Jul 26 2007
Weekly Update 26th July
1. New blogs debuting in the Top 100 Australian Blogs
2. New blogs on the Australian Blogs Community
Pemberthy’s Ponderings
Reminder: Anybody who would like to add (or update) the Aussie blogs from Bumpzee to their blogroll can find an A to Z list and a downunder version (Z to A). Snoskred keeps these updated weekly.
3. Aussie Blog Post(s) of the Week
Blogpost of the week goes to Snoskred. Her post entitled “Snoskred made 5 million dollars online this year” deserves a good plug, because it highlights just how active internet scammers are, and serves a timely reminder that innocent victims are being conned every day.
Snoskred has $5,000,000 worth of fake cheques in her possession, and the main crux of the article is that even if cheques seem to be cleared, they can still bounce for up to a year, leaving the victim to repay the money spent.
4. Spotlight on an Aussie Blogs Community Blog (Bumpzee)
Megan Bayliss and her husband Paul Martin run a website and accompanying blog and forum about child protection and safety. They cover topics such as child abuse, protective play, assault, trauma and how to keep children safe on the internet.
They are a passionate duo, backed by a team of professionals. If keeping children safe is something you’re passionate about, pop on over and say “hi”. They’re also on the lookout for volunteer writers.
5. Update on my Poll
I had an overunderwhelming response, but thanks to everyone who voted . The results;
It’s all a bit of an ego trip really – 30%
More than 50 – 10%
More than 100 – 20%
More than 300 – 15%
More than 500 – 10%
More than 1,000 – 10%
Um – what’s a subscriber? 5%
6. Other News on the Aussosphere
Laurel Papworth announced that she has released an Aussie website called Bloggerati. A snippet of Laurel’s reasoning;
So cos I was confuzzled by the whole Australian Web 2.0 industry thingie, and because I was bored, I’ve created a Digg-like, Australian-web2.0-submit-new site. Cool huh? Inspiration came from Vishal Sharma‘s top Australian web 2.0 apps site from October last year – I submitted those listed on his post and in comments, to the site under Web 2.0 App Companies. Then I popped across to Richard MacManus (New Zealander, but we’ll steal him, like Russell Crowe :p) ReadWriteWeb and his work with Vishal – and started submitting those applications, companies, social networks and blogs, as well. They are also from October last year. Sure, their info is a bit out of date (some companies have changed names, some folded), but it’s a start. Then I am adding Events, Mobile 2.0, Enterprise 2.0, social networks, jobs, everything web 2.0 and Australian.
The thing is, Bloggerati Australia is dynamic – YOU can check (or even update) the news daily with all things Australian and all things Web 2.0. Let’s see if we can skew some of those statistics on Australian companies, blogs, wikis, application devlopment, social networks and so on. Plus I’m interested to see how voting changes the popularity of some of the top bloggers and Web 2.0 apps in Australia. We might end up with a whole different list than the Vishal or Meg one! *pokes them*
Oh and don’t forget – First Rule of Bloggerati. There is NO Bloggerati. Just a bunch of people who like writing blogs, or reading them, and passing them on to friends. It’s for fun. It’s not an excuse to set up an exclusive Web 2.0 clique or groovy club. Cos then I couldn’t be a member. *cries*. BTW If you don’t want to submit your blog post or someone’s site, you can just come and vote.
Round of applause Laurel, I hope it flies
9 Responses to “Weekly Update 26th July”
Ohhh Meg thank you. Child abuse issues rarely get a blog plug. I read your fat cat cheezeburger post with much curiosity and decided that it’s no wonder that child abuse issues stay as blogosphere pond scum because, well, I don’t love either cats or cheeseburgers!
We are passionate about protecting not just Aussie kids, but all kids. I like our blogging model and the pooled sharing of knowledge between child abuse specialists and tech experts.
And the forum….well why didn’t someone tell me about these chatty places before! How cool are they for having ongoing conversation and raising consciousness!
We’ve started a “for free” section for supporting another family in your area (financial stress alleviated may just prevent one child from getting a clip under the ear). If you have something decent to give away rather than dragging it to the dump and paying $5.00 to be rid of it, or to the Lifeline bins where you can never get a close park, you can post it as a give away with us and hopefully help another family in your local area.
Hi Megan
You’re welcome
Congratulations on your fine efforts, and I hope it keeps going well for you.
You’re gonna be mad at me – I changed the header and logos. The cockroaches weren’t too popular. 😛
Thanks for the link to ImaginIf – I’m passionate about children’s safety online and it was great to find out about them. I
Hi Laurel – (I don’t know if your comment got chopped?)
Mad, no not at all! It’s a LOT better. I did think Martin had a point, but hey it’s not ALL about aesthetics. Glad to see you’ve also dropped the requirement for the “www” – so not 2.0!
Aye I wrote I HEART Megalicious. But it was with the greater than sign and a 3. WordPress walloped it. Any chance you can turn Preview on hon?
I HEART Meggggieeee

Can you tell me how? Seems you’ve suddenly developed a whole lot of technical skills lately 😉
Ooh Laurel – you’re a gem
Took less than 5 minutes…
Yay! I have just updated the Australian Blogs Community HTML links list file to include your blog, if you want to put it on your blog you can get a copy of it here –
http://fraudstars.info/~snoskred/aussieatoz.txt – A to Z
http://fraudstars.info/~snoskred/aussieztoa.txt – Z to A (The down-under version!)
Thanks for linking to that article Meg, and also for stumbling it because it got a lot of views this week. 😉 That really helped to get the word out.
I’ll have to check out Bloggerati soon! 😉
You’re welcome