Jun 13 2007
Combining the Best of Search – SearchBoth
Via my trusty RSS feed of customised news from plugger (which I’m really liking) came an article today by Sandra Rossi from Computer World about a search engine called SearchBoth. This is a website by Toll Free Yellow Pages Inc and, apart from Australia, has been launched in the US, UK and Canada.
Testing the site, it’s a little bit overwhelming, as the split screen jumps from 50:50 to about 80:20 depending on where you put your cursor (however you can fix the screen), but I can see the site having a certain appeal.
It’s a bit like dogpile in its functionality, but at least in this instance is tailored for the Australian domain.
Let me know what you think. Would you use it?
9 Responses to “Combining the Best of Search – SearchBoth”
That screen flipping is really annoying!
I don’t think I would use it, mostly because I use basically Google 100% of the time.
Nah, google’s got me for good, I think. I used to use dogpile, but google always seems to do the job these days..
And I couldn’t stand that screen flicking thing – it should just keep them at half each, which is perfectly reasonable. 😉
Nathan & Snokred
I have to agree I’m pretty much a Google devotee myself. I think they’ve done a really solid job here in Australia of establishing themselves as number 1.
Having said that, putting on my “search engine marketer’s” hat, it’s handy to be able to check the rankings for various search terms side by side. Mind you, it wouldn’t be too much more effort to do that with the firefox split screen add-on.
It would be interesting to know how many website owners spend time optimising specifically for the smaller search engines as opposed to just Google.
I have a network of web properties, some reasonably large in Australia, and we VERY rarely spend any time looking at our results in the ‘minors’. We focus on Google.
Maybe if I wasn’t so busy with things it might be worth spending a little more time on the smaller engines, but when you are after bang for buck, Google it is.
I seriously doubt there’d be many in Australia. I think what works with G pretty much follows through.
Though in terms of PPC advertising, for us anyway, there is still the Y syndicated search that can’t be ignored….
True, same for us. We are big PPC spenders.
I LOVE this SearchBoth! I go to Google and Yahoo myself and this thing saves me alot of time! wow, this site is great! I emailed support, they said in 2 weeks we will be able to customize it ourselves, taylored to our likes.
Hi Rob
It’ll be interesting to see what changes they make. Thanks for your comments.
Seems a bit awkward to me.
However, I’m really liking aftervote.com. It searches Google, MSN and Yahoo all at once and then ranks the results separately.