Jun 11 2007
50 Unique Names For Blogs
A blog signed up to the Australian Blogs Community on Bumpzee the other day, and the blog name made me giggle – “Joh Blogs“. I’d never made the connection before, but how often did we hear “Joe Bloggs” as one of those imaginary (or placeholder) names. What a clever name for a blog, particularly if your name is Joh!
Choosing a name for your blog isn’t necessarily easy. If you enter the blogosphere with the intention of making a name, or brand, for yourself then you will pick your name, or a name that signifies what you do.
But the vast majority of recreational bloggers (who will generally blog on a hosted domain) need to get creative with their blog titles. Predominantly, because many of the first choice options are already taken, and secondly because for the most part they are anonymous.
I have a list of over 850 Australian blogs. Many of these blogs have come from Anthony Dever’s fine efforts over at blogs.com.au and The Local.
I thought it would be interesting to go through this list and pick out the most unique, interesting, unusual or funny names for Australian blogs on the list (and one’s I haven’t mentioned before). A majority of these were “blogspot” blogs, and I have to applaud the originality of these bloggers.
In alphabetical order the list is below.
2 blog or not to blog – that is no longer the question
Angry Aussie – angry 365 days a year
Art Wanker – Elliot’s Artwank blog
The Sweat Shop
Beep! Beep! – it’s me!
Cat Politics – a blog about books, music, cats, politics…whatever
Cigarette Jeans
Codelog – Swingline Stapler Wielding IT Wage Slave Who Secretly Rules The World
Confessions of a food nazi – Fresh Simple Healthy
Crazy mumma – Towards Sustainability
Decomposing Trees
Deja Moo – The nagging feeling you’ve heard all this bull before
Emunctory – Just a blog don’t expect much
Engineers without Fears
Ethical Martini
Foodaholic – A self-proclaimed foodaholic – My gastronomical journey to being a pastry chef
Friday 6pm – Pondering pop and politics
Frugal Bastard – I’m known as a tight bastard….
Fully Functional Android
Fumbling Towards Geekdom
HarrangueMan (yes, he’s aware of the typo)
Head Like a Kite – A self indulgent discussion of musical tastes
Hey this is me like it or lump it
I don’t do mornings!!
It Needed to be Said – The Daily Constitutional – Evolving from blandly inoffensive to utterly barbarous
I’ve got Boobs! An ordinary woman’s perspective about the Australian and world-wide fashion industry for the ordinary woman.
Killer Rabbit with Pointy Teeth – I dont like it This blog isn’t actually about things i don’t like…
Left Justified
Machine Gun Keyboard
Malcontent (Mal’s Content)
Man with no blog – the depths of controlled Chaos
Mindless Munkey
Misscipher – My Life in Perth
Its the closest thing to taking a dump on the internet.
MR and Mrs iJunky
Nail Polish Blues – nailpolishneurosis
Never Leave Home without Lipgloss – Thoughts from your average girl next door
No-Necked Monsters – Lose your neck. Come frolic in cyberspace!
Once I was a Turtle – The wells of fancy
One size doesn’t fit all
Page O’Crap – The rantings and ravings of a grumpy old man.
The Path of Most Resistance – kicking against the pricks since 2006
Reasons to be Cheerful Part Three – Everyday I Write the Book
Rebecca the Wrecker
The Guru’s Guru
Will Type For Food
Crazy Aussie Bastard – “I hate everyone”
Off to the Shed – Looking at sheds, renovations and general topics of interest
One plus One Equals Three – Design, Media, Culture & More
Souvlaki For the Soul – Eat, Drink…Feel Good
Hope you enjoy….
30 Responses to “50 Unique Names For Blogs”
Hi Meg,
I’m glad you liked the name of my blog. And you are right, due to the number of names taken it can be pretty hard work coming up with something orginal. Fortunately that has not been a problem for me thus far. In terms of the origins of my blog’s name and url, they are both references to Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland. The Wells of Fancy is a play of words on Carroll’s opening poem in Alice, where he writes ‘drained the wells of fancy dry’ meaning the limits of imagination. So I thought that The Wells of Fancy could be kind of cool as a name in terms of representing a creative project. Anyway. Just glad someone liked the name.
best wishes
Hi Ed,
Well you certainly did a good job coming up with an original title.
Thanks for stopping by to explain the origins
Hi Meg
Thanks for including me in your list. I was casually checking my stats when I noticed people were coming in from your site!!! I’m stoked. It took me a while to work out a name that incorporated my love and passion for food and something that provided a link to my heitage. Most people do have a chuckle when i mention it. Thanks again.
Hi Peter
No worries – brilliant name! I remember the “Chicken Soup for the Soul” series, and being married to a Greek the name struck a chord
Picking a name for your blog is so hard! Those are really imaginative names! I’m aiming to get through the whole list and check them out, so thanks for pointing them out!
Hi Katie
Yours is pretty unique too! Glad you enjoyed
Want the story behind “manwithnoblog”. Started as a joke in my sig on various mailing list forums, getting back a people with blogs, then it became a good translation idea into a blog but not a blog…
There are some classics here. Thanks for the include.
Hi Gary
Thanks for the story
So then you *didn’t* became one of “them” eh?! Look forward to reading more.
Hi Meg,
Thanks for putting me on your list though I can’t really be credited. My blog is named after a song by the band Galaxie 500.
Hi Oz
You’re welcome. Well you mightn’t have made it up, but you did choose it!
‘Murky bucket’, as they say in France! (It means ‘Thanks very much’, though I must say your pronunciation is appalling! )
Sites like yours are making a real difference; not just focussing on the Australian blogging community but forming it. (All that’s now missing is a name — perhaps the Aussosphere?!) So thanks on that count, too.
Sorry no links, but these are real blogs with names I like:
Vowel Movement
I mainly link to and read Melbourne bloggers, but some of the OS alpha-bloggers have great titles..
I agree they’re clever
Hi Al
LOL! My pronunciation. Six years of French – my teacher would be appalled 😉
“Aussosphere” – it has ring. I think Anthony Dever once referred to it as the “Ozosphere” (which could be easier to spell)!
Thanks for your comments
The most striking blog name I’ve come across is Lightning Struck Itself (on Blogger). The site is currently on hiatus — and the Aussosphere is the poorer for it.
‘Aus’ vs ‘Oz’ is a battle that doesn’t seem to have been won yet! I started in the ‘Oz’ camp, but have changed allegiance over time. Oz is synonymous with The Yellow Brick Road (and also a violent US prison), whereas Aus has the obvious connection with ‘Aussie’, which is a great word. (And maybe Ozosphere sounds a bit like a hole in the ozone layer!) Anyway, time will tell…
Al – You make very legitimate points! Hence forth for me it’s the “Aussosphere”.
Thanks for the inclusion on your list! always good to find a new australian Blog.
No worries! Thanks for stopping by.
Nicely compiled list there.
Yup, as you said it, its pretty important to have a unique identity in the blogosphere if your really serious about it.
Your Blog Title is also pretty impressive, maybe you should add it to the list?
Thanks Tom – I never really considered it to be unique, probably because I’m so familiar with it!
I was doing a little vanity search and found a backlink to my blog here.
I’m chuffed you think it’s an interesting name – meaning “snot” in latin
Unique Stephen (that you are)
I know, I looked it up to be sure! http://www.answers.com/emunctory&r=67
[…] After some (re)search I’ve found another blog with kinda same subject – blogpond.com.au.[…]
Hi Meg, Bwca dropped in my comments to let me know you’d listed mgk:Machine Gun Keyboard in your list. Thanks for that.
I had a bit of help with the title of mgk. I was a journalism student in my first year at uni, when my prof, mightily impressed with my rather full-on, confrontational, Hunter Thompsonesquely peppered writing style, commented that ‘If the pen is mightier than the sword, your keyboard is like a machine gun.” Of course, Dr. Jim went on to tell me that I was often too wordy and used alliterations more than he liked (and surely still do).
Thanks again.
Hi Weez
Thanks for telling me about the history around your blog name. I do wonder sometimes! As someone who is also prone to verbosity, I can certainly appreciate the title
I’m a little bit offended that my little blog is absent from this list.
Ah, if I’d known of your blog, I would have included it! “Bent my Wookie” is certainly unique!
Hehe. That’s okay.
[…] according to Stephen, it’s […]