Dec 09 2007
Effort Rewarded
A proud moment this weekend when my daughter’s relay team managed to get a bronze medal at the 2007 Australian All Schools & Youth Athletics Championships at Sydney Olympic Park.
They competed in the 4 x 100 metre relay, pulled off yet another team PB, and it was the first time in the school’s history that any students have placed at the competition. After coming third at the State finals, they even made the local paper.
They’ve all been training so hard, so it was really nice to see them come away with a medal. And not to forget a special celebratory lunch with the principal tomorrow 😉
We’ve got the end of year presentation night next week, with my two eldest due to receive various awards and miss 5 – her kindergarten “graduation certificate”. Then holidays – yay!
Bring it ON
11 Responses to “Effort Rewarded”
That’s absolutely brilliant, Meg!
Congratulations to her!
Congratulations!!!! YaY !!!!
Awwww…..that’s wonderful! Congratulations.
Bring on the holidays????
You don’t hear too many people saying that. LOL. These last few weeks tend to get fairly busy though don’t they? My poor kids are getting so tired and cranky that I will be glad when it’s holidays and they get a bit of time to catch their breath!
That’s fantastic Meg, congratulations to her
Thanks everyone
You know we’re all proud of our kids no matter what awards or accolades, but it’s really nice when you see them rewarded for their efforts.
Lightening – well the kids have to be at school just after 8 am, so it’s nice to have a break from THAT routine (I’m so NOT a morning person) – but MM does more than his share 😀 Of course, amusing them is a whole other kettle of fish….
Congrats to all your kids for a fantastic year. Even the graduation certificate is an achievement worth celebrating!
Betcha there are tons of smiles at your house tonight. Give ’em all a big smootch on the cheek from one of your pretend friends on the internet (that is what my kids call all of you!) and tell them we are all proud of them.
Congratulations! Sounds like you are having a good lead up to the holidays.
And she is a lovely person too !!
Kelley – I’ll be sure to smooch (any excuse)
Veronica – thanks
Mum – yes she is (they all are)!
And you couldn’t ask for a better report than the one I got in the mail today 😀
What a fantastic achievement!!!
It’s a busy two weeks coming up at our school too.
alyndabear’s last blog post..Do Not Disturb.