Aug 28 2007
Lunar Eclipse Photos
Being a momentous occasion, I grabbed the trusty Olympus c-2100 Ultra Zoom and snapped a few photos of the lunar eclipse. Not great – but I thought I’d share them anyway. Pretty awesome event.
Sydney around 8.00 pm
Sydney around 8.30 pm
Sydney around 9.00 pm
14 Responses to “Lunar Eclipse Photos”
Thanks those photos are pretty awesome. I stayed up to watch the eclipse here on the west coast of florida and saw nothing
Thanks again
I feel better now that I saw what you saw.
Thanks Nadine
Sorry you didn’t get to see anything
I guess it’s the luck of the weather.
We had a great view of the eclipse in Sydney didn’t we (for a change, hey?), it’s usually overcast or raining when these events occur! I saw it around 7:45 when there was just a crescent like shadow creeping over the lower part of the Moon’s face, and then again at 9pm when the eclipse was total. And blood red. A very gruesome sort of sight!
Great photos. I watched it from Moffat Beach on the Sunshine Coast. We had clear skies and from your photos it looked pretty much the same as it did in Sydney
They are great Meg. I tried to get some pics as it was covering up, but I am so hopless at driving my camera. Once it has covered I had no hope of focusing.
I’m just glad I actually remembered to look at it *hehe*
Thanks guys
It was great here in Adelaide too, but I didn’t take any photos.
Way to go with the great pics!, we almost missed the eclipse here in Saskatoon, Sk. Canada because of rain, rained right through till 1:3oam, and then started right after around 6:00am.
Thanks Bob, but your photos are truly awesome – I should have fiddled more with the settings.
Great pics!
We had good viewing weather, but I didn’t stay up to watch it; the height of the eclipse was around 5am my time
Hi Sephyroth
Can’t say I blame you!
terrific shots Meg ….
BRAVO! Great shots, your ultra zoom is really ultra good for this – well done!
Those are good shots of the lunar eclipse.