigslist, this is a scam!
I too received this “exciting” invitation. I was sceptical and through research I discovered they do publish books on interesting people, but they make their money on membership fees. Being a realist, I do know that as a working mom I have done nothing truly noteworthy (to date anyways) that would have solicited this invitation. Does anyone know how they find you? I just started this new job 5 weeks ago and they used my new work email in this scam. I guess you can’t second-guess the ingenuity of a scammer…..
Why bother investigating this outfit? What sense does make for them to want to “honor” you, when they don’t even know who you are? Plus, any e-mail from someone you don’t know asking for your personal information is almost certainly bogus.
Dear all,
Whilst I am sure that I have done things of note (I have 3 young boys and a wife of 18 years standing) I doubt that I truly qualify to be included as a shining light in the business community – especially as that community is in the City of London, UK.
This has to be a scam.
Same here, even received a phone call from a bloke named Richard Wellington calling from New York. Good lead up work from Richard until he started talking prices and asking what Credit Card I would be selecting to make payment. HELLO!
Richard even supplied their bank details if I wanted to make payment by Bank Cheque and a phone number in NY.
The only call I made was to the AFP.
Unfortunately, I was one of their victims. Although I was a little suspicious I went ahead and did it. What a dummy, I admit it. Fortunately my credit card company believes me.
I too received a call from this guy who had promised that my material would be delivered to me by a certain date. When I never got it I contacted my card company and they have begun a fraud investigation. What’s really scary now is that after all of that, bio and partial payment (still skeptical), I got another email from them almost a month later inviting me to, well you know. I’m out only $59 bucks so far. I’m really surprised though at the breadth of this. It seems that they are trying this world wide. Where is Interpol? – lol
I agree that it probably does no good to investigate, soon as they are closed, there are probably 10 more to take their place.
Oh by the way I am in the U.S.
Although I am reporting the same as previous entries, I think there is more credibility that this is bogus when a LOT of people report the same experience. More importantly, you have saved me (and many others I assume!) valuble time researching what my gut feeling tells me to be true anyway – we may be sceptical but do not want to miss out on opportunities! Thanks to all for contributing to this blog so I can take advantage of your work!
Me too…I literally just received their invitation so I immediately Googled them and found you guys…too easy! Thanks for the heads up, I mean it has to be dodgy if they picked me as a high succesful, global business person. Cheers
Everyone, many thanks for all your feedback. My only intention was to stop others, like John, in parting with well-earned money for something that seemed of dubious benefit, at best.
John, thanks for telling us about your experience and I’m sure others will benefit because of it.
I agree with each of the comments above and the only thing I am going to do different, is I am going to send my invitation to the Ohio Attorney General’s Office .
I got this email in Australia and was suspicious. It came to my business email on my website so they may be screenscraping. Thanks for the posts.
I got one too – I am Sydney based and it came via my PA.
My immeidiate response was to check on line and guess what – here I am and this thread confirms my original thought – if it seems too good to be true – it is.
I am an Associate Fellow of the Aust Institute of Management and they suggest also that this is a scam site.
Be well and watch out for whales.
I am so glad I googled this! Got the email invitation this morning and when I initially googled it I got to a site that talked about what a wonderful networking opportunity the membership is. It sounded so fake and was obviously written by Princeton people so I kept looking and came across all of these comments. Thank you for taking the time to write about your experiences. Is there any way we can warn others?
As with everyone else who has left comments, I too received the email in question.
I was curious and googled the name – thanks to all who have left replies and are helping to stop this scam. If it seems too good to be true – It usually is! I am in Australia and it looks like this one has gone around the world. Thanks again.
While not usually one to hide my light under a bushel, I was somewhat surprised to learn that I was one of the “world’s most accomplished individuals” when I checked my emails this morning.
Then, surprise surprise, 10 minutes later I was again invited to join this prestigious register. The honours just keep on coming…
I’m in Brisbane, Australia, and will be forwarding my lovely Princeton register invitations to the Office of Fair Trading’s Scamwatch division.
I have received 2 invitations today.
It is amazing that after a quick google search I can find all this information and I am most disappointed that they are contacting academics under the guise of a well respected University.
My Boss received one as well and asked me to check it out. Thanks to all who have written. He did feel special for 5 minutes!!
I got one today. I live in Atlanta, GA USA and work for a Dutch company. It came to my business e-mail address, too.
As I suspected, though I do occasionally do some noteworthy things. Oh well
That $159.00 saved is a $159.00 earned.
Hi All, I also got the invitation and was a bit confused…. cause I am not really the type exposing myself on websites/internet. Thanks a lot for you comments. At least it help others receiving these invitations.
Well it appears I am joining this list of distinguished business professionals as I just got the e-mail. Glad I found this site through Google! What can be done to stop these spammers?
Thanks all – I’m glad to say this blog was #1 hit on Google, saved me time confirming what I suspected.
Like other ‘distiguished’ invitees here they used my professional email address, but I’m puzzled about where they got it from as I’ve made it as obscure as possible and I always use an alternate one for subscriptions etc (e.g. my website has my email address in an image rather than plain text so as to defeat crawlers – when I did that three years ago my spam rate dropped to near zero after a couple of months!).
I just hope they aren’t sharing their list with other spammers…
Upon moving to Boston,MA, USA last year several “registry” type organisations have asked for membership. When Princeton premier called with such lovely dialogue, I agreed to the $100 scam. As I was giving him credit card information, slowly, I googled and found this sight. Thank you, everyone.
I told him that I had reconsidered. Because taxes are due, I have decided that this is not the right time and “please cancel”. He would not let me cancel.
I could hear someone in the background telling him to “just keep talking”. I told him to keep talking all he wanted but I was calling my credit card company which I did immediately. They cancelled my card.
Thanks Again everyone, this could have been more of a hassle than it was because of your willingness to realize that we are not alone in this.
Elissa – that was close! So glad this helped, and thanks to you (and everyone) for leaving a comment about your experience.
Wow, we’re all special. Imagine that…..I’m glad for this site. Needless to say, I’m not going to start emailing friends and family to go purchase this publication because I’ve paid good money to be included in it.
Thanks to all who responded. You have to admit, it doesn’t look like your typical spam scam, but it still quacks like a duck….
Great to have read this, I am based in Dublin, Ireland and just received the same mail today. Thanks to you all I will delete
Check out the source code, the email is a mass market mail out, probably generated through purchased email directories or web site scooping. Conducted by a company called Admail that specialises in this sort of massed email marketing campaign. Yes we are all special, we each have an email account, that is about the limit of it. There have been similar scams over the years (well before the internet) -such as selling space in business directories, fax directories and the mobile phone directories, that have never been published or were a pretty substandard effort.
Be careful – remember if it sounds too good to be true – it usually is.
Thanks everyone for the warnings. Seems you all are both distinguished and discerning. I am Australia based and received it yesterday on my work email address but thanks to google found this thread of warning. You guys distinguish yourselves by being community minded enough to contribute and warn others. Much appreciated. Shall delete accordingly.
Thanks for this great discussion – received the email myself just recently (on my university email address), and as I’m graduating next month, was wondering if it was legitimate, but decided to google it. Good thing I did!
Hey, I’m a government worker in northern Canada – and I made the list! What a joke. Thanks for sharing – I didn’t believe I’d made anyone’s list of anything, but I was hoping it would at least be an interesting magazine or something to read. We actually generally have really good firewalls at work, but the odd bit of crap gets through.
Like the idea of forwarding the e-mail to the attorney general, might have to look up our government lawyers’ addresses…
Yes! Received the email but didn’t delete it before I googled “Princeton Premier” and came up with this blog. Good one!
Hello everyone! Thanks for posting this information – I received this and wondered about it and when googling the company saw your blog. Thanks!
I always know when Princeton Premier do a new mailout because a number of you find your way here. I’m glad of that.
Thanks to Google, for ranking this post highly – and to you for having the sense to Google it in the first place and adding your feedback and comments.
I’m sure many do, and will, appreciate your input.
Ahh the wonders of Google. I got this invitation too -in Canada. Several invitations in a few days. Stunk from the first.
Received the invitation today, here in Cambridge UK. Complete crap – into the e-bin. It strikes me though, with so many people having been invited to sign up, that the really unique qualification as a human being is NOT to have been invited by these shysters. How can we track down these distinguished people? Should they all be listed in a directory of their own? But of course I won’t be in that one either. Too sad.
Nice one Meg! I just got one of these myself. I ROFLd at Donna’s comment about the MD signing off on behalf of himself!
I had the same experience and this was my response to “Mr Harris” :
Dear Mr. Harris,
About a month ago, I responded that I was interested. Then I received a phone call from a lady introducing herself as “my account manager” . I do not remember her name. She “explained” the benefits of belonging to the registry , asked some questions about my CV and offered me two alternative programs at different rates. When I told her that I needed a day or two to evaluate the alternatives offered, she said that she was offering me a “special”. Therefore, she needed an immediate answer, on the spot, and asked for my credit card number. When I said that I needed time, she said that she was not wasting her time an that there were many other distinguished people ” waiting” for an opening to get in. I got very suspicious about her “sales tactics” , so I said that I would pass. Her approach had all the features of am unsophisticated, hard charging, fraudulent behavior. I do not know how successful your “company” is in selling memberships, but my experience was very negative and put me off completely. Please erase my name from your list and do not solicit more business from me.
Roberto Toso
From: Princeton Premier [mailto:Reply@princetonpremierbios.com]
Sent: Fri 5/9/2008 9:28 AM
To: Roberto Toso
Subject: ‘s Recent Nomination Into The Princeton Premier
It is my pleasure to inform you that you are being considered for inclusion into the 2008-2009 Princeton Premier Business Leaders and Professionals Honors Edition section of the registry.
The 2008 / 2009 edition of the registry will include biographies of the world’s most accomplished individuals. Recognition of this kind is an honor shared by thousands of executives and professionals throughout the world each year. Inclusion is considered by many as the single highest mark of achievement.
You may access our application form using the following link:
[link removed]
Upon final confirmation, you will be listed among other accomplished individuals in the Princeton Premier Registry.
For accuracy and publication deadlines, please complete your application form and return it to us within five business days. There is no cost to be included in the registry.
On behalf of the Managing Director, we wish you continued success.
Jason Harris
Managing Director
Princeton Premier
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This mailing system may only be used for sending permission based email.
If you did not give permission to receive emails from this sender, please notify us.
This email was sent to [email removed] by Reply@princetonpremierbios.com | Print / PDF version | Read our Privacy Policy.
Roboerto gave me an idea. On reviewing the email I noticed the email client is a company called emailbrain.com and they specifically request the reporting of spam. I have sent them the following email and I encourage others to do so as well. There is no point in complaining to princetonpremier… complain to their email provider and we might shut them down… alas, temporarily.
“Emailbrain Managers,
The included email was sent without permission. The email address used was mined from my union’s
website where the email addresses of executive members (such as myself) are listed for the benefit of
our members. I urge you to stop your client’s mass spamming. I am also including a blog site which not
only confirms their spamming activities but strongly suggest they are engaged in fraudulent activity.
Thank you,”
Hmm, I got one today… What tiopped me off first was the subject line …
‘s Recent Nomination into the Princeton Premier
hmmm… So, there should be a name before the ‘s no? heh…
the clincher was their privacy policy which very clearly tells me…
“Why you received this email
You received this mail because you are subscribed to a newsletter / mailing list to which you opted in. If this is not the case then please unsubscribe from the list (using the link in the footer of the received email) and report the sender to us.”
So I shall be unsubscribing I think with a slighly smaller ego than at the start of the day
lauracallow’s last blog post..Join Laura at the Online Revealed Conference
Hi, I am in Canada at a University (in IT) and naturally sceptical. I have been solicitated over a dozen times with this. Today, I thought I would check it out. Thanks for the comments
i almost tought i was a star, but i think i know what i deserve best in life and so when i recieved this email today, i went like what on erath have i done for Princeton premier to recognise my capabilities ow do i stand out? im ust one Malawian and very simple girl, no leader but a researcher, so my resaerc o that particular email took me to this page. 2 or 3 times i wet back to the email, opened both URLS provided and almost filled that form bt daa, something said, you might be giving up your identity for nothing. so ya, i guess i was right.
i expect the people i work closely with to uphold and recognise my capabilities not just ayone anyhow
this is scam! and whoever does is really good at it coz heshe leaves no trace of doubt. Princetom primier website is perfect too!!! but oh sorry i dont such mails in my inbox. my work is really hectic and such mails pt me off sometimes
Monica Kumwenda
The scam has reached the Pacific Coast of California. Thanks for reinforcing my suspicions.
Sue’s last blog post..Three Loads, Sort Of
Upon first glance the word ‘Princeton’ jumps out. Flattery sometimes does get them somewhere, but I am not so ‘new’ as to think that I am anywhere on Princeton’s radar. It was great to see the link to this blog directly under the Google return. It was a nice change in scam-mail from interest in my private parts, winning the lottery or becoming a shark at on line poker.
Brian Levy
Of all the scams i have come across i must say i am impressed with this one. They play to our ego’s, make us feel fantastic and create the sense of pride that we don’t want to miss out on.
I am just glad that us Ausies are pretty skeptical by nature.
Every day my work email box has at least 50 junk letters to scan. This one has been in my box at least 20 times this year. So I figure I’m at least 20 times more important than I was before. Before the year is out I’ll be so important that I won’t be able to stand myself. Nice to find this blog.
thanks everyone for their comments
I was initially convinced and was about to send them an email – but thankfully I didnt
Folks, this may be stating the obvious, but you should NEVER, NEVER unsubscribe from something you did not directly, personally subscribe to in the first place.
(Laura, who posted earlier, suggested she was going to unsubscribe from the Princeton whateveritis)
Spammers often claim “You received this mail because you are subscribed to a newsletter / mailing list to which you opted in”. No you didn’t – they stole your email address by some kind of electronic trawling. Unsubscribing merely confirms that you have an active email address- information that instantly finds its way to purveyors of viagra and suspiciously cheap designer watches, and daughters of deposed African dictators looking for help in disposing millions of dollars.
Woo Hooo!! I have also been invited… Brisbane, Australia…
As if A Real Estate Agent would make that list… I think we are the most people in the world… well maybe after lawyers.
Well well well… i guess all skeptics end up here. So here I am too. thanks for the heads up guys. Its hit Perth – West Australia.
I’m so not buying into it.
Just received my second invite (28th May 2008) Melbourne, Australia. It is getting around the globe. Interesting reading all the stories about this hoax. I immediately deleted the first on, thought I would check out more about it when I got the second. Sites like these are good for the people who can be sucked in, they just need to be educated to look around first.
Have got 2 – always assumed it was the Nigerian mafia (with all due respect) – I’m certainly no business leader but got a bit soft in the head after the 2nd one and so googled it … good to know its BS ….
I am forever being invited to join the Princeton Premier and all the lotteries……how about all the bank email that we don’t even bank with?
If they really want to contact you…….let them phone and visit……..Watch out for Fraud as that is all it is….
Banks will only contact you via your online banking website and Princeton and Nigerian Lotteries are all a scam…..if it is online….it simply is not legit!
I also received the same email today and I am glad I googled it before accepting my submission. I am curious to find out how they got my workplace email address.
This blog stopped me to go any further. R
I had a lovely discussion with Jason Franklin, who assured me that I seemed the successful sort that they were looking to include. With my premier membership of $789, I would also get free airfare for 2 to anywhere in the US on any airline. The Gold membership gives me 5 years at $589 and the 1 year membership $99. I do belong to some networking groups, so assumed that this was akin to those (which are legit). The BBB is currently investigating according to the BBB web site. Results within 6 weeks.
“On behalf of the Executive Publisher”? It seems we all have concluded that this mob is not bona fide. Treat them with the contempt they deserve and unsubscribe.
I just got off the phone with my “Account Manager”. It was all sunshine and roses, talking about how amazing I am (!) and how it would a privilege for them to list me (SUPERSTAR Executive Housekeeper) in the Registry and then, Wham, by the way you owe us $789!
I was on the phone for over half an hour with this guy, on work time, while he tried to convince me this was the deal of the century and that I would be listed “forever” in this book. I stalled him for as long as I could and then told him I would submit payment on Friday….he will be calling me back on my day off.
Thank you for posting these comments. It has saved me from a scam attack.
Cheers from Canada,
Wow…. another SCAM! Glad that this blog came up as the first link on Google. These people are so cheesy that even their form page to submit your information is poorly formated. I think I’m going to send them an email and ask them for their credit card. Who knows, crooks are stupid… maybe they’ll give it to me
A little further investigation… WHOIS?
I’m this blog link to their domain registration company… perhaps they’ll shut them down for a while…
I remember replying to an e-mail I received on May 8th. It looked legitimate, so I went ahead and filled out the online form. Nothing too personal. Just my company info and a contact number.
Well, today was the day I got a call back. The guy said his name was “Adam Jones” and I gave him the info he requested- but no money. I told him about myself, but there was little in there that’s not on the public record.
What I used to get out of paying: I said that I can’t issue payment until I see something in print. He went on and on about the integrity of the Princeton Premier. I didn’t argue with him. That would’ve just given him more ammunition to continue his pitch. I just said that anyone can say anything on a phone call and that I had to see a hard copy right in front of me before I could consider paying anything. He gave up after about 5 minutes.
You know, right off the bat I had the feeling that I was talking to one of those Nigerian scammers- minus the accent. Stupid me for wasting nearly a half hour on the phone with the guy. Ah well. You win some and you lose some. With the Princeton Premier, we all lost.
BTW, the number that showed up in my call display was 718-766-8626. This is a NYC area code. I know someone in the Bronx with a 718. Oh- and I’m located in Toronto, Canada.
Meg, thanks for maintaining this page. Without it, I wouldn’t have known for sure that the PP was full of crap.
Mental note: “don’t trust any offers over the phone that involve free plane tickets”.
I got my email today too- and was immediately offended as I’ve spent my life trying not to achieve.
Is it illegal to respond with lots of temp. emails from yahoo and elsewhere and bogus contact no’s (not someone else’s) and cause them to waste their time too.
You just saved me almost $800. Thank you.
When my “Account Rep” called a few minutes ago, I didn’t even remember I applied. Great telemarketer though. I have to give her credit. I was sinking into the quicksand but came to my senses and started doing searches on people on their site. The only place these press releases show up are on PR.com.
I may call her back just to play with her a bit to see how she overcomes objections. I could use a strong Telemarketer.
Thanks again everyone!!
You saved me from a great deal of nuisance!
I was very suspicious when they didn’t ask for a list of publications – just personal details. A quick search came up with your blog. I have been sent several of these by snail mail and by email. I must say each time my ego was flattered! How frail we really are are and as a result how vulnerable! I also have to admit that the main reason I did not reply to the other postal varieties is the time needed to fill in the form etc.
Thanks again everyone!
I write for the my local paper’s auto section. I got one invitiation last year; seeing this made all sorts of alarms go off in my head. so I replied asking if they could provide verifiable information as to who they are and what they did. Needless to say, they never responded. But they have still sent out the same phishing letter. I got another one this morning. Keep head screwed on, people. I live in Jamaica. These are desperate times we are living in!
Just got the same email. I was suspicious too, searched it on Snopes.com and found nothing (which is surprising) and ended up here thanks to a Google query.
Thanks to everyone for posting their experiences – I too have decided to use my hard earned money to try to salvage the remaining fortunes of my long lost relatives in Nigeria who died in a horrible car accident, but were kind enough to leave several million dollars in the bank. I’m counting my blessings that these honest and decent folks found me through the internet and want to give me all of that money 😉
Brother Howie
thanks everyone – i will not be replyimg
Thanks to all who have continued to maintain this site for Google inquiries to this scam. I just recieved my email from Princeton7 at the following email address: reply@princetonpremierbios.com.
Like others who are above I was immediately suspecious as I almost fell victem to a similar scam a couple of years ago. I won’t waste my time with this one, but thought that I should take the time to post this as it is still an ongoing hoax.
They found me in Shanghai. Found you all through Google as well. Won’t be replying although I clearly belong on this illustrious list.
I just got my Princeton Premier e-mail at my work address in Vancouver, BC, Canada. I get a lot of this kind of junk but thought I would Google this one to see what I could find. That brought me to this blog, which confirmed what I suspected.
I’ve always wondered how these spammers make money but obviously they can make a living by catching only a few people off guard to give up their credit card numbers. If everyone would just delete this type of nonsense it would put these scammers out of business and spare everyone the nuisance of dealing with the spam. Too much to hope for, I guess.
I, too, am in Vancouver and received this. Being something of a neophyte in my current profession and having received, as recognition for my “lifetime achievement” of 25 years in broadcasting, the bum’s rush from my last radio station, I kinda figured they were stretching their definitions. Thanks for the confirmation!
Southampton UK here – thanks for the info – I had
“On behalf of the Executive Publisher, we wish you continued success.
Jason Harris
Managing Director
Princeton Premier”
which set the alarm bells that were ringing at the beginning of the email – ringing harder.
Thanks for all the info – great site and you are dooing the world a service.
Personally, I think they’re an honest bunch:
“Recognition of this kind is an honor shared by thousands of executives and professionals throughout the world each year.”
Right… so not much of an honour then, is it? Still, from the number of comments left on this site, they’re not lying!
As Max Ehrmann’s “Desiderata” has it:
“Exercise caution in your business affairs,
For the world is full of trickery.”
I am based in Nigeria and received the Princeton Premier invitation. I knew immediately that it was a scam since I had received a similar invitation from Who’s Who a few years ago. When I called Who’s Who, I was hassled rather agressivley for credit card details despite a stipulation in their e-mail that there was no cost for participation. Fortunately, I did’nt provide any financial details. Nevertheless, I googled Princeton Premier and was glad to find out that I was right. Thanks to all of you for sharing your experiences.
Thanks for this. I received the message today up in the Northwest Territories, Canada.
How do people get away with this stuff? I also just received the email. So many scam artists. I hope there were were not too many naive people joining.
I just got an email as well. I’m in Airdrie, Alberta, Canada. Thanks for this website.
I too have received three invitations in the past week. Thanks for providing this information. I will delete the emails.
Shelley Lloyd
Received this e-mail too in the UK. I got a call from someone in the states today. Bla bla bla !.. I’m the best/highest achiever etc…. He offered 2 packages. When I asked him to send me something by e-mail he said he couldn’t do that. So I told him I don’t do business over the phone. I need something in writing. He put the phone down immediately. Definitely a scam !
I’m from London, Ontario, Canada, and felt honoured, until our marketing manager discovered this blog, and I was once again humbled, and brought down to Earth.
Thanks for starting this blog though. Its one thing to raise a red flag internally, but we need the next step, which is info like this!!
I have just recieved it whilst sitting with my chairman, i felt so important i asked for more money! Unfortunatley we googled it and ended up here. Thanks Princeton Premier, there goes my pay rise!
Thanks to all of you for sharing your experience. I live in Jamaica and became suspicious when the interview reached the billing stage. The ‘hard-sell’ approach was a dead giveaway for a scam, as well as the fact that I could enter for less and less money but still get the airplane tickets! :-). The ‘account manager’ – Linda- was very offended when I told her I needed to check them out before giving credit card details and assured me that all of their thousands of honoured members had paid this way and they would not tarnish their integrity by or mine by doing anything illegal with my details. She also kept assuring me that I would get billing details by e-mail instantly (of course) and that my package and certificate would arrive ten days later in the mail. Also they could not tell me why they had chosen me for this honour, or what was their affiliation with Princeton. I will inform our helpdesk to block this address at work.
This scam has spread around the world faster than SARS. I received a similar con job call here in Washington DC a few years ago when I was told I had been “accepted” for inclusion into an exclusive directory. The saleswoman then tried to sell me all manner of package deals–so many that I lost track; it seemed they offered me everything short of the use of their corporate jet. I asked why I should pay for their directory; they told me it was great for networking. I asked how it could be a good networking source if it was so “exclusive”; they cited “quality over quantity.” Then they tried the insult tack by implying that there was something wrong about me if I couldn’t afford “a dollar a day” ($365 per year). I ended my chances at having the privilege of being added to their “networking” list by telling them I wasn’t going to spend a dime on them–ever. They play to people’s egos to separate them from their hard-earned money.
Bravo to all of you on this blog for sharing your experiences and perspectives. I found your Web site when I googled Princeton Premier, and I’m sure there are many other people who have read these entries and thus have been spared the time and money they would have lost to Princeton Premier. Good work.
I have to admit, I’ve spent more time reading everyone’s experiences and comments than I spent on the Princeton Premier email itself! LOL! I’m very happy to have done so though. You’ve not only saved me the hastle of going through the expeience, but saved my co-workers of hearing me curse out someone on the phone once I realized it was yet another attempt at a scam.
I’m a First Nations person living in Toronto, Canada and I was sitting with some of my Aboriginal girlfriends at dinner one Friday night when I received the email on my BlackBerry. Well….. I was so impressed with myself that I had to impress them as well with this much deserved recognition of my extensive work in Aboriginal communities across Canada! Ha ha!!
I hadn’t even looked at it again, until today when I was just going to delete it, but thought I would Google it first. Very glad I did! I still believe I have worked hard to earn this type of recognition…. it’s just not going to be today, nor through these quacks. : )
Chi meegwetch (big thanks) to you all!
I just received the same email this morning. Being in real estate in Connecticut, I thought, maybe a great marketing tool. Warning bells went off since the letter wasn’t written very well. Googled and found this website. As said in a previous note, I spent more time on this than the original email. Thanks !
I’m yet another of the many who have received this email. since it only came on my Blackberry, I’m assuming Verizon is selling it’s members lists and numbers. My work email is linked to my Blackberry and it doesn’t come thru to my work email only my handheld, so that leads me to think Verizon is somehow responsible. I’d suggest people contact their Cell companies and tell them to not sell your info to 3rd parties, particularly your work information as they are contributing to illegal activity. That might be enough to scare them into listening or you can register your number on the do not call lists in the USA.
I’ve received the same email twice in two days. Having Googled I found all your comments so thanks. Working for a law firm I am going to get someone to look into this! Tracey
This sort of thing has been done before, although usually with at least an actual (albeit useless) directory being produced. The Who’s Who business has been milking egos for at least decades. But given that the link in the email didn’t even have a real domain name for the organization, I pegged it for a phishing scam. Thanks to all of you confirming that I will go from merely ignoring it to making sure my friends don’t get drawn into it.
Duluth, Minnesota, USA checking in. I received my special invitation this morning. I’ve forwarded it to my company’s spam abuse department and blocked the site from my email. It’ll be interesting to see if I receive more.
Thanks for the information. Saves a lot of time.
Those emails just keep coming- and this blog has all the answers! Thank you – I’ll now hit delete
I just received the email today (in Houston). It made me think of all of those ‘Who’s Who’ back when I was in high school. I promptly deleted the email and then googled to see what others had to say… of course it brought me here.
I really hope that people are smart enough to realize this scam before forking over $800ish.
Apprently I received the email back in May!!
I have just wasted 10 minutes on the phone about Princeton Premier’s exclusive listing….I apparently filled in an on-line set of question back in May about joining (it is now late August). Apparently the time delay was due to dealing with so many applications!
The person had an American accent and was apparently calling from the US (where the local time would have been 10pm)!! After a very professional and well rehearsed set of questions and lots of “excellent” and “outstanding” when what I do as an academic can hardly be described as “outstanding”! He then went on to congradulate me on acceptance in the Princeton Premier’s “hall of fame” listing and tell me all the benefits of membership, then went on to tell me the cost of membership…basic at only $7US and exclusive at $9US…before he went any further I told him I was very busy and needed to go, he then asked what was wrong: the cost, membership, him, etc? I did not get into an argument and thanked him for his time and hung up.
The phone has just rung again and I did not answer it and the person did not leave a message. I suspect it was him calling again!! Do not get caught in this massive scam. I then did some research and found this website…whew!
It is me again: they have just called back 5 times in the last 40 minutes…do NOT make the mistake I made by applying and giving them my phone number …yikes!!
I just got my first – though with reading all of these I don’t think it will be the last – I will at least divert to junk mail – thanks for all of this information. Luckily for me when I received, I immediatley googled for information and found this website – thanks everyone for the advice!
just got my first as well – i’m in Dallas, TX. thanks for the info everybody!
Having just received my first email from this bunch – and found this blog site – it seems I’m not in an elite class after all. ;-(
Maybe “Inclusion is considered by many as the single highest mark of achievement” just isn’t.
I’m based in the UK. I’ve had a couple of similar things in the past, probably gleaned from conference registrations.
My Google search also gave this from a guy in Texas. http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20070810121143AApf9Tq
Interesting end result for your $$$. Not!
Thanks for sharing your experiences, everyone.
Think I’ll investigate Linked-In instead …
Well, well, well. Looks that I am another member of the Princeton community. Looks that they are going around the globe, since I am in Canada.
Same comments as the above. Bottom line, as with the $1,000,000 that are some place in Africa waiting for me to collect them, I think I will pass this one too…
Just got the same e-mail. Since I am a student, I originally thought I really won a scholarship at first, then as I read through it I was thinking, that since I’m only 21 I don’t need to have my “single highest mark of achievement.” quite yet.
Thanks for all of these pages to explain what’s what.
I’m actually in Norway, but I’m Canadian, so I guess it is a global pandemic.
wow. I received emails this year telling that I’ve won the lottery (several times btw), was asked to deposit a few millions on my account and now I just found I got in a very exclusive club (for which they invited a few million people already). Like this pretty soon I get a PhD by email.
I’ve almost had same experience, Richard Wellington called me early morning 2.24 AM (New York Time he said) at my Office in Beirut – lebanon with same context, gave sweet words, we became for a moment friends and finally wanted to have my Credit Card number for billing $598 – $ 798 (remember we are afcing inflation), I had to postpone him, he kept nagging and contacting me from USA all day long, since I’ve couple of US contacts, they lead me to this Blogpond, thanks Carrie.
Those people never stop, amazing
United, we can fight those scammers, if interested, please provide me with your esxperience, i will more than happy to have published worldwide
I’m in Australia and have also received this email a few times now. It looked a bit dodgey and not much on the net proved my suspicions otherwise!
Yep. I just got an email about the princeton-premier. I don’t even know how they got my work email. After reading this blog, I will just delete this email.
It is my pleasure to inform you that you are being considered for inclusion into the 2009-2010 Princeton Premier Business Leaders and Professionals Honors Edition section of the registry.
The 2009-2010 edition of the registry will include biographies of the world’s most accomplished individuals. Recognition of this kind is an honor shared by thousands of executives and professionals throughout the world each year. Inclusion is considered by many as the single highest mark of achievement.
You may access our application form using the following link:
Upon final confirmation, you will be listed among other accomplished individuals in the Princeton Premier Registry.
For accuracy and publication deadlines, please complete your application form and return it to us within five business days.
There is no cost to be included in the registry.
If you’ve already received this email from us, there is no need to respond again.
This email serves as our final invitation to potential members who have not yet responded.
On behalf of the Executive Publisher, we wish you continued success.
Jason Harris
Managing Director
Princeton Premier
Thanks All!!!
I work in IT and just had one of my users forward me one of these emails to verify that it is indeed spam.
Google brought me right to this blog.
This reminds me a lot of the old “Poetry Contests” Where you submit your poem, then you receive a letter a few weeks later saying that you have won and your poem will appear in their annual poetry collection book. Follow by “please send a check for $50 to receive your copy of the book”
Same scam version 2.0 😉
I received same. I am happy and pleased that someone wants to “honor” me. hahahaha. Oops, cost me money? Why? I thought an honor was an actual honor and done for free. Guess I am wrong.
The Princeton Premier is still going strong!
I knew I was great, but ‘the world’s most accomplished individual’ was too much even for my wildest narcissistic hour. They must be reading this blog, because Mr Jason Harris, Managing Director, signed his email ‘on behalf of the Executive Publisher’. Fast learner.
I, like everyone else, got this email. For all you trivia buffs (or possible fraud investigators – here’s hoping), here are some details of my experience:
– I am located in Toronto, Canada
– this site was #2 on google for me – #1 was http://www.princetonpremier.com (!)
– the Princeton Premier folks are probably reading this site because much of what is mentioned on this page as tip-offs that this is a scam has been revised for what I assume to be the latest version of the email which I received (follows). This revised version still contains a number of items that made me suspicious, but I’m not listing them as I am not going to be a party for improvements on the next version of this solicitation.
—–Original Message—–
From: Princeton Global Networks [mailto:info@varieddelivery.net]
Sent: Thursday, October 16, 2008 1:28 AM
Subject: Your Recent Nomination into The Princeton Premier
It is my pleasure to inform you that you are being considered for inclusion into the 2009-2010 Princeton Premier Business Leaders and Professionals Honors Edition section of the registry.
The 2009-2010 edition of the registry will include biographies of the world’s most accomplished individuals. Recognition of this kind is an honor shared by thousands of executives and professionals throughout the world each year. Inclusion is considered by many as the single highest mark of achievement.
You may access our application form using the following link:
http://www.formspring.com/forms/{exact location/file removed}
Upon final confirmation, you will be listed among other accomplished individuals in the Princeton Premier Registry.
For accuracy and publication deadlines, please complete your application form and return it to us within five business days.
There is no cost to be included in the registry.
If you’ve already received this email from us, there is no need to respond again.
This email serves as our final invitation to potential members who have not yet responded.
On behalf of the Executive Publisher, we wish you continued success.
Jason Harris
Managing Director
Princeton Premier
Marketing Systems supports ethical email marketing. To remove yourself from future mailings, please visit here to use our automated removal system, or simply reply to this email with “No Email” in the subject line. You will be removed from our mailing database within seven (7) days. 6089
Marketing Systems
5303A Middlebrook Pike South, Suite 210 – Knoxville, TN 37921 – USA
I too just received this wonderful offer. Thanks for the Blog. I always knew I was special, but, well, this was too good to be true.
I love how they say “dear professional” wtf? Put Princeton Premier and found this blog! Thanks Ya’ll!
Dear Professional,
It is my pleasure to inform you that you are being considered for inclusion into the 2009-2010 Princeton Premier Business Leaders and Professionals Honors Edition section of the registry.
The 2009-2010 edition of the registry will include biographies of the world’s most accomplished individuals. Recognition of this kind is an honor shared by thousands of executives and professionals throughout the world each year. Inclusion is considered by many as the single highest mark of achievement.
You may access our application form using the following link:
Upon final confirmation, you will be listed among other accomplished individuals in the Princeton Premier Registry.
For accuracy and publication deadlines, please complete your application form and return it to us within five business days.
There is no cost to be included in the registry.
If you’ve already received this email from us, there is no need to respond again.
This email serves as our final invitation to potential members who have not yet responded.
On behalf of the Executive Publisher, we wish you continued success.
Jason Harris
Managing Director
Phone: 888-767-7548
I received this e-mail
It is my pleasure to inform you that you are being considered for inclusion into the 2009-2010 Princeton Premier Business Leaders and Professionals Honors Edition section of the registry.
The 2009-2010 edition of the registry will include biographies of the world’s most accomplished individuals. Recognition of this kind is an honor shared by thousands of executives and professionals throughout the world each year. Inclusion is considered by many as the single highest mark of achievement.
You may access our application form using the following link:
Upon final confirmation, you will be listed among other accomplished individuals in the Princeton Premier Registry.
For accuracy and publication deadlines, please complete your application form and return it to us within five business days. There is no cost to be included in the registry.
If you’ve already received this email from us, there is no need to respond again. This email serves as our final invitation to potential members who have not yet responded.
On behalf of the Executive Publisher, we wish you continued success.
Jason Harris
Managing Director
Princeton Premier
For curiosity and after read this blog I submit my form.
Today I received a call from Daniel Wilson an he start the speech abut princeton. I play a little with him to see how fast he start to ask for money and he do it.
$895 for gold member plus $199 for the print.
$795 for silver member plus $199 for the print (that include a free plain ticket for 2 persons)
After few minutes of my complain because is very expensive he told me that exist a plan of $99 for a year.
Obiously is a scam.
I just got off the phone with a James Pike from PP and I was also led to believe it was free inclusion. I balked when he got to the memberships for $589 and $789. Looks like I was right to say no.
I’ve just had an invitation as well – and again I don’t know how thye got my work email as ‘ve only just started in the job!
Thanks to the blogg I now know what to do with it…………delete!!!
It is my pleasure to announce on being a proud Lifetime Member of the Princeton Premier Registry . I to received a phone call after submitting an email , that yes i did submit and fill out the questions . I was both charmed , surprised and excited . An account director was both professional and thorough . She answered all of my questions erased all of my suspicions and made me feel important . I am shocked on what i have read on Princeton Premier on this blog site . Since being a member of Princeton Premier i have been receiving the exposure and plenty of contacts within my same profession . They are a business publication , i couldn’t see where or why there could be so much hostility against such a serious publication . There are 1,000 ‘ s of publications out there , for what reason are you disgusted with Princeton Premier ?
Nice you deleted my entry .
“Jessica” It’s called comment moderation, many blogs use it to filter for sp*m and inappropriate content.
“Meg” filter spam and inappropriate content , and all this derogatory entry’s here , all these comments from professionals whom are not members ? That is OK to post . correct ?
These people are entitled to an opinion, as are you. You have had your turn. I’m very happy that you are so thrilled with your purchase, but that doesn’t mean it is right for everyone.
I received the same e-mail from PP at my job site. I am a special educator and thought that someone recommended me for this “honor”!?!
Just goes to show you how devious they could be !!!!!!!
Thank you so very much. It was a good idea to check this one out!! Because of all your experiences, I am a much more experienced person. Something just told me to check google and when it came up Princeton Premier Scam, I realized what was going on!!
Thank you and thank you all a million times.
Evelyn the educator
I’m another one who was fortunately googling and found this just in the middle of my credit card details. I was alerted by the stagy enthusiasm of Linda as she took down my info. Her refusal to give me time to think, to call back etc was the final nail in the coffin — SCAM. BTW, by now the price has gone down to $7.89, I suppose in an effort not to alert people, but who knows what follows once they have your details. Even if it’s more spam, not to mention the humiliation of falling for their scam, that’s enough!
I add my hearty thanks to you all.
Hello, I am in Washington DC and got this today. It looked suspicious and I checked their website. Thanks for all the posts.
Thanks for the blog information–PP is still going strong. I wonder how many folks bit!
Wow…..I am so glad I found you all! I just got a call on my cell phone from the 718-766-8626. And I keep getting a bunch of calls from “Unknown Number”. I never answer if I don’t recognize the number. I figure if someone really wants to talk to me, they will leave a legitimate message.
I hope lots more people find this site to stop them from being scammed!
Thanks for the blog. I just received the call and guess what I was accepted to the Princeton Premiere! I think the only way you are not accepted is if you are not breathing!
Thanks for the blog!
I am a 70 year old housewife that has been married to the same man for 50 years, have never been any kind of business executive. I think it’s hilarious that I should be in such a publication.
Man…just when I thought i’d ‘arrived’.
The trouble with this is that it probably does what it says, just not a well or as exclusively as implied. I’ve gone as far as submitting an application and I just spoke to ‘Lynda’ who will be my account manager for the next 5 years. Unfortunately “I left my company credit card at home today so will call back tomorrow.” Translation; If this website is full of people as average as me then I’d better google it before giving you $800.
I’m disappointed that my ego was nearly responsible for a moronic move that would only have indicated how much I didn’t deserve to be on the type of register it implies it is.
However if anyone has fallen foul of the scam I would be curious (perhaps morbidly) to find out what it actually provides?
Oh and Lynda if you happen to read this I’m sure you’ll understand not to wait up for my call-back tomorrow…
I am sure I am dissappointing the masses by turning down both Princeton and Cambridge who wanted to honor me …in the same week. How a state University grade could be so much Ivy League attention…I must be special! or my e-mail is on some website!
Beware according to a web search, “Manchester” is another name that will come up in this scam field.
They are still trying – I got the same email this morning via a work email address which is NOT listed on our website but is only listed once on one of our suppliers sites.
Having worked in computer security for over 12 years please remember the number ONE rule of email and internet use – NEVER give away personal information unless you initiate it – it will be a hoax.
This site and blog just confirms what I believed – good stuff
Peter – Adelaide, Australia
I’m an Australian living and working OS and I’ve received a couple of these over the past few months. Another arrived today. I normally register such stuff immediately as SPAM to our IT people, but since I actually do converse with people at Princeton Uni., on various issues, I thought that I may have been nominated through one of my associates. So I’ve just been filing these e-mails away, thinking I’ll attend to them when I get some time. Fortunately, too I have a suspicious mind – what is it about Aussies? – And I thought before I clicked on anything that might compromise my PC, I’d check these guys out on the Web. Fortunately, your site (an Australian one at that! And it looks really interesting!) came up. Thanks for all the info! After reading through the blogs I’ve sent this last one to our SPAM database, so hopefully I won’t be troubled by them again. Thanks for all the info!
Best regards to you all!
They’re still trawling. Their net came thisaway today but with the warnings above this little fish ducked.
Curious that Jessica Kan, the sole dissenting voice, above links to princetonpremier.com when I ‘mouseover’ her name. Paranoia; it goes all the way to 11.
Thank goodness for this thread – I just received my very first invitation to be a part of the auspicious “Princeton Premier Registry” and, being an academic and seeing a potential connection as to why I might be bestowed the honour of the invitation, I almost clicked the link. However, I quickly evaluated myself and concluded that I’m really not “that” special and so did a quick search and found all your lovely comments that help to confirm the results of my self evaluation. I am still waiting for my invitation to the Princeton Mediocrity Registry
I just got an “invitation” today as well. It is nice to think that someone consider you as ” special and world’s most accomplished individual”. However, being university researcher librarian and having a very very suspicious mind I did a quick search. You know, you can google anything today and fortunately I got your site. Surprise! Not that special after all! Another spam, another junk e-mail. Thank you for your comments.
And “best regards” to mr.Jason Harris from “Princeton Premier”. Nice try!
H.N. Australia
Well of course real Who’s Who’s of the world actually know your full name, and your real address and don’t email out of the blue, and actually have published volumes you can find in a search using, say, Google Scholar. They send you a printed form because you have to sign things. And they then try to get you to buy the book with your entry in it, in advance of its publication, which if you have any sense you don’t buy because you know what you wrote! So I was sure it was a scam. But nice to see my expectations so prolifically confirmed. Well done for maintaining this website!
thought my achievements were pretty discreet, and was surprised by quite how illustrious I had become!
This is still doing the rounds – I am based in Canada – and this blog is still one of the first hit-results on google (yay google). Thanks all!
LOL google this and this is where you end up. So thats one bonus atleast I am asured now that it was a scam I have recieved several so thought I’d google it to check wether a scam or not but I knew it was. I am a fairly new member to a forumn based on a car club I am a meber of. Now in the last 6months I have been recieving this email and several others which are similar. On the the address in which these are sent to(me) they have used an email address I have aquire since joining the committee of the car club and the forumn has a link to my email address which is only listed there. So I gather this is how they got my email address. It is in the public domain so its the price you pay I supose. Plus I have found that just by googling other peoples user names on ebay or other popular world wide web sites you can acsess many peoples details not private but enough to get you on your way so too say. Its funny but I have not recieved many spam emails before. a couple here and there but lately I have been getting 2/3 aday and this has been since Federal investigators shut down a big spam email racket a few months ago. LOL good work there I’d say.
Anyway thats my 2c worth and thats not from a Nigerian bank either so stick that in ya Princeton Premiers lists
I would not be surprised if they have not stumbled on to this forumn and have read the comments on here LOL
Get a dog up ya, ya evil scammers you!!!!!!
The below is a contribution I amde on a popular answers website….and have to revise and do battle with PP Co erasing and posting an ad in it’s place regularly.
It should be noted that if anyone has a biased opinion here, it is the last several posters, who apprently are with the company, and have only contributed to this site for this one purpose…ignoring many of the posting guidelines while doing so.
The response below, posted again here, includes the information of contributors along with me, as best I can remember (because the company erased those), as well as my own. And much of mine comes from various blogs and other research resources that, as noted, are available to all on most search engines. And even suggests other ways to independently check for yourself…rather than relying on the self serving statements of company and involved (I am not) contributors. However, at least the contribution above shows, along with it being an online community of – well look at the list – it’s one you will pay for!
Its wonderful that Wiki gets high billing on most Google searches…and perhaps thats a problem to some. The apparently commercial supporter trying to make this an advertisement area (the link is to the same information on thier emails/website, nothing independent) is one reason you should consider running other searches, perhaps to contact victims of the scam. Another idea – contact any Human Resources recruiter and ask what they would think of someone including their inclusion in this book as a thing of pride, or expecting benefit from it!
However, be aware, those same posters have erased all the prior discussions here…rudely (more than once – I now return the favor every so often) and may be doing so at other sites…..those discussion were along these lines: This is a rehash of the old scam to get your name in “Who’s Who of….”. Was done for decades…now it’s more electronic.
You’ve been selected for inclusion in an exclusive registry because of your status/standing (whatever) in a field, business, or whatever. It is an honor…and will get you even more esteem and respect because of its exclusivity and in depth screening process.
After providing the requisite info – and most importantly a payment, (apparently they didn’t know much about you to have decided you were just right for this major special honor)….you’ll find out that as they insist most people want to have the leather bound (or whatever) collector volume of the registry (book) that has them listed (I guess to show off to friends), along with all the other famous and notable people in it…a small fee of $100 (or name it) is all that is needed.
And yes they claim that even without the payment you will be in the book…but only subscribers actually get to see one……I’ve been invited…I am certainly a leader in my industry (officer in professional groups, a wall of honors, etc)….only thing they printed I know of with my name on it is their solicitation to get me to pay!
If it actually ever gets printed (and sent to those whose payments have cleared, it takes a while to put it all in order you know) or not….thats another story…sometimes yes, sometimes no. Apparently, the one with my solicitaion is still waiting to be printed, because again, neither I nor anyone I’ve ever spoken to (or been contacted by) has seen it.
Princeton Premier is not affiliated in any way with Princeton University, although it is clearly trying to imply that it has some academic reputation itself. Real professional awards and recognition don’t charge a fee as a qualification to be bestowed.
I received this as well,
The one immediate thing that really stank to high heaven in the letter was this sentence:
Inclusion is considered by many as the single highest mark of achievement.
Now that’s such a dead giveaway! Anyone who would consider inclusion into some list as their single highest mark of achievement has clearly never achieved anything in life – just like the non-achievers behind this pathetic scam.
I was suspicious when I iniatially received an invitation from Princeton Premier and spoke to “my account rep” this morning. Being in business so many years taught me to always follow up on intuitive feelings. My intuition forced me to further research Princeton Premier and this site popped up. I’m glad I followed up. If it’s too good to be true than it’s a hoax…Paying $$$$ to be honored by Princeton Premier…no thanks, my kids afford me that honor everyday!
Warmest regards Mr. Morris but no thank you!
I am in Ireland, I got the email, it looks a scam (and I google my way up to here), but it take me almost 5 second to cancel the email.
I guess I am getting older.
Thanks for the comments, and enjoy the summer!
By the way, Jason is now Jay Harris. Since they have targeted all of Australia, it is now time to move back to the Good ole’ USA.
I received this at work (in the UK). What I particularly like about the exclusivity of this “recognition” and “single highest mark of achievement” that I am “being considered for” as one “of the world’s most accomplished individuals” is the bit at the end….. “Forward this e-mail to a friend”!!!!
There’s one born every minute
Thank God I decided to investigate before registering!!!! Google is Awesome! if it wasn’t for this article….
Thank you all for sharing your experiences…
Its kinda weird to know that you are being honoured when you have just GRADUATED!!!! HA HA HA Funny right???? Besides I’m from India… According to some of you this mail has mostly been circulated in Australia. Where did they get my email id anyway???
Thank you guys once again!!!
God Bless You All
Well… it has now reached Europe, so it seems these guys are targeting everyone that can draw a breath I was tempted to reply back saying….
“Dear Mr Harris, thank you for your letter and as the 4th cousin of the late Prince Hamoundi the 3rd of the great Nigerian nation I would like to invite your honorable company to help us retrieve the funds of $15,000,000 that are in a closed account due to the early death of my dear cousin… please send us your bank details, credit card details, underwear size and favourite colour and we will provide you with a commision of 20% of the afore mentioned amount as well as a free vacation in the Royal Palace of Jamounda”
Glad to have found this thread…..this Princeton Premier email has now made it to Canada! I have warned my fellow co-workers.
All the best.
I just received my first invite, and deleted without a second thought then just for kicks and because I was board this morning decided to Google it. Only really leaving a comment because it appears that I am the first from NZ to post here. Have fun and keep deleting this crap!
Thanks all for sharing. It is now in Toronto. Do they really think they can continue this spam?!?
Take care and … enjoy your continued success:)
Just got my first one.
Hello all…
The scam is in the US too – I just received today and live in KS.
I knew I smelled a RAT! Glad I checked into it.
This is not so much of a scam, they are selling membership to Buiness Networking, they sent me the letter, I filled it out and they called me, they charge for you to appear on the recognition book and have contacts to do Networking in your business. It is extraordinary expensive but is nothing to be scared, for me it was a waste of my time but for those who are interested in doing Networkingand getting to know people all over the USA for your business is a good oppt.
Hope this helps.
P.S. With the memebership they give you Airline Tickets for anywhere in the USA.
Has to be a Scam. I’ve been retired for 7 years and my name doesn’t appear at any of the work sites where I was employed. This is just another internet scam. Look at the website address. There is nothing about the e-mail address that is associated with any legitimate business or a business format for the address. This is the first one I’ve received from them but it’s obviously a pfishing expedition. Received 12/15/2008.
I’m glad I was a little suspicious when I got my “invitation.” Google is a wonderful thing!
Anne’s last blog post..Deal Made Over Lead-Laced Toys
Still doing the rounds in Australia…
Interresting some want to say it isn’t a scam…that they responded and found that it was an offer to join an expensive online chat and “business networking” community.
(Like any number of those aren’t available for free anyway).
So why do they email with the whole “inclusion in who’s who”, greatest achievment of many, etc….and never mention the whole on line thing?
Seems to me advertising one thing and selling another fits the definiton of a scam!
Thank you. I too thought it suspicious that I was so honoured. Something for nothing is always dubious to say the least. Thanks to this blog and Google I saved myself research time etc. If the authorities can’t get them then at least this limits their market.
Hi all, I am here in northern Maine U S and I got my invitation on the 16th.They seem to be as busy as Santa on Christmas eve! Thanks for the heads up.I think we should start our own registry of all of us who were invited.I bet each of us has a unique story about our selves that proves how special you all are.That we probably could sell!
Given that my most recent career track record has looked a little like a train wreck (real estate, Sydney, Australia – need I say more?), I was a little dubious to hear that my “career excellence” had been recognised.
FYI, the “unsubscribe” option with “no email” in the subject line doesn’t work – no surprises there really.
Oh well, it appears that I am not THAT special after all – I have also received this bogus email. Perhaps I can join the honorary (and rather large) list of people who simply won’t respond! Thanks for the one-up, guys!
The 2009/2010 edition is out. I see that they figured out the reference to the managing director signing on behalf of the managing director. Now it’s on the behalf of the entire Princeton Premier Community.
Add another back-woods Mainer to the list of people who already know we shouldn’t have to pay money to feel good about ourselves.
Lo and behold! appears they’ve gone international as I’m in Canada. Now, I know I do darn good work, but my mantra when someone is being a little too picky on a particular project is that it won’t end up in the Smithsonian, so ease up. Now I get an email saying I’m outstanding. Wow! Well, my family thinks I’m special, and I’m sure a few colleagues might even think I’m pretty good. But deserving of ‘special’ mention in a Premier publication…
Received my invite this morning – in Toronto, ON, Canada.
I normally just delete this kind of rubbish (of which I receive about 10 a day), but was curious about the name so “googled” it and found this blog. Glad people are spreading words of caution.
Still, when I think of the poor folks who unfortunately have been defrauded by this scam, it just seems so unfair that these crooks can get away with this stuff.
I am from Alberta, Canada and am glad to share this worldwide honour with all of you. I am so shocked to hear this is a scam and not my boss recognizing all the hard work I have done this past year! LOL.
Have a Merry Christma and I hope everyone spent their money on legitimate gifts.
From Leiden, the Netherlands. Now I realise how worldwide, this is. I received their email surprisingly some time ago, and did what i always do, check . Looked at their website, and passed it over. Today, I just got another letter from them and googled and voila! this site a few other discussion sites . Someone’s feeding on the human need to feel special and important. No thanks !
Despite my intial disappointment at being sucked in like a fool, I am quite pleased to be part of the elite group that is this blog
Add me to the list. Thanks for keeping this around so I knew it was bunk.
Now in India too. Two emails in 12 hours.
Thank-you guys for keeping this blog up!
Unfortunately, another victim…. My husband talked to a young lady and fell hook, line and sinker for the scam. His understanding was that they would send him some information and he could decide what to do. Well, last week I happened to notice a $608 debit from our account!!!! He is now working with the police on the fraud charge, but it is such a hassle. Thanks for this site.
I’m a bit cheesed, actually. Instead of telling me I’d definitely be in their marvelous book if I was silly enough to send them a lot of info about myself, they only told me they felt privileged “to inform you that you are being considered for inclusion” in it!!
Oh, well. So much for fame at last!
OMG – me too
They have arrived in Ottawa, Canada
I am not from Australia but thanks for the information. I too googled this firm once receiving an e-mail. In doing so I found your blog. This is helpful information. Thanks a bunch!
The scam continues into the UK…..don’t believe a word of the flattery!
You wouldn’t take a phone call of this nature seriously would you !
Well done for creating this mini site !
It is obviously the UK’s turn, received the email today. I’ll not be replying and I’ll be asking why MEssagelabs didn’t block it in the first place.
No2 on Google.
Yup – UK is on the hitlist now – but I now have a curiosity point having seen this blog (which is great btw) and the appearance “Princeton” started down under.
I was wondering how they came up with my name – and now wonder if they have cracked into some Aus databases. I am a Canadian living in London – but do a lot of business with Aus business and Gov’t groups.
Any of the other UK targets connected to Australian Business or Austrade etc?
I am sure they would like to know if they are being tapped into!
I got one of these a few days ago in the UK. I have no Aus connections but do a fair bit with the US so I’m assuming that’s where they got my details from. Reminds me of that International Who’s Who thing that did the rounds some years back. If what you do is worth international recognition – believe me it will be recognised whether you want it to or not!
I must be really special and privileged… they have just sent me a second invite! (Exclusivity is still rather spoiled by the ‘send it to a friend’ exhortation at the end of the e-mail).
I recieved this invite over the holidays as well.
Interestingly I am a Canadian working in London for a large multinational.
Don’t know how they recieve my work email.
thanks for the site and the postings!
Same crap in Harrisburg, PA, USA. Just received the email today.
I never got a callback after my initial post in this thread so I guess PP are reading it. All the more reason to keep the posts coming – perhaps they’ll give in soon.
It’s now arrived in Coventry UK – incredible. Many thanks for the warnings.
I recieved the exact same email. It’s clearly a scam. Such an honour would come via the postal services and would list what it is you are being honoured for, as well as an invite for you and a guest to attend some kind of reception and/or ceremony. They want your money!
GREAT. . . I thought for a moment that I was special. I’m a teacher and thought for a moment that someone really cared about what I do. HA . . . I should have known better.
-Hot Springs, Arkansas (USA)
Hey hey! And now they have come to lowly South Dakota…. I am a musician and surely cannot be in a registry of which I have never heard! I have been in other books when I was getting my masters degree but, really, how important are these things??? I appreciate all of you who have written of your experiences.
Just got mine today…What sounded the bells for me was the line at the bottom :
“foward this email to a friend”…
Thanks for the info…I hope more people googles it and gets informed. I am in the US .
Hello AnaMaria
It is a privilege to inform you that you are being considered for inclusion into the 2009/2010 Princeton Premier Honors Edition Registry.
This recognition is an honor shared by only the most accomplished professionals who have demonstrated excellence within their careers and communities.
Inclusion into the Princeton Premier global network is considered a benchmark of achievement. Once accepted, your successes are documented and preserved for all time in the hardcover registry, which is distributed throughout the world.
There is no cost to be included in the registry. Simply complete your application form and submit it within five business days to be considered for publication.
You may access our application form using the following link:
(link deleted)
On behalf of the entire Princeton Premier community, best wishes for continued success.
Frank Thomas
Managing Director
Princeton Premier
This offer from Princeton Premier complies with 15 U.S.C. §§ 7701-13
Forward this email to a Friend
These are still coming out! I just received the exact same thing other users have mentioned, practically verbatum.
I received a call this morning from a lady at Princeton Premier who was so kind and sounded very real and genuine about my accomplishments. I felt honored to be on the Princeton honor list!! Little did i know it was a hoax until i read all these comments. Its unbelievable that it has happened to me…after many years of taking serious caution about giving my credit card details to people or organizations i don’t know! I gave out my credit card details but had the card canceled immediately after a gut feeling that something was amiss and now reading these comments. Thanks for getting them out!
Hmm, how can I be a beacon of success when I’m only just starting down that road, not even having graduated my Masters yet? Maybe I became such in my dreams and they somehow found out about it. Or maybe I’ve got MPD and I never knew? What’s more concerning is that clearly this guy has researched spam systems and how to get past them, as the SpamAssassin software my hosting company uses didn’t catch this, and usually it’s right on the money, if not a little over-zealous. I’d like to be known for what I’ve actually done, not what someone thinks I’ve done, thanks. I won’t delete this, as I’m going to keep it as an example of what not to fall for, plus advise my friends about it. I will admit he had me until I went and searched for the company online. Still going strong as of 08/01/2009.
Hussein Patwa’s last blog post..And the first nutter of 2009 is…
We’ve all got it…this is a rotten scam…a ploy on one thats been around for ages.
WHAT WORRIES ME NOW – is Catherine (a few above), is saying they are now beginning phone solicitaion…maybe getting blocked by enough systems as spam – with enough consumer fraud/legal authority pursuers, that they are now turning to more direct conventional swindling…hopefully in their dying breaths…although likely to then open under a different anme and compan….premiering now “The Harvard Honors” !
Not only do they send emails, but yes they have now started calling as well. I initially thought that they were legitimate given that I belong to a number of other highly respectable professional organizations. Having just renewed my membership with one of the associations I belong to, I initially thought that somehow my name had been forwarded on to these folks. Not knowing what a bunch of scam artists they really are. The minute their rep started pressuring me to pay up for their membership and wouldn’t take no for answer nor would he send information in the mail, I knew they weren’t on the level. They bring a whole new meaning to the words “Slick, Slicker and Slickest”. Heck, they even make used car salesmen look good.
Ok its official!!! Princeton Premier is not a scam!!…they are a publishing company located in NYC…
Ive been doing research on pp and they do exactly what they say they do. They are very similar to Madison who’s who, Presidential Who’s who and Cambridge Who’s who.
These companies are not scams, they offer various services to professionals to assist them in business such as networking,consulting etc. and also publish professionals biographies in their book and C.D. rom.
After being contacted a while back from a Richard Wellington and researching the industry, i applied for pp on their homepage already knowing about their 99$ 1 year membership because i had a plan. I was contacted 2 days later by a Scott Morris and proceeded with the interview. I told him i was only able to afford the 1 yr membership and could only process it with my 150$ rebate from at&t which came in the form of a visa debit card( obviously did not want to risk my credit card ) and he said it was fine to process it with that. “we accept debit cards so im sure it would process” he said.
Two weeks later i recieved everything he said i would. It came in a fancy folding package with a certificate, welcoming letter, my biography in rough draft format to make changes, their logo and seal,a press release,a username and password for their website( which is similar to facebook) and a reciept that fully detailed my package which came out to 118.95$ after s/h.
I still had my remainding funds on my rebate debit card and everything was smooth. So with that being said, i really dont see how they are a scam. The only negativity that i would point out is that their name is somewhat mis-leading being that their a NYC based company but for the most part they are Ligit. I’m NOT saying im a proud member who has made millions off their business contacts but im also NOT saying that they scammed me. To be honest, whoever started this whole who’s who industry is a genius. I think this would be a great product for an individual who is very ego driven and eager to further his/her business. Its obviously not for everyone, but fear them not my friends..Princeton Premier is not a scam.
Well I’m glad to see so many aussies being so assertive. I not only got an email (very suspect) but a phone call yesterday (very suspect) and hilariously the same guy today who didn’t realise he doubled up…so I understood that his intentions were to get a sale….FOLKS BE AWARE…They will ask you for your credit card details on the phone. I asked why they didn’t offer me a 2 week free website trial for me to clarify not only what was inside the website, but to know that they were legitimate. James (my caller) then put me on the phone to an Indian man claiming to be a Dr..???. I told them that no Australian business professional would consider handing over banking details and why did they choose me anyway. I am involved in a Commonwealth sport that Americans know nothing about. Dr *** told me that many Australians were members and he then (a great laugh) proceeded to ask me whether James had done a good job on the telephone ‘as he hadn’t been getting the sales’….well that’s when I knew it was a true scam and then clicked on my first google page and came straight here. Aussie’s are stupid…so I sent them a polite email to inform them that they must have a good read of this page and please stop annoying us over in down-under
Stuart Miles
What I find amazing is that the so called “supporters” of Princeton Premier all originate from the same IP address. Hmmm – wonder if Stuart’s comment coincides with your email to them Clare? 😉
Shame, shame, shame…
Hi all,
I just got my first invitation this morning in Provo, Utah. At first, I felt really good about myself. As a research scientist with a number of publications, I first thought they got my info from on-line sources. If you google my name, it will list about six of my latest research articles. But what made me think was that I have been at my new position for only six months, and none of my publications lists my current e-mail address. “Something is not right about this” my gut instinct was telling me. I wanted to believe it, thinking I was finally getting some recognition for all my hard work, but it just sounded too good to be true.
Like the rest of you, I googled “Princeton Premier Honors Edition Registry” and found his website.
I guess now I can say I belong that large group of people who have all been invited into the PP registry.
Thank you all for sharing your stories. I will not be filling out the on-line registration form.
Hi all,
Im in Brisbane Australia and I received an email about 8 mths ago and must have responded with some interest to it as they rang me back just after but I couldnt talk and they were supposed to ring back about a day or 2 later . They ( a guy called Richard ) rang me again 2 days ago to say that I was being considered for the next listing and we had to move very quickly . Richard was very smooth in doing a phone intervirew and going thru my career and history and achievements and then informed me that he was able to confirm my inclusion on the basis of my great responses Id provided . After the feel good discussion the hard sell then began starting with the life listing etc etc down to the 1 year listing . This is when it started to get suspicious and when I said id only consider it further after being given a few days to think about it and be happy to talk again in a few days he said that if we didnt resond now wed miss this listing and wed have to wait another year .
He then exited very quickly … something very very fishy about it for sure . Keep up the responses
I was not as fortunate as the rest of you. I wish I would have researched them beforehand.
I fell for this scam. I filled out their form after I got the spam in the email. They called my job three times a day until I finally answered. I spoke to a salesman who told me the membership was 5.89. When I saw I was charged over 600 I called immediately attempting to get my money back but noone answered the phone. They were very persistent in getting me to give them my credit card information but after they got my money it was impossible to get in touch with them.
I contacted my credit card company and told them about this scam and they temporarily refunded my money saying they would investigate the situation. a few months later these scam artists charged me another 200 dollars for a book I didn’t even agree to buy!
All together they charged me over 800 dollars that I am still trying to get back…
The whole experience has been a nightmare. I don’t know how they get away with this stuff
Stay as far away from them as possible
Hello everybody,
it reaches Stuttgart, Germany. My boss got the mentioned e-Mail today. I am very happy finding this site. So I can tell my boss that the mail is spam. Because of your numerous articles… Thanks!
I got this e-mail today in Kansas, USA in my company email. Sounded kinda fishy I would have just deleted but it was to my company email and I NEVER get spam in that account! Glad I found this page! I will NOT be falling for their scam! Thanks!
Wow, I’m a Cashier and i got that wonderful “invitation”. I am just glad that I am not a stupid cashier. Thanks for the heads up on these scammers!!!
I received one of these also, but they have never asked for any money. I actually did join and have enjoyed meeting many nice people. To date, I have never been asked for 1 cent and it has allowed me meet and make friends with people in other industries. It has been a blessing to my business. I wonder if there is more than one of these since they didn’t ask me for any money and so far I have found everything to be legitimate.
Yes, it happened! I got my second invitation today to join the PP review. I am in Provo, Utah (USA). I was wondering if it was going to happen, based upon past comments. I guess because I did not fill out the form “…within five business days…” they are thinking a second invite might entice me to do so.
I am wondering if I will get a third or even multiple invitations. Will keep everyone posted.
Thanks to you all for the comments. I smelt a fish but whilst one wants to support genuine initiatives, this is serious and dangerous.
Got it this morning in Vancouver, Canada. I was going to delete it since it was a bit over-the-top for something I’d never heard of, then decided, out of curiosity, to Google it and came across this blog. Thanks to all who’ve posted.
I was recently contacted by a Representative from Princeton Global Network informing me about this website criticizing and questioning the ethics of there company. I am a simple man of moral value and few words and can attest Princeton Global Network is a legitimate, well organized and respected company. To read the atrocity posted on this web site can be considered slander. Why tarnish the reputation of an organization that helps small businesses network there company to other companies trying to get off there feet. There network has greatly affected my business in only positive ways and I will thank them by saying these few words on there behalf and I hope that other members will stand up on there behalf as well.
Rich….very clearly…by not just this but all the thousands, maybe tens of thousands of posts on different sites, and on going legal/consmer/criminal investigations from several continents…
And pretty much just as clearly, you ain’t any of the things you claim to be either.
[…] Princeton Premier Honors Edition Registry. Anyone else who is suitably accomplished please visit http://blogpond.com.au/2008/02/21/princeton-premier/ and read the comments. Possibly related posts: (automatically generated)I Love Spam! Especially […]
Thanks, all – my boss got the email this AM at work, and am I ever glad that I checked it out!
He was pretty impressed with himself until I broke the news 😉
Oh, well – at least you were all here to save the day & we didn’t submit anything!
My boss received a large padded envelope this morning from Princeton Premier. It was a welcome package – containing a “snazzy” certificate of achievement and a cd rom registry. Also included was another scan called Fly Free America – check out the website: http://www.flyfreegiftcard.com/
According to the Customs Declaration form on the enveloope they paid $US10 to post this out. They have also inserted an invoice to the back of all the paperwork – $849 for platinum membership and $39.95 for the international shipping.
Absolute joke…
Hello Lawrence,
It is a privilege to inform you that you are being considered for inclusion into the 2009/2010 Princeton Premier Honors Edition Registry.
This recognition is an honor shared by only the most accomplished professionals who have demonstrated excellence within their careers and communities.
Inclusion into the Princeton Premier global network is considered a benchmark of achievement. Once accepted, your successes are documented and preserved for all time in the hardcover registry, which is distributed throughout the world.
There is no cost to be included in the registry. Simply complete your application form and submit it within five business days to be considered for publication.
You may access our application form using the following link:
[link removed]
On behalf of the entire Princeton Premier community, best wishes for continued success.
Jay Harris
Managing Director
Princeton Premier
Thanks to your listing – I will not being going ahead
New domain name is princetonmembers.com but similar email. Jay Harris out of NY is registrant as of Dec 12, 2008. Online form leads to a formdesk.com page and the link that takes you there is princetonmembers.com/c/c/2/34/32315
First the link lead to a form here http://fd8.formdesk.com/pgn/form2
It now leads to a new and improved form at http://fd8.formdesk.com/pgn/New
Buyer beware. At it again….
It’s amazing how hard it is getting to tell the real from the fake. When I teach E-mail Phishing to my students, I will be sure to include this one. This stuff is taking too long to determine if it is real or fake.
It’s nice to be honored these days for work that seems to go unnoticed, but this is not the way to get honored.
Like the woman said above, I honor you all for getting here and checking these comments in the first place. The other people unfortunately did not have the skills to know the difference. This is where educating the masses helps. I will have to include this one in my http://www.alphacomputer.ca/Alpha_Computer_Blog.htm page.
Thanks for all the good information everyone.
Alpha Computer’s last blog post..Staying Organized On Your Computer
Well, it’s a new year, and the infamous e-mail has reached New Hampshire, USA. Many thanks to all of you for confirming my suspicions!
This scam has hit the Toronto, Canada region, and I have enjoyed reading the extensive blogging commentary! This exercise demonstrates the freedom of the internet press, and highlights the classic advice, “caveat emptor”. I will now return to collecting my Nigerian inheritance just as soon as I give my banking information to the kind soliciter offering me this special opportunity!
Take care out there…
The scam has reached New Zealand.
The PP guys seem to have taken some of the comments in this thread on board and are now signing off “On behalf of the entire Princeton Premier community”.
Also, “Jason Harris, Managing Director” has been replaced by “James Lyons, Director”
Yes, the scam reached New Zealand.
Please keep this site No.1 on google! It’s currently No.2! We need it to stay No.1 to keep people awake.
This scam is back in Ottawa, Canada. I am so honoured to be recognized in such high places!
Depends on how you define a scam as to whether or not this fits. Presumably they are not closed down because they do what they say they will do. IMHO what they say they will do has zero value to me and indeed zero value to just about anyone except the proprietors of the website.
The likes of LinkedIn offer inclusion in a useful directory which offers much more value for significantly less money to many more people. It is a no brainer.
Interestingly, on January 28 2009 their website states “Reserve your copy today to receive it in time for the first quarter of 2008”. no thanks.
Got it too a few months ago and again today. I don’t know why they write “the most accomplished professionals who have demonstrated excellence within their careers and communities” since I’ve been out of school for only a year – so I don’t feel I’ve accomplished much in a year – and I’m a selfish bastard who doesn’t do much for its community!
So I think it will join its friend in the Spam folder.
Shucks. Now in Montreal. And I thought I was special
Hey guys, I really don’t have time now for all this stuff (great discussion by the way – THANK YOU!!). My PayPal account has been compromised and I need to reconfirm my banking details right away!!! Eddy.
Ah, I received this mail this morning on my PDA and was tentatively pleased. Although when I tried to access the link they attached to the mail, it seems that it’s been removed, the link directed me to a page that said “you requested a form that is not available anymore”, the link was
My email came from:-
On behalf of the entire Princeton Premier community, best wishes for continued success.
James Lyons
Princeton Premier
Good ole rubbish people who think everyone is thick…..!
Back to Australia today, i received one this morning from Jay Harris – luckily i found this website. I can’t believe it’s been going this long!
I must be REALLY special as they have just sent it to me for the third time. All I will say is I am not touching it with a barge pole…and my job is fraud prevention.
….maybe we are all special and don’t know about it! In any case, I prefer anonymity at this stage.
Thanks for sharing.
Its back to the UK and like many others I thought why me!!!!!
Thanks for the blog, its been helpful
Thank you again to everyone who has posted their experience here. I’d like to hope that this has helped prevent many hard working people part with cash for little or no return. And kudos to you for researching a little and arriving here.
I have recently received a different invitation – again to a non existent person on my domain (heh – maybe they share email lists), and I fear it is a similar set-up, though I cannot find any direct connection to the folks at Princeton Premier.
Continental Who’s Who
January 30th, 2009
Welcome to our Inner Circle.
Inclusion in our prestigious organization is a career milestone only available to those who have demonstrated exceptional professional knowledge, expertise and client service- and I think you quintessentially meet those standards.
Our forum enables you to be reached by thousands of professionals and your peers with the purpose of doing business with you. Simply put- Members are friends you haven’t met yet.
I want to thank you for helping us to create a stronger platform.
Much Continued Success,
George Malone
Executive Director
33 West Hawthorne Avenue Valley Stream, NY 11580. Continental Who’ s Who is not affiliated with Marquis Who’s Who or any other publisher that uses the words Who’ s Who in their title. This campaign is for listing in our publications. Please withdraw my E-mail.
Cursory investigations led me to an interesting discussion at http://www.scam.com/showthread.php?p=699340
Interestingly the registrant of http://www.cwwnationwide.com – Kenneth McCarthy – is also the signatory on the email reported. Also mentioned is Madison Who’s Who.
Kenneth Mccarthy
Registered through: GoDaddy.com, Inc. (http://www.godaddy.com)
Domain servers in listed order:
For complete domain details go to:
Whois Server Version 2.0
Domain names in the .com and .net domains can now be registered
with many different competing registrars. Go to http://www.internic.net
for detailed information.
Registrar: GODADDY.COM, INC.
Whois Server: whois.godaddy.com
Referral URL: http://registrar.godaddy.com
Name Server: NS1.POWWEB.COM
Name Server: NS2.POWWEB.COM
Status: clientDeleteProhibited
Status: clientRenewProhibited
Status: clientTransferProhibited
Status: clientUpdateProhibited
Updated Date: 17-jun-2008
Creation Date: 17-jun-2008
Expiration Date: 17-jun-2009
I reckon I should write about this one separately too.
Y’all are fools passing up this great honor.
They Princeton Premier is flying me to Nigeria for my induction ceremony next week in fact! I already bought my ticket!..waitaminute…
Aussies are always suspicious of ‘tall poppies’, ever willing to cut them down to size…. a book that is essentially just a big fat ego grandstanding exercise is a perfect target for this… and would always be viewed as a load of BS (except, of course, if it was a book about our amazing sporting prowess!). Im wondering if anyone has alerted Princeton University to this pathetic scam? Im sure they would be horrified to find their name has been sullied by these scamsters? They may have the money and might to close these ratbags down? Aussies… keep on keeping it real x
I’m not sure if this is a variation on the theme or Princeton are trying a name change thank to all the charming pr they’re getting on here. Anyway, here it comes…
It is my pleasure to inform you that on December 17, 2008 your information was reviewed and accepted for inclusion in the 2009 edition.
Presidential Who’s Who Each year, recognizes and selects key executives, professionals and organizations in all disciplines and industries for outstanding business and professional achievements.
This recognition is shared by those who have reached a distinguished level of success in their chosen profession.
Please take a moment to complete the invitation by clicking on the link below. We ask that you complete it carefully, as it will be reviewed by our editorial department.
2009 Edition of Presidential Who’s Who
As a reminder, Presidential Who’s Who is pleased to inform you that there are no fees or dues to be included in the publication.
On behalf of the CEO and our esteemed staff, we wish you continued success.
MarkAnthony McGuiness
Chief Operations Officer
Presidential Who’s Who
Please complete the online link by Feb. 6
I’m so popular…
We are Canadian and my husband received one too. I was immediately suspicious that it was a phishing scam (the whole thing sounds too generic) and googled it, found your blog. So, thank you!
Natasha’s last blog post..Stalker songs for when she just doesn’t appreciate your fingernail clippings in a locket
Yep, I have received one too. Thanks for all your experiences with this mob…I didn’t think for a moment that I was ‘that’ special in deserving such veneration! Needless to say that the email has been swifty added to my delete box!
On receipt of the email on 12th Feb 2009 I was immediately suspicious, checked out some blogs and deleted it. I also forwarded to our IT dept to ensure no one falls for it and parts with any cash.
I received a similar invitation too; I am a lecturer at Griffith University, Queensland Australia. For me that “honour†sounded a little odd, and I was smelling a rat, and now I understand why. Be careful here.
Hey there all – I am an Aussie who has been working in Singapore for the last 3 years and received the email to my work address.
Like others, I initially though, wow – finally someone has noticed…
Thanks for the blog – I will steer clear.
I just received the same e-mail. I’m located in Washington, DC so this obviously appears to be a worldwide scam.
This apparent scam that Princeton Premier is running seems to be a direct play on appealing to your ego and the desire which many people have to be recognized and “appreciated.”
Thanks everyone. I am in Kampala and just received the email. It sounded too good to be true and on accessing this site, my suspicions were confirmed – My morning bubble has been burst though.
Princeton has struck in the US as well. Again, thanks for the blog informing us of the scam. I suspected the post was not for my benefit, as much as they tried to sell me (by preying on my ego) on how it could help. Most of the unsolicited e-mail I get is simply a chance for someone else to share what little I have.
Thanks for keeping this at the top of Google so we can easily stay informed before we entangle ourselves in these schemes.
I’m a Canadian from B.C. and just received my first “Princeton” invitation today – glad for a thread that makes it all clear. Not that my heart leaped at the thought that I was somebody special – too much of a skeptic for that.
Sounds very similar to a lot of the “Who’s Who” stuff, of which there appear to be many versions. No charge, but a hefty cost to buy the book with your name in it – presumably, you’re so flattered to be considered that you buy one for you and all your family.
I just received this email…googled it and found all of your comments. Thanks for posting this….I have sent the email to the trash. They have now moved on to the U.S. so you Aussies are not the only special people…
I got this too last week and another one just arrived in my inbox today, gladly I googled it and found this blog. I’m in HK — Priceton is obviously establishing their business in the Asia region!
I also just received the email and I am living in the Netherlands and of course immediately suspicious. Start searching on Google and reading all this I absolutely know what to do –> trash box!
Thanks for posting @all!
Hello all,
I’m living in the Netherlands and received the discussed Princeton invitation today as well.
I too got suspicious on the spot so I googled a bit and thanks to this blog I was convinced as well that this email is just a lot of spam. There’s only 1 spot for it indeed: trashbox.
Thanks for all comments, it has been a big help!
Hi all,
I think we got another variant FAX’d to our office in Provo, Utah, USA this morning. They gave it to me becuase they know I am a fan of this blog and have hung my other invitations on my office door. It is not addressed to any individual, but says pretty much the following:
ATTENTION: Owner/Manager
Februrary 25th, 2009
We are pleased to inform you that you and your business have been selected to be published for free in the 2009/2010 Edition of Princeton Who’s Who of Executives, Professionals, and Entrepreneurs.
On Februrary 24th, your candidacy was approved. Your prompt response is needed to ensure your correct information is published. For accuracy purposes, please be sure to fill out the information below and FAX it back to ___-___-____ at the earliest opportunity.
The office of Managing Director appoints individuals based upon candidate’s current position and usually with information obtained from research executive and professional listings. The Director thinks that you may make an interesting biographical subject, as achievement is what Who’s Who is all about.
The whole thing looks like a form letter with the FAX number pasted onto it.
I’ll hang this on my offfice door with my other invitations.
I just had a call myself – glad to see it is a spam – they wanted 900.00!!
Are they trying to say they are affiliated with Princeton U.??
Gill – Vancouver BC
Hello from London everyone. The Princeton invitation arrived with me this morning. I was just about to celebrate the biggest achievement of my life when I found this blog. Oh well, back to the drawing board…
Still, they’ve brought a lot of people around the world together, though not in the way they hoped!
You should report that fax to the federal trade commision, they are probably sending out millions of those out everyday to do not call numbers. You should also add your number to the federal do not call list as well for future reference.
– Jeff
Thank you, Jeff. You are probably right.
Well, it finally happened, my third invitation by e-mail here in Provo, Utah, USA.
It has been changed slightly-they appear to be upgrading me to the “Honors” status. Here it is below.
Dear Steven,
It is my pleasure to inform you that you are being considered for inclusion into the 2009-2010 Princeton Premier Business Leaders and Professionals Honors Edition section of the registry.
The 2009-2010 edition of the registry will include biographies of the world’s most accomplished individuals. Recognition of this kind is an honor shared by thousands of executives and professionals throughout the world each year. Inclusion is considered by many as the single highest mark of achievement.
You may access our application form using the following link:
[link ommitted]
Upon final confirmation, you will be listed among other accomplished individuals in the Princeton Premier Registry.
For accuracy and publication deadlines, please complete your application form and return it to us within five business days.
There is no cost to be included in the registry.
If you’ve already received this email from us, there is no need to respond again.
This email serves as our final invitation to potential members who have not yet responded.
On behalf of the Executive Publisher, we wish you continued success.
….and I thought I was somebody……..its emotionally crushing to have ones fragile ego deflated by crass commersialism. I think I will crawl into a dark corner and have an existensial crisis.
Thanks for the intell. I received the e-mail invite to my work address today. I am in Hong Kong. The e-dm copy immediately sets off the BS meter, yet the approach is certainly more polished than most of this kind and, as such, more dangerous. Princeton’s legal counsel should be onto this.
i got one of these today and was immediately suspicious, especially since our IT people already had it diverted to junk mail as possible phishing. while i know i’m special (i wear a helmet EVERYWHERE) i’ll not be giving them any money.
Thanks for this post.
I’am French writer and I received today this “invitation” for my inclusion into the 2009-2010 Princeton Premier Business Leaders and Professionals Honors Edition.
The phrase “Upon final confirmation, you will be listed among other accomplishemed individuals etc.” was immediately suspicious.
In French we say: “C’est un ARNAQUE: un truc bidon pour deplumer les cons”.
One year, just for kicks, I filled out a application, but declined to send cash. For some mysterious reason, I never heard from them again!
Hello –
I received my Princeton Premier nomination today in California. It was signed off “on behalf of the Executive Publisher…Sincerely, Jason Harris, Managing Director.” I am a public employee (non-management) who works in a cubicle. My invitation also stated that “this email serves as our final invitation to potential members who have not yet responded.” Funny thing is, I don’t recall receiving any previous notices. It smelled funny so I googled their name and found this Web site. Thank you all for your input.
I have absolutely been cracking up at some of the funny comments I have read so far!! I got my 2nd email from Princeton Premiere just now. I am a private school teacher in Alabama (USA) so something just doesn’t seem right about this….
I have the same experience I did response to an email an then a guy called me named “James Pikes”. How interesting the conversation and suddenly he was asking how I pay the membership. When I started asking how would I know that the person is genuine then he started to change to tone and wanted me to get my credit card for payment for $149/year or a five year membership for $699. This guy would never stop ringing me until now. I suspected it is a scam and google it and I end up in this website. Thanks for this website.
The final invitation that you’ll no doubt receive 5 more times this month. This organization is pathetic and will do anything to get you to part with your money from spamming to scamming. The membership has no value whatsoever. Avoid like the plague.
It has also reached Denmark now – this invitation seems to be all over the place..
Having received my third invitation to join the illustrious league of those whose myriad brilliant accomplishments are supposedly honoured by Princeton Premier I remained somewhat annoyed at their persistence, somewhat bemused as to what I could possibly have done to make their list and somewhat curious as to how I had managed to come to their attention.
Thank you for answering all of those queries and confirming my suspicions in the time it took to make a quick Google search.
Congratulations though to Princeton Premier- it appears they have inadvertently created a growing list of those either too savvy to fall for their ego stroking nonsense, grounded enough to admit they were very nearly scammed and/or sufficiently community minded to post warnings or take action. Now that’s special.
I, unlike all you yokels, I am truly special, and have much to be praised for, accoladed, etc. So when I received this invitation, I thought to myself -“Jolly good show, old boy, they have finally recognized the gem in their miserable midst.” Now I am crestfallen it is only a mere scam, and my genius will go unrecognized! Oh woe is me! I must now wait with bated breath another invitation.
Just received this ‘prestigious’ invitation here in Toronto.
I really hope my grandmother doesn’t get this email.
Hi all,
Well, I was wondering if I was going to get my fourth invitation to join and I just got it today, leaving a space of 4 days between my third and fourth invitations. They didn’t even give me the five days to respond before they invited me again!
Cool! I just got my fifth invitation in less than 20 minutes from the fourth invitation! I really must be special!
Not only have i been bombarded of late but in the last 4 days every person who is listed on the meet our dive team page has been sent the same invitation, to our business email account nice to see that as of this morning their account has been suspended and the website has gone
Steve I trust you will let us all know when you receive invitations 6,7 and 8
Hell, you may received them already, quick check your spam box and let us know!
Might be worth your time to report all of those emails to the FTC or Spamcop just so they friggin stop already, god.
ha ha ha! After receiving two email invitations within a week, the ever suspicious me (I ever lost $250 in a love scam) chose to google and find oaut some more abt thse blokes! And here I am, commenting about them- means I have survived their fraud!!! And the duft MD signs on his own behalf!!!!!! Mr. Harris, find a job pliiiiiz!!!
see below!!!
On behalf of the Managing Director, we wish you continued success.
Jason Harris
Managing Director
Princeton Premier
Hi all,
Just received my sixth invitation. I think they are getting a little desperate in that the subject line had the post script added “FINAL NOTICE,” all caps, as denoted to indicate, I guess, a sense of finality.
We’ll see if I get anymore.
Hi all-again,
Well I did get my seventh invitation exactly eight minutes 59 seconds after my sixth invitation with the same FINAL NOTICE added. We’ll just have to see if I get any more.
Got mine today. Appealing yes, but it does pay to be a little cautious. That’s why I am here.
Steven lets start a betting pool of what spam invitation they will stop at
I’m setting the over under at 87
Good one, Jeff!
I am waiting to see if they honor the FINAL NOTICE clause in the subject line.
Any bets?
Hi Guys,
Sad to say, i didn’t check you guys out first. I wish i had!
I’m now down about $1,400.
They caught me by surprise! I was happy to reveal information to them about my history. Then when they said i could have a 5 year membership for a bargain price of six ninety eight, i thought to my self $6.98, that does sound like a great deal.
Sadly, i found out later it was in fact US$698.00…DooH!
As soon as i found out its true cost i tried to cancel, but luckily for them they have a clause in their contract (which they never read to me) that says you must cancel within 24hrs of the phone call!!!!
It’s a shame, i would like to explor the PP network and actually see if it is worth being a member, but every time i think about it, i just get so mad at myself and feel sick to the stomach!
I just hope that by adding more comments on here, we will eventually have this post above the Princeton Premier website on google, so people see this first!
While i believe that Princeton Premier may in fact be a legitimate networking organisation, it is upsetting to experience a SCAM reaction on their part.
They have been completely ignoring any contact i have been attempting to make. I just wish someone would come up with a credit card system that worked on a customer orientation rather than a seller orientation, that wouldn’t release the full funds to the seller until the buyer had agreed they received what they thought they were purchasing. To protect trusting souls like me.
I just got the email and googled it. Thanks for the info. Blocking the domain now.
Hi all
thank you for this very useful blog, now I know I can bin my email invite.
I am always very skeptical about this kind of stuff, and the fact that they do not give a phone number to call but ask for a loads of personal information, made me even more suspicious.
Hoodwinked, I am sorry to hear about your dreadful experience.
We must be careful, it’s full of frauds out there.
But good news, I have also won some $30 millions in an obscure lottery that I forgot I must have entered… hurray! 😉
Greetings all:
I am in Toronto and I received the Princeton Premier e-mail yesterday. Hotmail directed it to the Junk folder, and when I looked it over, it was certainly more polished than the “money in Nigeria” and the “job opportunity for a Financial Services Agent” offers that regularly come through.
Even though I was naturally suspicious, this blogsite of very special people has been both informative and supportive. Thanks to you all.
I was surprised to see that the scam has been running since Feb 2008, – many thanks in particular to Meg, Tom, Alan and Magda who got this effort rolling.
Curiously, I haven’t seen the PP “offer” come in through Yahoo or GMail.
I too have received this PP email in February and had a phone intervew this morning. At the mention of money I became very suspicious and promptly told the caller that I would not be giving money, over the phone, to people or organisations, without further information and investigation. I don’t think he was too impressed with my response.
I have lodged a complaint to the USA Internet Fraud Division and suggest anyone who has parted with their money to do the same. It’s the only way to stop these type of people.
Thanks for the tip Jen,
i just logged a complaint. (it was fully descriptive, then the server timed out, so they actually only got a summarised version).
I also included a bunch of quotes from within the netwrok too:
“On 2008/08/29 I sent an email to staci@princetonpremier.com because she got in touch with me to complete my bio, and I used the opportunity to re-confirm that I cancelled my account on time (before 24h after phone call) via email submission on your website. I joined a PDF of this!
Today I received your DHL. And, once again, I cancelled my account!
This is an abuse, and I will not allow AmEx to debit my card if you bill me for the full amount!”
“I see nothing as advertised. Please cancell my application and refund my money.”
“I’ve tried to get in touch a couple of times and recieved no response or a return call. I’ve been misled and lied to, recieved nothing of value. If this brings professionals together you have been very unprofessional about it. Please cancel my application and refund my credit card, Visa. ASAP.”
“I am not satified with the package or service offering . PLs credit my account immediately and the cc company will be notified. I do not wish to be a part of this organization.”
with customer feedback like this, i think it is clear Princeton Premier are going about business in a very in appropriate manner!
i just hope if enough people let the USA Internet Fraud Division know what is going on, then at least they will be forced to clean up their act, and no one else will be hurt!
for those of you looking for the site, this is where i left my description:
Thanks again everyone!
wow after a year it is still going strong. I think they pull names off web sites. It seems strange that these e-mails come routed through another web e-mail. Can someone please start a blog site that is entirely dedicated to scams but also to include insurance companies, banks, oil,investements etc. I am plain tired of all the companies out there that seem to be only interested in liberating us of our hard earned money. Also I am interested in coming up with a new word. This word would be a name for a person who for a small monetary or personal gain would screw large amounts of people out of there money. Say old people who have lost all there life savings so someone with lots of money already can have lots more. This name would have a harsh sound to it and would be the worst thing imagineable to be called. If anyone has any ideas it would be great. Nice to be able to vent…..
Hi Everyone,
I am in Australia and received this same email from PB. Thank you for letting me know it is a scam. By the way has anyone worked out how they are getting our email addresses. As it has come through my work email is anyone else listed with Trip Advisor? Not many people have this email address of mine.
The email to me said they needed a “biography” for “Princeton Who’s Who.” I got sucked in by the line that said there would be no charge. I foolishly filled out a few questions – my email (they already had it anyway) name, phone, etc. They then called me.
“Princeton” Who’s Who had changed to “Stanford Who’s Who” !! (They obviously have several names they go by.) I listened to a lengthy pitch disguised as getting info for my entry into the book. It actually started sounding legit. Then the interviewer (read: saleslady) explained the differences between the “gold account” and the “platinum account.” There really wasn’t much difference except “995” versus “595 and 199 deferred.” Can you imagine? Some people pay almost 1000 bucks to get into a book! No one will look at this book and everyone you tell that you’re in the book will figure out pretty quickly what it is… I politely declined.
Hi all.
As promised, I am keeping a running count on the number of invitations I receive. I just got my 8th invitation today, it being the third with the FINAL NOTICE clause in the subject line.
So Jeff, as indicated on your March 06 posting, we are up to eight invitations now.
And the count continues…
Hi Everybody-again,
Yep, I am writing because invitation number 9 just showed up in my mail box, about 5 hours and 34 minutes after invitation number 8. This one was different however in that it did have the FINAL NOTICE on the subject line.
Now the suspense-will I get to the magical double digit number 10!?
This is a premier package of bullshit. An elite organization and complete marketing scam to gain more money. It has no value, oh and that awful engraved plaque!! Made for those who have little self esteem. An honor is about HONESTY, not a gold and platinum membership fee. I am sure they are linked to market America.
Hi all yet again,
My life is complete! I got my 10th invitation with the fourth final notice clause.
My coworkers were joking that if I ever got my 10th, they would throw me a celebration party.
Unfortunately, despite always being really vigilant and suspicious I managed to be caught off guard and fell for this scame. My credit card company says there is nothing they can do to lodge a dispute as I have nothing in writing. Has anyone else ever succeeded in getting their money back, and if so how? Thanks.
I like the idea I saw on another site. Put your phone number on the form and then, when they call, waste as much of their time as you possibly can.
I have received email from Princeton twice, fortunately through my Yahoo! Small Business a/c, and Yahoo! ditched it into my Spam folder right away. Thank you, Yahoo!
Hi Everybody,
I received a new e-mail today in Provo, Utah, USA that seems to be the same thing, but different name. Here it is below:
It is my pleasure to inform you that on February 17, 2009 your information was reviewed and accepted for inclusion in the 2009 edition of our Registry.
Presidential Who’s Who, each year, recognizes and selects key executives, professionals and organizations in all disciplines and industries for outstanding business and professional achievements.
This recognition is shared by those who have reached a distinguished level of success in their chosen profession.
Please take a moment to complete the invitation by clicking on the link below. We ask that you complete it carefully, as it will be reviewed by our editorial department.
(Link Deleted)
As a reminder, Presidential Who’s Who is pleased to inform you that there are no fees or dues to be included in the publication.
On behalf of the CEO and our esteemed staff, we wish you continued success.
MarkAnthony McGuiness
Chief Operations Officer
Presidential Who’s Who
134 Rockaway Avenue FL2
Valley Stream, NY 11580
Please complete the online link by March 31st
134 Rockaway Avenue FL2
Valley Stream, NY 11580
Has anyone seen this variant? I would be interested in knowing.
Hi everybody,
I have received again another invitation to yet another Who’s Who. This seems to be yet another variant of the one above. Here it is…
It is my pleasure to inform you that on March 3rd, 2009 your information was reviewed and accepted for inclusion in the 2009 edition of our registry.
Strathmore’s Whos Who each year, recognizes and selects key executives, professionals and organizations in all disciplines and industries for outstanding business and professional achievements.
This recognition is shared by those who have reached a distinguished level of success in their chosen profession.
Please take a moment to complete the invitation by clicking on the link below. We ask that you complete it carefully, as it will be reviewed by our editorial department.
[Link Deleted]
** Please complete the online link by April 15th.
Strathmore’s Whos Who is pleased to inform you that there are no fees or dues to be included in the publication.
On behalf of the CEO and our esteemed staff, we wish you continued success.
J.M. Blakely
Vice President, Research Division
Strathmore’s Whos Who
26 Bond St.
Westbury NY 11590
Phone: 516-997-2525
Please visit here to remove yourself from future mailings.
Strathmore’s Who’s Who
26 Bond Street – Westbury, NY 11590 – USA
This looks very much like the previous one I posted.
I have been really lucky. After stupidly falling for this scam, I finally managed to get my credit card company (RBS in the UK) to refund the charges. But I had to persist. I phoned them several times, and got different answers and degrees of helpfulness depending on who I spoke to. The fraud department initially said it wasn’t fraud as no one was pretending to be me (i.e. I HAD used the card myself) and referred me to disputes. Disputes said they couldn’t help me as I had nothing in writing and generally did not have any further advice at all. I then called the fraud department again, twice, and the second time had a very sympathetic and helpful lady on the line who after my insistance that surely there was enough circumstantial evidence online (e.g. this blog) that this was a scam, for the fraud department to look in to it. She promised to refer my case to the fraud investigation team (I then phone again the next day to make sure this had happened, and it had!). Two days later I got a call back from them to say there was indeed enough circumstantial evidence, they would refund the charges (and not charge a fine for exceeding my limit), and told me to be more careful in future. So, basically what I’m trying to say is if you get caught out then don’t take the first answer as the final answer, keep persisting and you may have a lucky outcome like me. Even better, don’t get caught out in the first place!
I am really glad you managed to get your money back. It is good that someone was able to help out.
Well, invitation number 11 came in yesterday and the fifth with the FINAL NOTICE reminder, making in total about 13 invitations if you include the Presidential Who’s Who and the Strathmore’s Who’s Who.
I think I am now starting to get annoyed.
I just got out of jail, first day out I received one.
Must be in recognition of my part in that Great Fill Station Holdup that cost me two good years….. ;>)
Thanks to all who care enough to take the time to help us stumble along on this road of scams & schemes of the modern age.
Hello to all!
I’ve recently been conducting a study of the Trager Approach (the modality of bodywork that I practice IN TORONTO, CANADA!!!) and people diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. When contacted by the Princeton Premier (for the second time now), I thought someone I’ve worked with had thought highly of the work and submitted my name. Alas! I’m not special ;-(
I just want to thank everyone for writing in to let others know what’s going on.
I’m in UK and got my first email from ‘Princeton Premier’ today, so this email is still going out. I usually check stuff like this out at Snopes or by Googling. Glad I did – but I’m surprised noone, ie Princeton Uni, has been able to stop this happening by now.
I work in marketing and know that many registers, directories etc are simply a money making exercise for the publishers rather than filling a need. for those listed. As soon as the words ‘free ad’ is stated, you know someone is going to be asked to pay…
I receive quite a lot of this kind lately wanting to put on a list of who is who etc but I ignore them.
I was waiting to receive an important piece of e-mail when alas… I received the 12th invitation to join PP with the 6th FINAL NOTICE attachment.
So much for final notices….
When I got scammed they sent me this package with a terribly creased folder and my “biography sketch”. It had a certificate and my name was spelled wrong and it was creased as well. I called them immediately to get my money back and they never returned my call. The package had a receipt from Heartland Payment Systems. I called them immediately and my credit card company to try and get my money back. I’m still trying to get my money back.
I’m sure these credit card companies would like to see exactly how this fraud company operates
Thanks for the input ya’ll. I just got invited to join this organization and was pretty sure it was a scam but it is always entertaining to see what others have to say. Pretty funny ain’t it.
I have had emails and phone calls from Princeton for ages – maybe 2 years. I have never given them details of any credit or charge card. You know what’s coming, don’t you? And this is the scary bit. I got my Gold Amex statement today and there is a payment to Princeton for £175 Sterling on 22nd April! I have of course reported it to Amex and they are investigating. Amex told me that Princeton had three tries at getting approval; two over the phone which were declined but the third – der, der derrrrr – looks like I myself went online to put the payment through. I DID NOT!
I am also one of their victims. In sweden. I thought there was something weird about the whole thing but the guy that called me was so annoying that I agreed on paying $50 just to get rid of him and then tried to forget the whole thing (not a very smart move I admit – hanging up would have been better)… AND now a year later they have charged me another $250 on my amex!!!!
I have called Amex and reported the payment – is there anyone that has received their money back? or will I never see the $250 again?
Anyways, cancelled my card now.
Ladies and gentleman:
I wish to thank all of you for your responses. Saved me wasting time by googling this site. I live in Upstate New York. Looks like their scam continues.
Thanks to all !!
I received my my (probably) 20th email today in Vancouver, BC, Canada. Same old story. I have noticed that the senders email address is constantly changing. Not just from “tom @ idiots.inc to bob @ Idiots.inc” but actual domains have changed. I have added it to my blocked senders list ten times at least but it keeps coming back! I am forcing an “anything containing “princeton Premier” to stop it, so wish me luck. I am surprised the Symantec / Norton’s is not onto it.
Well it is good to see that there are still many individuals who question these types of emails!
I too just received the “Princeton Premier” email.
I felt soooo special I sent it right to the trash bin.
Good blogging to all!
I just saw this Princeton Premier email and came across this site when I googled them to confirm it’s a scam. I’m still a psych grad student, so there’s no reason I would appear on anyone’s radar as a distinguished business professional worth being published since I don’t have an income yet in my field.
It’s obvious that this is a scam, but I just wanted to add (for people who come across this email and worry about passing up opportunities out of caution) that legitimate agencies that want to publish names NEVER NEVER initiate contact through emails that ask for more personal information. They should already have your basic information if they consider you a candidate for something. I’ve been contacted by for-profit agencies in the past about having my name published on lists of academic “who’s-who”, and they have always provided information about how they came across my name so that I know it’s not fake.
Lastly, for-profit publishing agencies will provide several ways of paying for memberships or products, and not require credit card numbers as a primary method of payment. If a representative is not willing to allow other forms of payment, that’s a huge red flag that they are lying.
I hope future readers don’t fall for the scams!
Thanks for filling me in all the info is really useful. I will now delete the invitation!
Holy crud! You mean to tell me that I am not a prestigious person that deserves to be recognized after paying a fee??? Darn it! I thought I was going to be one of the lucky few that were honored this way. I of course am kidding.
When I saw that email, I immediately, forwarded it to the SCAM email for the US Government. I really hope that they can do something about stuff like this. It’s a shame that so many people are going to fall victim to this type of scam before they are shut down. These scams really chap my hide.
I am an IT professional and these are all caught by my CanIT spam filter. That is one clue that something is fishy. The other clue is that I’ve got about 23 of these emails. The Global Networks Registry, The Princeton Premier, Strathmore’s Elite, and Srathmore Who’s Who are all used.
Please do not fall for this trick, and definitely do not give out any personal information to anyone you don’t KNOW. Be very skeptical of offers by email.
Wow,…now I’m completely saddened to realize I’m not going to be a sole listing the such a prestigious publication. Oh well, time to move on with my day! I’m no legal or technology expert, but surely there must be a method of eliminating these scams from the internet either via legislation or massive filters on international emails coming into the country. A good number of these scams are based in either Africa or S.E. Asian countries, surely this could be dealt with/reduced somehow.
I have the perfect solution for this. All of you who commented on this blog or read this, forward those Princeton Premier emails to me, along with your credit card info and Social Security number and I will take care of this whole thing for you for a small fee !!!!!
I figure what the heck, anyone who fell for the Princeton one might fall for this too. As has been said many times here, “if it seems too good to be true……………..”
Thanks for putting info like this up on the net as I keep getting e-mails like below example but this one is from Presidential Who’s Who in New York…
Dear Professional,
It is my pleasure to inform you that on April 20, 2009 your information was reviewed and accepted for inclusion in the 2010 edition of our Registry.
Presidential Who’s Who, each year, recognizes and selects key executives, professionals and organizations in all disciplines and industries for outstanding business and professional achievements.
This recognition is shared by those who have reached a distinguished level of success in their chosen profession.
Please take a moment to complete the invitation by clicking on the link below. We ask that you complete it carefully, as it will be reviewed by our editorial department.
2009presidentialwhoswho.net/index.php [hyperlink removed]
As a reminder, Presidential Who’s Who is pleased to inform you that there are no fees or dues to be included in the publication.
On behalf of the CEO and our esteemed staff, we wish you continued success.
MarkAnthony McGuiness
Chief Operations Officer
Presidential Who’s Who
134 Rockaway Avenue FL2
Valley Stream, NY 11580
Please complete the online link by May 30th
We only support ethical email marketing. To remove yourself from future mailings, please visit here to use our automated removal system. You will be removed from our mailing database within seven (7) days. 7699
I just sent my business contact info, which, as a salesman, I give out to anyone in the world anyway, and then when the Managing Editor called to “interview” me, I spent about an hour and a half on the phone with him, explaining in excruciatingly intimate detail why I should be included in his prestigious publication, and then told him that his sales technique did not meet my exacting standards of ethical conduct when he asked me to pay. The reason they can get away with this scam is because they do publish the information to the web and in hard copy, and because you can be included, w/ a minimimal detail listing, for free. In order to stroke your ego, though, and presumably be recognized by your peers for all of the fantastic work you do, you just have to pay a little extra. I was happy to waste the time of a salesman, even though I know it makes me look like a real lifeless loser that I had nothing better to do. It was just that the way the guy talked, all professional and as if he were offering something that I would die to join, when I imagined them over there w/ me on the speaker phone, and the guy signaling all the other sales guys to come hear this ridiculous blowhard, and how he must have thought he was about to close such an easy sale, and then to have his shady little world exposed to the light was just fun for me. I guess I’m weird…
Oh, yeah…I forgot to mention that if you google the address, it is a shady little buildin in NY, right next to the El, with several vacant store fronts, except for the exotic bird store, which is probably an organized crime cover and money laundering operation.
Sounds like another of the hundreds of sappy VANITY yellowbooks like all the WHO-WHO’s that people fall for!
I’m in Adelaide, Australia, and I got these messages on my work email!
So much for government filters keeping a check on these kinds of things.
Thanks to this page, I didn’t give them my information.
Thank you!
Damn…and here I thought someone had put me on a pedestal…..
Seriously though – if I had been specifically selected, a phone call, registered letter or something to that effect would have been much more credible. An email?….hell, I’ve been ‘selected’ for all sorts of lottery winnings, inheritances and quick-buck business opportunities. It’s as transparent as those messages “from the bank” asking me to verify my account details.
I hope more people have the sense to google before signing up.
Thanks for your verification everyone.
Gord (Canada)
Unemployed in Los Angeles, California — what bosh and what nerve of these scamsters.
You can forward these emails to SPAM@UCE.GOV
Or file a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission at https://www.ftccomplaintassistant.gov/
For those of you who have had ACTUAL funds taken without your permission from your credit card accounts, I would contact the FBI’s Internet Crime Complaint Center, at http://www.ic3.gov/complaint/default.aspx
Of course, to be really safe, you should Google this info for yourselves. But please follow through and stop these people from preying on the more gullible among us.
Thanks everybody for keeping this info up-to-date.
Oh, and for the people outside of the U.S. who had money withdrawn without permission — I would think both the FBI *and* your home law enforcement should be informed.
Does Interpol have an internet fraud division? They should, shouldn’t they?
I just received my first invitation today… to a generic work address that I use to keep exactly this kind of junk out of my personal work email.
I work in alumni relations at a private school. The only place my name is associated with the email address they used is on invitations I send to known constituents through a secure server from our database. So, I am really concerned how they knew to associate my full name with that address. Maybe one of my beloved constituents is one of the aforementioned smutty salespeople! Or maybe our website lists my generic address.
I’m glad I am very selective about where I publicize my personal work or private accounts! I have a proxy email set up that I use when asked on most websites for an address. I visit the proxy email a few times a year to delete the THOUSANDS of spam messages. The only sites I still use my real address on are for online banking and trusted subscriptions. I am proud to say I have almost no spam (maybe 1 per month) on either my work or personal accounts!
I just received this email this morning. At first appearance, it looks legit. But no way am I giving out personal info without checking things out. The most glaring item that raised my suspicions was the return email: “frankthomas1121@gmail” ‘Don’t think Princeton whatever would be sending me an email from a gmail account. Bad, bad people! I’ll be turning this one in to authorities.
Oh my, I received this letter (same of above) and I find it to be another scam to say the least.
Being in the profession that I am, I receive lots of mail of this nature.
There are many scammers out here, who portrays themselves as legit organizations who, (twitter and more) find your email and other information, and thereby contact you with their scheme or plural, to get money from you.
I googled this Princeton crap, and it put me here. Thank God for that!
Be extra careful and continue to google and research any and all of those who want to draw you into their web of chicanery. This world is full of venomous snakes.
This should be reported.
Thanks for sharing the experience… it was useful to confirm my doubts!
I live in Italy and I am a researcher at an International Organization… I was stupid enough to think for a minute that someone might have nominated me for something I did not know…
Thanks for the help,
Well-well-well. I got my letter today. This blog (after reading it a while) reminds me of a book I read in school years ago////
“Are you there God?…its me Margaret”. By Judy Blume. Lol. Each entry more progressive than the last anfinally- I got my letter. Lol. I’m glad some folks were able to get there money back. I work for RBS-ÛS RBS×USA and was please that we were able to MAKE IT HAPPEN for Sophia. Be careful folks and keep doing your reearch (Georgia-USA)
Thanks for all your comments everyone.
It really helps when offers and other notices come through to be able to check them out. I never action anything without checking google first.
This page simply confirms my suspicions – ain’t google a wonderful thing. I especially like the blogger who used streetview to look at their office 😉
I have been getting these emails since last year…I’ve always deleted them but today I thought what the hell is this and having googled it I came across this page and am glad I looked into it! I can’t believe people fall for this…
I to have just received the e-mail. Like so many others thought I would investigate first. I’m so glad I did as I came across all this information on the blog.
Thank you for saving me some time digging around.
Shame I’me I’m not as important as they made be sound though. lol
Oh by the way John Tyson is now the Editor in Chief ….. Not the Managing Director according to my letter ! !
I just got in touch with the UK fraud agency that deals with email scams, and they asked me to call them at a rate of £1.50 per minute…I don’t know who the bigger scammer is!!!
My email was sent from frankthomas1121@gmail.com and the email was:
It is my pleasure to inform you that you are being considered for inclusion into the 2009/2010 Princeton Global Networks “Honors Edition” of the Registry.
The 2009/2010 edition of the Registry will include biographies of the world’s most accomplished individuals. Recognition of this kind is an honor shared by thousands of executive and professional men & women throughout America and the World each year. Inclusion is considered by many as a very high mark of achievement.
Upon final confirmation, you will be listed among a select few of accomplished individuals in the Princeton Global Network Registry. There is NO cost to be included in the Registry as a basic listing.
For accuracy and publication deadlines, please complete your application by using the link provided below and submit your information to us at the earliest opportunity.
On behalf of the Managing Director, we wish you continued success.
John Tyson
Editor in Chief
How many editor in chiefs does this company have?!?
I have now had about 4 emails but kept deleating as I do not have time for rubbish. This last one made me Google as getting annoyed. Looking back over this I have to say they are pesistant. Well done everyone for confirming what I have always considered this to be ‘nothing but a scam’.
PS they seem to move around the globe to dupe people.
Thanks for all the good posts. I smelled a rat as I opened the invitation this AM here in Virginia and your posts confirmed it. On to Nigeria’s gold mines . . . or whatever!!
Just got the “John Tyson” incarnation. You can bet the scammer is scouring this thread to get ideas on how to tweak it and make it sound more legit.
I found this by googling “princeton global networks.” I also tried to find it on snopes. Strange that there’s no article there about this.
Thanks a lot for the information !!!!
I just enter to Google in order to know if it was really. I am dessapointing but none steal my money.
Thank you all for your notes of warnings.
I live in England, UK and I too received similar email today from Global Networks [frankthomas1121@gmail.com] signed by John Tyson – Editor in Chief !
I too got very suspicious of Global Networks and googled it….. and found you!
Greetings from a fellow VIP from the southern tip of Texas. I received the first invitation about 6 months ago and did nothing — the “Princeton” name is pretty famous up in the Northeast; but where I live, in order to carry some clout, the scam should be called the “John Wayne Foundation”, or “Cowboy’s Club”.
I received the 2nd invitation today, so I googled — we Texans don’t like the word “google” much, but we do like what it does.
I tried to read all the blogs, but my eyes turned red about one-third of the way through. I need to say, some of you guys and gals are funny! But some of you sound like you fell off the horse once too often.
My version (June 2009) uses “John Tyson, Editor in Chief”. I reckon John is not the writer’s real name, and I bet he’s not Chief of anything except trying to steal people’s hard earned money (but not mine). My wife told me not to worry about trying to get even with these scammers — she says God will take care of him. Don’t know if that’s true or not, but I enjoy the vision of it, all the same.
Y’all take care,
-Sam (no hat, no horse; I hope you guys didn’t really buy the Texas lingo — my little joke won’t ask for your credit card, I promise.)
I am Chinese, I live in Shanghai and I got this too on June 4. I thought hell we are still making all the fake stuff, how could any of us suddenly became World’s Most Accomplished Individuals ? World’s most accomlished at faking stuff maybe … I am glad I know English and I am glad I know google. Dear Johnny – you try to cheat the cheater who does CHEATING for a living… way to go ! You will be put before a TANK if you do this in China I assure you … In memory of June 4th 20 years ago.
Received the John Tyson, Editor-in-Chief incarnation on June 2nd in Vancouver, to my work address (which is in the public domain). There are directories, such as “Marquis’ Who’s Who”, that do exactly what this email scam purports to offer & as a previous recipient of stuff from them, this does seem quite plausible. It’s only because I always check the provenance of these kinds of offers that I came across this blog. Googled “Princeton Global Networks” & this site was listed 3rd. Thanks for the heads-up.
I received one too – in Ontario Canada. Thanks to this website I did not get sucked in!
I received this on 10-Jun-2009. Interesting to see this blog goes back 18+ months. They don’t give up easily! I read a few of the comments and then skipped to the bottom. Like XiaoWei, above, I too live in China but my e-mail server in in USA. XiaoWei, you are very funny, I hope we meet in Shanghai someday. I’m sure I’ll reconize you amongst the other 20 million people on the street!
I had a friend that had his Bio posted on the web through this organization and he recommended it to me, so I thought it was legit. I don’t know how they came through for him but my experience has been the complete opposite. What a fool! They are nothing but a bunch of internet con artist. I can’t believe I was duped! Don’t let it happen to you!
Oooh a new variation:
Subject: Your Outstanding Accomplishments Recognized in Our Directory!
From: Global Directory of Who’s Who [info@b2bregistryofexecutives.net]
I just got the same mail as Meg. Holbrook is on Long Island where I live and work.
Maybe I might pay a visit someday to VP John Franklin….hmmmm…..
Like Faran, I got the version from frankthomas1121@gmail.com.
I like how the sign up page includes a quote from “Frank Thomas – Flint, MI”. Gee, the same Frank Thomas that sent the email? I hope they pay Frank well because that must be such a pain to have all the email for such a prestigious company all go through his personal gmail account.
And at the bottom, the part that says “*** After 48 hours all sales are final.”
I guess we are building our own little Princeton Premier’s list. I too have received it and knew immediately it had to be something fishy. Decided to google and found you all!
Greetings special people,
Just adding to the “googled this and found the thread” pool. Not only have I received it multiple times, but the pressure is really on now!
You are still being considered for inclusion into the 2009/2010 Princeton Global Networks “Honors Edition” of the Registry, but time is running out.”
oh no!
Greetings from Dallas, Texas
What fun to read these comments!
I got my first one today in my Junk E-email Folder, which disables all the links. There was a Web Bug there which reports back if you open the email. I don’t like those.
I googled Princeton Premier for the fun of it as I figured that if it wasn’t a scam, it was another worthless Who’s Who Directory.
Don’t respond to ANYTHING in e-mail requests. I have my wife trained now {ha!}, at least she asks first.
Did you hear about the cows in the Kansas cornfields last week. It was so hot that the popcorn was exploding and covering the ground with white. The cows thought it was snow and froze to death.
Boy am I glad I read all of your comments. I just sent in my information and will know what to tell the “Account Manager” when he or she calls. Thanks folks!
I like to think I am successful, but who the hell is the “Princeton Premier”? The “invitation” was sent via my .gov email address. However, the the very efficient gov network blocked my request to review the form — a firewall! I googled Princeton Global Networks and landed here. Thanks all.
Hi All, thanks for this. The account manager just called me but I refused to give out my credit card details. I got suspicious when she said she would wait for me while I fetched it from my car. After reading your comments, I’m glad I went with my gut feeling. These people are good and make you feel ‘special’ when they talk to you – be careful!
these guys are good and very proffesional….not only did i get a mail but i had a guy call my from New York City, after tracing the number it was actually from columbia. it was a +57 number!!
thanks too for the comments above, one more thing everyone, the guy that called me today was James Pike. He’s calling back on monday as i too was a little suspicious and offered him nothing more that the chance to call me back, i’ll send this to the virus team at IBM, see if they can help us. I tell James to go and multiply…
I don’t understand that if you receive a letter asking you if you want to be included, you willfully reply and then you are contacted to purchase something, and you are given a choice wether to purchase it or not, and the you receive exactly what you were promised how it is a scam?
I think it’s great marketing. Isn’t that what direct marketing is all about? Just because you are swayed by the direct advertising it doesn’t make it a scam. Where would the business world be without direct marketing.
No one is physically taking your credit card out of your pockets and charging it without your authorization, are they? …No, they are presenting you a product or service or whatever the hell it is that they do, telling you how much it is, charging you the amount they tell you and delivering the product to you. This is what I get from reading the preceding.
Weather we like it or not the whole world of direct marketing is based on mailing lists. When you subcribe to a magazine, sign up for american express, get your discount card at the grocery store, etc. you are put on a mailing list. Do you really think that when you buy a magazine subscription for $12 – for 12 issues they are making a profit???? …No, they are selling your name hundreds of times as a subcriber to a certain magazine, which gives marketers a knowledge of what your interests are.
Visit the Direct Marketing Association (DMA) and have a poke around. You’ll all see that these companies are great direct marketers, not scammers. I’m actually quite impressed, but folks, stop trying to destroy a business because they are great direct marketers. That is a shame.
Take this for what it’s worth… I’m in the direct marketing industry, and thought this approach was Genius. Did I buy.. NO, but not because it’s a scam, but simply because the product didn’t fit my needs.
ok, i concede your point. They are not scammers in the sense of taking your money and running, but their methods are what i would call crude.
I am a strong advocate for good marketing, but marketing that is aimed at solving a need, not at selling you something!
If only they had said they were offering insurance, i would have put my defensive hat on and actually paid more attention to what they were on about, but instead they sit there explaining all the benefits at a bargain price, with no mention of cancellation conditions or full description that it is infact hundreds of dollars they are talking about, not just a bargain “six, ninety eight”.
Sadly i can’t recommend their service either. They are a networking organisation, that only ever contacts (or responds to queries) if it sounds like they are going to get more money out of you!
I am surprised, if they are that good at direct marketing, then they are pulling in heaps of money. Why then do they need to ignore customers except when they want to get some more money!
I still feel very bitter about the purchase, and this was only strengthened last week when they asked if i would like to buy a hard copy of the honors book “at a bargain price”.
Admittedly they backed off when i said i could not afford it, and made it clear i was not going to purchase their book, but still, i would have rather not had to be sold to again!
I do find it interesting just how many people on the network feel hoodwinked also. While it is pitched as an opportunity to meet and network with other professionals, i would have to say a large number of the people i have bumped into are in my boat. They were sold the program, wanted out, but couldn’t get out, and so now are just bitter about ever being offered the opportunity. I would expect most of them will disappear from the network when their 5 year subscription is up!
Perhaps if PP focused more on retaining its clients, then it wouldn’t need to direct sell so hard!
Still the one good side from all of this, is that we have all learned that there are people out their who don’t deserve the human treatment, and so we are all much better at saying “no, buggar off!”
Hi too received the email. I was curious so I completed the online forms. I usually delete all emails like this one, but somehow I just was curious this time to actually complete the form. First and last time! Then I kept getting a message on my voice mail from someone saying that they wanted to include me in the honors edition but needed to ask some additional questions. I eventually returned the call and after answering a bunch of questions was asked if I would like platinum membership for $900 or gold for $700! I said I’d have to think about it and do some searching of the global network online since I had assumed there was no fee. She then said the publication deadline was today and that I could have my information included for $250. I said I’d check it out since the day had just begun in the US and call back if I decided to join. Glad I did. Found this site. Thanks for saving me money and the humiliation of being scammed!
Your testimony is the best yet… Thanks for posting. A view on the inner workings, as opposed to hypothesis on their deceitful approach. If this approach is not a scam, or a hoax, it deserves another less-than-attractive title. it is not forthright or authentic and, in today’s marketplace, that’s valueless. However, one has to say that the approach has legs because by the looks of it, the mailing has been circulating for several years and many countries. Having done a little look around the various chat boards, the humour value is in collating the huge number of Managing Directors and Editor in Chiefs… Kudos to the people behind Princeton Global for getting my first and last name right, but also to hotmail for making it hit my spam mailbox.
Minter Dial’s last blog post..Déjeuner Livré à Paris : Le bon repas à commander
How can this go so long with out someone busting them?? They must be catching some good fish. Fargin Iceholes!!!
Recevied it today in Canada, I guess they are travelling the world with this one. It remionds me of the ones our kids get when they are approching high school graduation! Want to be a scholar of parent of a scholar… only 49.95….
Minter Dial – still going – yes – but still a baby. Look at the 419 frauds, been going strong for over sixty years yet greedy unethical people still fall for it. As I said before, there’s one born every minute.
Got one in my email box today. Wow!! To think that I, me, yes, me, could be honored at such a low low price!! Not to mention giving full access to my bank account.
Fortunately, my brain was in full gear and I googled their name and this website popped up. Amazing how many people are subject to being scammed.
I received a phone call today from Princeton Global Network. They asked about my education, work history and then announced that I was a very fortunate winner of a very select membership of business professionals. Michael immediately began to offer me a package valued at over $800 – $1100. While talking to him I Googled Princeton. They used the same tactics others spoke about. I asked for time to research what they are about and he wouldn’t let go of the call until he made the sale. He said he can answer all my questions. So I told him I have questions as to whether they are a scam. Of course he insisted that they’re not. He suddenly reduced the package offered down to about $100.00 if I says yes now. I told him I’m not used to getting phone calls out of the blue and being forced to pay for something I know nothing about. He seemed a tad annoyed. 😛
Lori from Bermuda
It lookslike it is still going as I have just received an invite to become one of their special people. I always stay clear of these things and would advise anyone else to do the same.
They are still at it. I recieved a phone call today in the US, to “follow up on my application”. I did not apply and had never heard of Princeton Global Networks.
A woman prattled on about the great benefits while I searched online. Thanks for this posting. I asked her to take me off their calling list.
Linda- Kitchen Therapy’s last blog post..Make Ahead Pesto Polenta Lasagna
Yes! I received a ‘phone call from Princeton Professionals Directory yesterday. I am in South Africa! I thought it must be legit if they were ‘phoning from so far away. They told me that I had been nominated but seemed to loose interest, very quickly, when I burst out laughing at the offer of a gold or platinum plaque to put on my wall. The converted value was about R35000! Who has that kind of money to spend?
I asked them to put everything in writing so I could do some research and assess.
Haven’t heard from them yet.
Thank you for this site and being able to read other people’s experiences.
THIS IS A SCAM!! Once you give them your credit card number, they charge your card $678.95. In a few weeks you will receice a plaque and a certificate (whopee) as well as information on how to login to the web site. Once logged in, you will be forced to accept the terms of the agreement that state there are no refunds after 24 hours of the sale (3 weeks prior). So..they are basically saying there are no refunds. And, you can’t see the web site until you accept the agreement. If you don’t accept the agreement, they still will not give you a refund. If you do accept the agreement, you will then see that this is a scam….and there are only a few poor souls that fell prey to this scam on the site. There are also posts by some of the handful of actual members about how they were scammed into this site. Should you receive any e-mails or phone calls from Princeton Global Networks, notify the following agencies immediately:
Federal Trade Commission
1 Bowling Green, Ste. 318
New York, NY, 10004
Phone: (877) 382-4357
Internet: http://www.ftc.gov
NYC Department of Consumer Affairs – NYC
42 Broadway
New York, NY, 10004
Phone: 212-639-9675
Better Business Bureau Serving Metropolitan New York
30 East 33rd Street, 12th Floor
New York, NY 10016
Yep, got one the other day, 2012. Filled out all the details then they called me. Was ‘accepted’ straight away for inclusion, but then the hard sell, $699, then $399 the $99 trail offer. When I said I needed to look into it further, he started ‘effing and blinding’, then slammed the phone down. This is a huge con, and really they should be shut down.
Here is a new one from Globals Executive Club.
C O N T I N E N T A L B R O D C A S T I N G N E T W O R K I N C.
June 4, 2013
It is with great pride and distinction that I announce your candidacy to be published in the future edition of “Who’s Who” publication of executives and professionals. Our mission is to provide an exclusive world class forum to consult, educate, and establish solid business relationships. In addition, we are dedicated to the recognition of excellence, focus on those who strive to succeed and are already making a difference in their respective fields.
We encourage you to take advantage of our growing platform. Please complete your biographical profile A.S.A.P. (click on the link below) to ensure that our Editorial Director can coordinate and work with you so that we may meet our publishing timetables. Once completed, our clients and additionally our member roster will be able to consult and do business with you. We look forward to our formal introduction and wish you much continued success.
Yeah, right.