Oct 22 2007
Australian Idol – Judge’s Choice
Well, I’m sitting here looking at my notes, contemplating a play-by-play of this week’s Australian Idol “judge’s-choice-of-song” episode. As a diversion, I notice Cellobella’s done her weekly wrap, which leads me to another by PetStarr at Bland Canyon. This is a thoroughly witty review of the episode, which has me totally uninspired to even attempt a round up this week. But here are a few comments anyway.
I was least impressed with Marty and Daniel, so I’m hoping one of those two go this week. As my daughter points out, how on earth would you market Marty anyway? Somehow every song just seems the same.
I thought Carl was pretty good, and certainly has my vote for “most improved” Idol contestant. Liked the start of “Not Unusual” – somewhat different! Dicko reckons he’s becoming the “housewife’s choice”.
Matt: Wardrobe? WTF? I like Cellobella’s reference to lederhosen. I have to agree with the judges, “Music of the Night” did show versatility.
Interesting that Kyle chose to allude mysteriously to Matt’s “cockiness” backstage, to which Matt replied he was upset at the time. One can only assume he was referring to last week – perhaps Matt was a little upset about being in the bottom three?
Tarisai: I thought her first song was pretty good, but felt she lost it in the middle of the second. Her second outfit was a shocker.
Natalie: I felt her second performance was far better than the first, but her second outfit only marginally better.
Kyle told her the first outfit made her butt look big. Say what you will about Kyle, but he was spot on the money. I don’t think the tv screen does either of the girls any favours, and Kyle points out that Natalie doesn’t really look like that, so she has to be careful with her choice of outfit.
Mark was in his element, dragging out a total of 3 touchdowns (Carl, Matt and Natalie). I suspect that’s the highlight of the show for him.
If it was my choice of who to vote off this week, I’d be voting for the Agro look-alike:
Picture: Momo Freaks out
11 Responses to “Australian Idol – Judge’s Choice”
I know what you’re saying about Bland Canyon Girlfriend. Hmmm hmmm. But 100% to you for being yourself. I dug it.
Okay okay I can’t keep Marcia channelled for long but you know what I’m sayin’.
As far as the judging goes… I was a little disappointed in Kyle this week APART FROM his comments on wardrobe. He was spot on there. I thought Dicko was spot on with the performances. Mark was on another planet I thought – and gave himself a touchdown (Phantom song choice) and Marcia… actually gave a slightly negative comment… telling Tarasai not to “over articulate”.
Breakthrough stuff!
I thought Matt was sensational last night, especially the song from “The Phatom….”
Perhaps my age is showing, but I really ‘dug’ it.
CB – oooh scary, I could actually “hear it” 😉 Thanks mate
Maybe “over articulate” means “stop saying thank you” in a little girl voice every five seconds grrr.
Marlene – 😀
Next week I swear I’m going to count the number of times Marcia “dug” a performance.
Oooh I was waiting to see what you had to say! I actually watched the show last night 😉 so my comments might actually have merit!
I kind of “dug” Marty’s performances, especially the second one. That’s definitely his style – but you still wouldn’t catch me voting for him.
Daniel was a bit “meh” – the first song was great (I think?) but the second not so hot.
Matt absolutely rocked! Hubby heard him singing Music of the Night (one of my favourite songs) and we both agreed that he did it very well. It is an increadibly difficult song to sing, I mean it’s opera people – and the kid’s 16. He did a great job. I loved his second song too – and I love the fact he’s a musician, and not just a singer who plays guitar.
Carl absolutely shone – Kyle was right, absolute standout. I’m a housewife and I choose CARL! LOL.
Tarisai did great with her first song, although she could have done it “bigger”. I agreed with Marcia and Kyle on that one, and I thought her outfit rocked! The second song was so “meh” I have no words.
I did miss both of Natalie’s performances, so I won’t comment on those.
I’m guessing bottom 3 will be Natalie, Daniel and Marty
Please let Marty go…PLEASE.
I loved Carl. I know he’s not everyone’s favourite but there is just something about him.
As for the Agro look a like… I think Agro and Kyle are related.
Hey Kin – yeah, Matt’s certainly talented and did a great job of a difficult song. You liked Tarisai’s second outfit? The silver number? Or the first with jeans and a shawly type thing?
I agree with you on Daniel and Marty – 3rd might be a wildcard. After last week, who knows?!
Just read your post again.

You took notes.
CB x
Tiffany – from your mouth to the public’s ear… I’m really warming up to Carl – I think he’s made a lot of improvement.
LOL Agro and Kyle – I hadn’t thought of that 😀
CB – Yep 3 little notebook pages – double sided – (sad hey)
Oh yeah, the first one, it was perfect for her!
Glad Carl is still there. Even hubby thinks the final two will be Matt and Carl now…
Kin – phew – I agree that one wasn’t so bad! Mate the way the public likes Marty, I wouldn’t be at all surprised to see him there (disgusted, but not surprised) 😉