Feb 03 2007

Meet my Neigbours (Neighbors) 2000 bloggers

Good Lord! I’m surrounded by cats! My neighbour to the left owns 5, and the lady to the right owns 7. We have a dog. It should be interesting.

I’m referring to the meteoric rise of the 2000 bloggers initiative by Tino Buntic. Are you over the excitement of seeing your face on the mosaic, yet? Enjoying the” link love”?

How about taking it to the next step, and getting to know your neighbours. Left and right, above and below. And then take it one step further, write a little about them. So….

Meet My Neigbours

Elaine Vigneault Elaine Vigneault

Elaine writes about herself… “I’m an amateur whiner, professional hippy, and fat vegetarian who graduated beauty school but dropped out of law school. I write about my dog, my poker player husband, and various emo shit.

Hi Eliane (seriously, either this is an old photograph, or you need to redefine your definition of “fat”)! I enjoyed reading your bio – you write well, and very candidly. I really like your style. Elaine lives in Manhattan with her husband and 5 cats, and has a blogging mother-in-law!

Sam Lamp Sam Lamp - The Waterfall Hunter

Sam writes “I am a self taught computer geek, photography nut, and web designer. I live in southern Vermont and I am happily married with 7 katz. Yes I said 7. Looks like I am going to be changing my email address soon.”

Hi Sam nice to meet you, by the way – I HATE moving too. Sam is really into photography and has some really great photography and Flickr tips and cool photos on her blog.

Graeme Villeret Graeme Villeret editeur internet

Graeme writes “My blog is about my work, my life (not the same ??), technology, sciences, life, world… oh, la la…

Bonjour Graeme – c’est un plaisir pour vous rencontrer. Unfortunately my french is incredibly rusty, but it appears that Graeme edits the following websites and more; www.populationdata.net, www.lesbaleines.net, www.searchenginesdir.com, www.worldpopclock.com, www.auroresboreales.com, www.montrealcafe.com. I think Graeme lives in Quebec Canada and all these websites must keep him incredibly busy. I can’t see any reference to pets….

Megan Taylor Megan Taylor

Megan writes: “SOJo: Student of Online Journalism is a blog about the Web, the media, journalism, and classes related thereto. I am a Junior at the University of Florida studying journalism and linguistics. I work at the UF Computing Help Desk, where I am a consultant. I love to write, play with words, and discover new ways to take advantage of technology.”

Hi Megan (great name :)) I see you have changed your major 3 times (must be something to do with the name – I changed mine 5 times)! Megan is 20 and lives in Gainesville Florida. Not suprisingly, as a student of online Journalism, Megan writes extremely well and her first precocious foray into computing was with DOS commands at the age of five, a hint of things to come…

So, these are my four very different neighbours and I’d like to challenge every one of the (soon to be) 2000 bloggers to write a short piece about their neighbours.

Update: As Megan has pointed out in the comments, the neighbours above and below may well change (? due to display size, screen resolution etc?) but it can still be done for the neighbours to the LEFT and RIGHT.

28 responses so far

28 Responses to “Meet my Neigbours (Neighbors) 2000 bloggers”

  1. Meganon 03 Feb 2007 at 3:48 pm

    I don’t know if more bloggers were added or if the page is loading differently, but we’re not neighbors anymore! ::sniff::

  2. Megon 03 Feb 2007 at 3:54 pm

    Oh that’s a bugger! Maybe it depends on screen resolution or display size. It should still work to the left and right though??

  3. B N Sullivanon 04 Feb 2007 at 2:19 pm

    Hi Meg –

    I’m on 2000 Bloggers, too, and I like your idea of “getting to know the neighbors.” I may mimic your post one of these days and introduce my nearest 2000 Bloggers neighbors to my readers as you have done.


    P.S. Thanks for stopping by my page on MyBlogLog.

  4. Megon 04 Feb 2007 at 2:50 pm

    Hi Bobbie

    I think it’s a nice way to get to know other bloggers. You must be busy keeping up all those blogs – now that’s a niche!

    Elaine (my cyber-neighbor) has done just that …

    Thanks for stopping by.

  5. narrowbandon 05 Feb 2007 at 1:21 am

    Your effort is definitely worthy of a mention.

    Hello from a fellow 2000!

  6. viamarieon 05 Feb 2007 at 1:57 pm

    Hello! Just dropping by to wish a great week ahead.


  7. Megon 05 Feb 2007 at 3:15 pm

    Hi Viamarie

    You have a very cute blog. 33 years of marriage – wow! All the best.

    Narrowband – thanks for dropping by – congrats making it into 2000 (are we going to meet YOUR neighbours?)

  8. Pearlon 06 Feb 2007 at 7:31 am

    Good idea to profile like this. There are so many faces. Got to be some way to winnow them down. :)

  9. Megon 06 Feb 2007 at 11:29 am

    Hi Pearl – thanks for stopping by :)

  10. Garyon 06 Feb 2007 at 5:04 pm

    Just checking out your excellent site!

  11. Megon 06 Feb 2007 at 5:13 pm

    Nice to meet you Gary :)

  12. Roseon 07 Feb 2007 at 12:53 pm

    Great Idea and Elaine is far from fat. lol

  13. Alister Cameronon 08 Feb 2007 at 1:53 am

    Hi Meg.

    Yeah I was going to say… I think it’s possible to get moved around a little bit, while the list settles into its final formation.

    I hope I stay where I am now tho, #21 or so!!

    – Alister

  14. Mike Elliotton 08 Feb 2007 at 6:02 am

    Hi there
    was surfing photography and came adross your site….great, keep up the good work!

  15. eastcoastlifeon 08 Feb 2007 at 12:40 pm


    I’m one of the few Asians on 2000bloggers and I think it is awesome! Finally I get included in such a project. I’m grateful to Tino Buntic.

  16. 2000 Bloggers - » Welcomeon 08 Feb 2007 at 3:59 pm

    […] Meet your neighbors by Meg […]

  17. 2000 bloggers e libertà : worldpresson 09 Feb 2007 at 8:40 pm

    […] Meeting our neighbors (Meg) […]

  18. […] Now there is official website for 2000 bloggers and I am there in the template (see template in end with my photo highlighted ). I was thinking of writing about my neighbors in the Photo Montage and I already came across the one written by Meg. […]

  19. jongon 12 Feb 2007 at 2:45 pm

    this is a great idea. might as well do this in my blog… soon when i have spare time.. :)

  20. jongon 12 Feb 2007 at 2:49 pm

    oops.. that url is not the one that i signed up for 2k bloggers..

  21. Megon 12 Feb 2007 at 10:01 pm

    Hi Jong

    Thanks for dropping by – it’s nice to meet you and it would be great if you introduced your neighbours!

  22. 2000 Bloggers - » Open Threadon 13 Feb 2007 at 1:02 am

    […] 1/1000th: Will each of the 2000 bloggers introduce their blog readers to two other bloggers from the 2000 Bloggers Project? (I’ve added two of the 2000 to my blogroll.) This is a variation of the “Meet Your Neighbors” idea suggested by Meg. […]

  23. Graemeon 28 Feb 2007 at 3:00 am

    Hi ! :-)

    No pets, I live in a forest, and there are lots of animals : squirrels, black bears, mooses, lynx, hares… etc.

    Yes, I’m terribly busy, I’ve 20 sites… but I don’t do anything else :-)

    Et c’est pas si pire votre français :-) Bonne journée !

  24. Megon 28 Feb 2007 at 12:01 pm

    Bonjour Graeme,

    Thanks for stopping by – wow, 20 sites! I though 2 and a blog was challenging…

    I guess I’m still surrounded by animals 😉

    Nice to meet you :)

  25. […] Meeting our neighbours (Meg) […]

  26. Miss Smackon 12 Mar 2007 at 1:38 am

    hi. I dont know how you found me, but thanks mate!

    Pop by and say hi people :)

  27. […] to know your neighbors. Look at the photo montage in the original order, find your face, and visit the blogs in your […]

  28. […] attention. Jaffe Juice wants to use the photos as a book cover. He set up a poll in Second Life. Meg decided to meet her neighbors. A few other bloggers followed suit. eDragonu collected astrological […]