Nov 12 2007
Matt Corby and Natalie Gauci Through to the Opera House
Well, no real surprises tonight, apart from how exceptionally drawn out you can make one episode of Australian Idol. And perhaps the fact that the top and bottom number of votes were only separated by 4%.
All three contestants – Matt Corby, Natalie Gauci and Carl Riseley were in the bottom three (d’oh). The first one safe – Natalie, who sheds a few tears of relief and takes her place on the couch.
But, between Matt and Carl (and yes, another ad break) – Matt is announced as joining Natalie at the Opera House.
Wow – to think I first mentioned Matt Corby nearly three months ago, and now he’s in the final two…
Carl bows out gracefully thanking everybody but the Navy band – which is probably where he’s reluctantly headed, unless he’s snapped up pretty promptly by a recording company.
All the best to Carl. I agree (with some of the judges) that he’s shown the most remarkable improvement on Idol, and I’m sure there’s a future for him in the industry.
15 Responses to “Matt Corby and Natalie Gauci Through to the Opera House”
I really would have bought Carl’s CD. Really.
Now I have to vote for Nat because why would a 35 year old woman buy a 16, er, sorry, 17 year old’s music? Nup. Can’t do it.
I have to admit to shedding a few tears. I just wanna give him a big hug and hope he finds a label because I want his album!
I rewatched his performances from last night and I really think he can make it.
And I really hope Matt wins.
As we thought it would go – swamped by teenage girls! Congratulations to Natalie for she deserved her place at the Opera House. I will leave the Matt Corby Cd buying to my daughter (and sneak a listen while she is at school). I am sorry to lose Carl because I love his voice, especially in the song they used in the ‘look-back’ . He will pop up soon with a contract I am sure! This yearthe standard seems to have been so much closer!
Does anyone think matt is too young to win? Do you think that being that young is an advantage with the voters because the average idol viewer is 16-17?
Good choice Australia!

I don’t really care who wins from here but I’m tipping Matt.
Just coz.
Tiffany – fingers crossed you still get the opportunity.
Kin – I hope Matt wins too
Anne – I’m probably with you (about my teenage daughter buying the CD – well I might just buy it for her)!
Chris – I don’t think 17 is too young. I think he has a voice that is quite mature (how many adult vocalists would attempt opera, for example). I wasn’t aware of the average age of the Idol viewers, but I guess you’re right in that it could favour the younger performers. Having said that Carl has made it this far…
As someone mentioned on a previous post, you also have to consider the age of the “buying public”. I’m sure 16-17 year olds would make up a fair percentage of the cd buying market.
CB – Hope you’re right (again)!
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I’m 27 and I wouldn’t have a problem buying Matt’s album. I think he’s a very talented musician, regardless of his age. And I can’t remember who said it this week, but because he’s 17 he’s invincible. I don’t think either winning or losing at this point will harm him. He seems like such a down to earth kid.
Hey Kin
Haven’t quite got the “subscribe” working properly my end – but I’m working on it. When I approve a comment, I’m getting a blank screen and I can’t get in to “manage” anything. I’m really trying!
I did hear a rumour that the two songs Matt picked for next week were rejected as being “too similar” to what he’s been doing. Also, I believe there are also distinct benefits to NOT winning – so I tend to agree with you there.
Awww, poor Carl !!!!!! ;(
And everyone was crying!!! Poor Matt Corby’s mascara would run!! Hahaha!!
Carl’s done so well !
No surprises who’s gonna win…M-A-T-T.
We love you Carl !! <3
Umm, I’m guessing all young girls vote for Matt, and since there’s so many teenagers in Australia…..
Hi Lucy – I didn’t hang around for the tears!
Hope you’re right about Matt
MATT fOr idOl 07′
he’s gottaa GREAT voice n deserves the idOl title
MATT 191010
i think matt should win
he has a such a mature voice
being so young, people will by his cd
but natalie should win 2
it dosent really matter
but vote for matt 191010