Jan 26 2008
Aussie Burgers
Happy Australia Day Everyone!
You’ve got to hand it to those butchers at Woolworths. It’s pretty hard walking past these hamburgers on Australia Day. Now I just need to find some Australia shaped bread rolls 😀
For some recommended Australia Day reading:
Karen‘s interview with ProBlogger Darren Rowse
Some Great Australia photos (including one of mine 😉 )
How do you tell if you are a True Aussie?
Lightening is also having a competition to give away some Australian products – stickers, socks and undies bandana (I must look closer at images 😉 ) . So you might want to mosey over and have a look.
17 Responses to “Aussie Burgers”
I just love it Meg, and thanks for the laugh
ROFLOL!!!! Those burgers look too good to eat. Wonder what happens to Australia when you put it on the bbq – does it shrink??? Does it hold it’s shape???? Could make for an interesting Australia Day test don’t you think?
Thanks for giving my comp a mention Meg!
LOL at the undies….I can see what you mean!!!! Of course, a bandana *could* be used for emergency underwear now couldn’t it??? After all, isn’t it supposed to be the most versatile piece of “clothing” one can own???? 
Lightening’s last blog post..Australia Day Giveaway
And happy Australia Day Meg and thanks for the work you are doing to promote Aussie Bloggers
Loz’s last blog post..7 Weird Things About me Meme – There are thongs and thongs
Boo saw those last week and begged me to buy them for him.
But was hysterical when I went to cook them!
We have some more ready for our celebration on Monday. The public holiday! LMAO
Happy Australia Day babe!
Kelley’s last blog post..Magneto Bold Australia Day.
Ohhhh.. who would’ve thought mince pattie would make me HOMESICK!
alyndabear’s last blog post..Australia Day Abroad.
The burgers DID shrink, and were barely recognisable as Australia after cooking. But a cute novelty nonetheless
Lightening – no worries about the plug – yes I reckon the bandana could be used as undies, it would have to be a REAL emergency though!
Hope you all enjoyed the holiday break.
Ours shrunk too but were a tasty improvement on the shoe leather The Spouse served last year lol 😉
Jayne’s last blog post..Trivial History January 28
Shouldn’t these burgers be made outta something more “Australian” – like Ostrich or Emu? Now that would sound more authentic-Aussi (IMHO)!
Voice Over Guy’s last blog post..More Than Another Voice Over
I reckon they’d shrink during cooking and end up looking more like Tasmania than the whole of Australia! 😛
swollenpickles’s last blog post..Stupid people doing stupid things
The meat wasn’t fantastic quality but it was so cute eating mini-australias! They shrunk but not by too much. Although one of our camping buddies complained there wasn’t a Tasmania… 😛
Katie’s last blog post..I’m Back! Did Ya Miss Me?
Lol, what amused me most is where did they get the moulds and what else are they likely to put in them? Are you going to get: Oz shaped ice creams; Oz shaped soap; Oz shaped Cheese?
[…] presents Aussie Burgers posted at Dipping into the Blogpond, saying, “We ate these Australia shaped burgers!” […]
Well……..that’s not something you see every day!
Did you find the buns????
Boneblower (Anita)’s last blog post..My Baby’s Starting School….
Hi Anita
No – had to suffice with boring old round ones!
So what was the mince made from? Kangaroos?
Duncan’s last blog post..Saab Release The Power of Nature
No, good ol’ Aussie beef. Actually, I’m not that fond of kangaroo, I much prefer crocodile :).
We regularly buy Aussie shaped crumbed schnitzels from Safeway (Woolworths) – nearly always to the cries from my youngest of “but where is Tasmania”. I sometimes buy some chicken nuggets to put on the bottom to appease him
Sueblimely’s last blog post..What is Qassia?