Oct 23 2007
Source: Cosmic Insignificance
Anyone who thinks they’re important is usually just a pompous moron who can’t deal with his or her own pathetic insignificance and the fact that what they do is meaningless and inconsequential.
William Thomas
Did you know that Technorati are tracking 109,000,000 blogs? Sure, many of those are abandoned blogs, but they claim there are 1.6 million posts every day (and that is only the blogs that they monitor).
Kind of makes me feel like a grain of sand on the beach, or a tiny star in a galaxy.
So how do you stand out from the crowd?
It probably helps if you’re brilliant at what you do.
It probably helps if you have a solid niche.
It probably helps if you network your arse off.
It probably helps if you create viral content.
It probably helps if you create controversy.
It probably helps if you motivate people.
Meh. Who wants the pressure of thousands of people waiting for your next “pearls of wisdom”? Who needs the stress of coming up with original, earth-shattering, diggable, sphinnable, linkable, stumble-worthy content?
I’ll pass.
I’m so appreciate of the friends I’ve made through this blog. That has been the most rewarding part of blogging. I love the sense of community, the familiarity and the intimacy. I love knowing that a post about x, will bring y out to comment. I reckon you’d lose that on a big blog.
So thank you for being part of this little community.
If you don’t like my lack of brilliance, my eclectic subject material, my inability to be everywhere and respond to everything, my whimsical content, and certainly my lack of ability to motivate even a four year old child to eat her vegetables – well, feel free to unsubscribe 😉
19 Responses to “Insignificance”
Thanks for the laugh! I definitely needed it tonight. And in the words of a slightly more intoxicated me, “I love yous all!” too 😉
As for the 4 year old, we told ours that when she turned 4 she had to try everything on her plate, otherwise there was no party or presents, and when she turns 5, she has to eat everything on her plate othewise she can’t go to school. Turns out the kid loves broccoli. Who knew?
Hey Kin 😀
Must try that vegie tip – only problem is she starts school before she turns five, so we might have to spin it a little differently. Do you think “Santa blackmail” might work? 😉
Nice post. Interesting perspective. Not subscribing at all. 😉
The truly significant does not come from brilliance, controversy, or motivation, but from those that can genuinely speak from the heart.
I guess you can quote me on that one 😉
And don’t worry before you know it she’ll be 15 and you’ll be longing for the days of refusing to eat vegetables.
We think your brilliant Meg, even if you don’t 😉
I managed to get a 31 yr old to eat cabbage for the first time in his life this week. He had no clue though, I wonder what else I can hide in a secret pocket in potato LOL
Nup, don’t think I’ll unsubscribe. I enjoy your blog and don’t think you’re insignifcant at all.
I think we are all significant in our own way. 😉
Let me mention how significant you are to me. I currently have 461 unread posts in my google reader. I’m a bit behind after the other half had a couple of days off, we reformatted my computer and I’ve just finished installing everything, and I have a few chores to do so I can’t devote time to read it all right this minute.. however while I sit here and drink my coffee I am clicking on my fave blogs which have a new post – yours is the second post I have read today. This means you’re pretty significant in *my* world. 😉
Shai – thanks (I think) 😉
Gamermk – nice quote
Leigh – LOL – next it’ll be brussel sprouts in the cauliflower au gratin
Jen – thanks
Snos – you too mate
See, that’s what I love about you guys.
Please note this was not a pathetic attempt for validation of my (self) worth – even if reading it back it might seem that way! Just a bit of navel-gazing.
Re the veges. I think back to a show I saw from the UK where this kid would only eat chocolate biscuits and jam sandwiches (he still looked pretty healthy) and realised that I wasn’t such a bad mother after all.
As long as they eat at least one vege and carrots are usually popular…
Sitting here… waiting for your next pearl of wisdom. 😉
[…] the enormous size of the blogosphere and finding your own place within it is on Meg Tsiamis’ mind. Chartreuse displays his consistent wisdom in a post that […]
How to get a 2 year old to eat vegies..crumb it and call it a nugget.
Although your 4yr old might be too smart for that.
Jass – ooh, that’s a great tip – worth a shot, anyway. Nuggets are her favourite (I’ll have to save a Macca’s box). Thanks
No worries , I hope it works for you.
I think it is nice to be a little insignificant but at least have a few fans …or else why bother ! I find the amount of time I am spending on reading blogs is growing every day. Following up visitors etc too. Great thinking post Meg.
I saw this quote today … put the kids to bed, hand your husband the remote and spend some time with the people you love !
I love my new friends.
I would love to know how to get one of my sons to eat anything !
I have to learn how to subscribe and read feedburners.
Hi Trish – LOL – funny quote.
Can I recommend Google Reader? I’ve been using it for a while and it’s probably one of the least complicated. Then all you have to do is look for the orange RSS symbol or “subscribe” link & Goggle Reader does the rest.
Ooops. I meant not UNsubscribing. Arrrggghhh. See what happens what I’m blog reading, blogging, and commenting at 12.10am?! 😉
At least I hope that you know what I meant anyway.
I *thought* so 😉 I know what you mean about late at night though!
I am worried next you are going to say that the universe doesn’t revolve around me!
Haha – ok I won’t say it 😉