Archive for February, 2008

Feb 29 2008

Things that make you go hmmm

Published by under random

Winning a trophy that looks like a toilet seat. Source ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sydney’s weird summer weather * wettest summer in 6 years * no days over 31 degrees (surely not?) – first time since 1956 * average max temperature only 25.2 degrees – coldest summer since 1996-97 * lowest average sunshine since 91-92 (6.7 hours per […]

20 responses so far

Feb 27 2008

How many Aussie Bloggers are there (revisited)?

Does this Answer the perennial question – “How many Aussie blogs are there”?

8 responses so far

Feb 26 2008

Alt Text and Image Search

Published by under blogging,SEO

Alt text is important because not everyone can “see” images. Some people use text only browsers (or disable images), and certainly search engines can’t tell what an image is, unless you specifically give it a description (or title).

3 responses so far

Feb 24 2008

Be Careful Who you Impersonate on Facebook

Published by under facebook

And speaking of Facebook, who the heck is Gile McFile? Gile you might be an Aussie, but I don’t accept friendship from inanimate objects 😉

10 responses so far

Feb 24 2008

What’s Your Website Score?

Published by under blogging,SEO

Have you ever wondered how well optimised your website is? What I mean by that, is how easy your content is to find on search engines.

Website Grader is an online tool that gives your website a score out of 100 and prepares a pretty comprehensive report (ready within a couple of minutes).

25 responses so far

Feb 22 2008

How Fast do You Type?

Published by under random

In this day and age fast typing is a must – from top executives to students. With our reliance on computers and written communication, being able to type quickly is probably the biggest boost in productivity available to an office worker.

31 responses so far

Feb 21 2008

Princeton Premier

Published by under random

Back in October I received an email from Princeton Premier inviting me to become part of their Registry.

371 responses so far

Feb 20 2008

Dealing with the Bank

Published by under random

Someone from my bank called me today about an issue with one of my accounts. Of course it sounds like a legitimate conversation, and it was, but I just wonder how many people would divulge that information without skipping a beat?

12 responses so far

Feb 20 2008

Rapping Pollies

Published by under Australia,Humour

I know – cute is probably NOT the term that comes to mind when you think of Kevin Rudd, Brendan Nelson and Peter Garrett rap dancing. But it is!

One response so far

Feb 19 2008

How to Create a Trackback

Published by under blogging

When you link to an individual post on a blog (yours or someone else’s) an option is to create a trackback. This means a small snippet of your post will be sent as a comment to the post being linked to.

5 responses so far

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