Apr 29 2008
April 2008 Google PageRank Update
It appears the (unofficially scheduled) April Google PageRank update has occurred, or is in the process of happening.
I’m back up to a 5 (after mysteriously losing a point after the last update).
Let me know how you faired.
Update: This PageRank Checker seems to be working and appears to be consistently showing the updated rank, and another is here. I didn’t link to any earlier because all the ones I tried were either not working or freezing my browser.
26 Responses to “April 2008 Google PageRank Update”
Hiya Meg
Christos Anesti!
Mine’s showing a zero!…It must be updating!
thanks for the warning!
Peter’s last blog post..Vanilla and Cardamom Rice Pudding
Still on 4 so no change for me – unless they haven’t got to my blog yet. I’m still not sure how I got 4 in the first place!
Guera’s last blog post..Piñata Craft Club
Up from a PR3 to a PR4 on the main domain now
Interestingly though, one of my internal pages is now a PR6 (!!!!), and it’s really not a great page in my opinion… more a post written in passing! Still, shouldn’t complain, but it just illustrates to me that TBPR really does seem to be meaningless…
Burgo’s last blog post..A Romantica Vision…
I did not fair as well and have lost another point with this official/unofficial update. Its odd as it seems since SERPs continue to climb and I am at loss why this is happening. I’m always trying to get links but maybe the links are not the best in G’s opinion. Any clues into this PR mistery?
Toby Barnett’s last blog post..Granite Falls single family home for under $170K
No changes on mine.
Lightening’s last blog post..I Had A Fight With My Personal Trainer
My site is up from 3 to 4.
Ben Barden’s last blog post..To republish or not to republish?
I was a 4 a while back, dropped to a 3 recently and now back to a 4.
jen’s last blog post..Big Brother 2008 – live blogging launch night
Moved from PR=0 to PR=4… Happy but it was expected
SeosydneyBlog’s last blog post..Latest Google Page Rank Update – April 2008
Must be still rolling out. Just checked Lightening Online on another page rank checker and it’s now showing a 4. Yipppeeee!!!!!
Lightening’s last blog post..Chicken Stock
Some of my sites have gone down, others have gone up.
As far as I can see any of the sites I’ve overhauled recently have lost page rank! And the ones that have remained untouched have either gone up or stayed the same.
Does anyone know if the PR update is over?? I’m getting differnet results for some sites depending where I check.
webmaster guy’s last blog post..Configuring DNS & MX Records on Godaddy or web hosts
Still a 4. Boo.
Karen (Misc Mum)’s last blog post..WW – Birthday cake disaster
well I am happy. Gone from big fat zero to 4! W00T!!! I exist!
Thanks for the heads up babe. Now must go and run around the lounge room screaming like a mad woman and scare the bunny…
Kelley’s last blog post..You just lost the game.
Mine is still at 4
Thinkinghomebusiness.com still at 5
But Des is smiling deswalsh.com has jumped to 5
Thanks for this
Suzie Cheel’s last blog post..All In Order
Peter – yay, looks like a 4 – finally!
Guerra – A 4 is still really good – maybe next time.
Burgo – good stuff. A PR6 internal? Wow, be interesting to see if it stays?
Toby – Sorry to hear that. I’m not really sure. Could depend on the rank of sites linking to you or the relevance to your site… (assuming you haven’t done anything that could see you penalised)
Lightening – Way to go!!!!
Ben – yay!
Jen – you went dropped too (after last time). At least we got it back.
Webmaster guy – that’s bizarre! Not sure that it’s entirely finished….
Karen – A 4 is not to be sneezed at. There seems to be quite a hurdle from a 4 to a 5 (and then more of a hurdle going up from there)
Kelley – swear long and loud enough and G has to hear you! Hope the bunny didn’t have a heart attack.
Suzie – w00t! Go Des
I am at a big fat 0. Then again, I have only been blogging from my new domain since the beginning of April. I guess I will be ranked at the next pageranking.
Riayn’s last blog post..Seen on the way to work
Riayn – it’s probably a bit too much to hope for after just a month, so no doubt the next update.
Hmmm so far a bit of a mixed bag, a few gains on my sites and one that i was hoping to move up (hobartdaily.com) just staying steady
Greg’s last blog post..Sunset on Murray
Still not consistent, but the toolbar is showing 5. Very odd to be so dependent on something so random. It is like depending on your kids to bring breakfast in bed. I am still waiting;}
Colin Campbell’s last blog post..Too Many Drugs?
Greg – gains are good, and steady better than a drop 😉
Colin – I think once they are all in sync it’s not so random (I’m seeing 5 too – this is good).
At the end of the day, it *doesn’t* really matter terribly much though. We just continue doing what we do… 😀
Oh, Meg, I am happy with a 4! Not really expecting it to be any higher.
I’ve tagged you for a meme, BTW.
Guera’s last blog post..Random Facts with a Twist
My site’s pagerank down:( 5 to 4
Up from a 0 to a 3 for me – finally
Kin’s last blog post..Procrastination Post
Up from 4 to 5.
So obviously very happy with that.
cellobella’s last blog post..Thinner is better
up 3 to 4, back to where it was last time
Mine stable on 3 but three of my other websites from 3 they went to zero. How we can predict Page rank on the next update? Is there any way?
Not really, but this site might give you a guide.