Feb 12 2008
Weird Random Favourite Media Mentors Love Awards
Okay – weird title for a blog post, but I have to catch up on some memes and awards.
7 Weird Facts
Firstly the lovely Cellobella (who I was supposed to meet up with when she was in Sydney recently, but it was unfortunately rotten timing ) who tagged me with 7 weird facts. (I’m totally with you on point six though CB. That and SHOPPING – ugh).
Problem is I’m not weird at all I couldn’t be bothered trying to figure out what is weird and what is normal, so I’m going to pass on that 😉 I suppose I could have asked my family to help me out…
If you are reading this and think it would be fun for a post, consider yourself tagged.
7 Random Facts
Lightening has tagged me for 7 random facts, which I did a while back (some of these could possibly double as weird).
5 Favourite Posts / Archive Posts
Lin from Telling It Like It Is has tagged me for 5 Favourite Posts, also done previously.
My Media Week
Bettina, one of my newer blogging buddies, has tagged me about My Media Week. Let’s see:
Books – nope.
TV/Video – CSI, “Because I said so” (quite funny) and To Kill a Mockingbird (my daughter just finished reading the novel). Oh, and a bit of cricket (what I could see peeking through my fingers).
Music – Guy Sebastian, “The Memphis Album” and Ultimate Santana (birthday presents).
Trish awarded me this because she thinks my blog is informative and also Kelley who brazenly bestowed this beautiful bit of blog bling – “Be the Blog” – because she says I crack Her up (yes, obviously we chat off blog).
I’d like to give this award to:
(ah, I see Sue and Andrew have already been awarded this – well never mind)
Blogging Mentor Award
Sue had graciously given me this Blogging Mentor Award. This award is “…to recognise and thank those who help us on our path to blogging, be it encouraging and helping us to start blogging or helping us to be the best we can, once we have started”. Sue writes:
Unlike most awards, it is not necessary to have received it yourself to be able to pass it on to others. It is free for anyone to use; anyone who wishes to say thank you to their own blog mentors. All that I ask is that you include a mention and link to my Blog Mentor Page. This way I can compile lists of those who have been generous enough to give the award and those who have received it, giving them recognition myself by some backlinks.
I would like to pass this award on to the following bloggers who have informed, inspired, motivated or assisted me along the way:
Andy Beard
Gavin Heaton
Liz Strauss
Alister Cameron
Craig Harper
Spread the Love Award
Lightening passed on this lovely “Spread the Love Award“. I’d like to pass it on to:
Kin (whose 9 pound 4 ounce baby girl made a safe arrival on Sunday morning)
Cerebral Mum
Sorry it’s taken me so long to catch up with these memes and awards, and thank you all for including me. Feel free to give me a kick up the send me a quick note if I missed a tag. And sorry if you’ve already been tagged.
16 Responses to “Weird Random Favourite Media Mentors Love Awards”
Well aren’t you just a sweetheart! Thank you!! And I didn’t even have a speech ready or anything!

I’ll be displaying this VERY proudly within the next 24 hours…
anonymum’s last blog post..Well I’m over it
Me? A mentor bling? Are you out of your pretty little head? Sneaking some of your baby girls pain meds? BTW how is she???
Thanks babe. Got so much bling flinging my way at the moment I am feeling rather Ghetto. And honoured.
Kelley’s last blog post..What I am giving up for Lent.
Aww..spank you for the love
Leigh’s last blog post..52 things I ♥- week 6
It’s like the Grammys, only without the terrible singing. A great improvement in my opinion! 😉
Snoskred’s last blog post..How To – Easy Blogroll Linking With WordPress.
Thanks for the link Meg and for playing along. I didn’t realize you have been tagged with that one before.
Lin’s last blog post..Inside the Minds of Angry, Controlling and Abusive Men
Thanks Meg – I do not mind receiving the award twice at all.
When I saw the word Underbelly I thought you were talking of a Melbourne Belly Dancing troupe of that name
Not that I have ever shimmied myself but a friend of mine took it up with a passion. She is now dancing in Istanbul!
Sueblimely’s last blog post..Contest – Win a Premium Magazine Style WordPress Theme
Aw shucks. Thanks Meg – and glad to see I’m not the only one who hates the hairdressers… if only I wasn’t going grey?!!!
cb x
cellobella’s last blog post..Meow Meow
Anonymum, Leigh, Sueblimely, CB – you are most welcome 😀
Kelley – LMAO. No meds, I’m completely rational. Mentoring comes in many different forms – inspiring, motivating, guiding, leading by example. You most definitely fit the role.
DD is doing well thanks, off to the specialist today.
Lin – no problem (I lose track myself)!
Hi Meg,
thank you for the link and the bling
I can’t see who has already awarded me this one, can you fill me in?
Thanks, Andrew
Andrew Boyd’s last blog post..WordPress Theme Editing Part 2: The Actual Coding
Hi Andrew – you’re welcome. It was Trish at My Little Drummer Boys
Thanks Meg. Coming from you it means a lot 😉
Gavin Heaton’s last blog post..My ooVoo Day? It’s An Age of Conversation, Baby
Awwww Meg, you gave me PINK bling. I will love you FOREVER now!!!!
Thank you.
Lightening’s last blog post..Knitting a Tea Cosy
[…] of Dipping into the Blogpond has awarded me the “Be the Blog Award”. Thanks […]
You never cease to amaze. You’ve come so far so fast, girl!!
It’s been a pleasure watching you and occasionally being more closely involved with the Blogpond “tsunami”!
Thanks for including me in the list there… awesome company to keep.
Alister Cameron // Blogologist’s last blog post..Watching the suicide of a company in real time… Yazsoft
Oh bless, I only just saw this. Fantastic!
alyndabear’s last blog post..Visiting the Queen & Other Adventures.
[…] thanks to: Meg for […]