Apr 08 2007

Enterprise Search and Matthew Cave – Spammer of the Month

We have just received a few complaints from businesses listed on our business directory.

Matthew Cave, Business Development Manager of Enterprise Search, has been sending unsolicited mail to businesses listed on our dLook directory. The email is below:-

From: Matthew Cave

To: [dLook listing – business name removed]

Sent: Sunday, April 08, 2007 3:10 PM

Subject: [Norton AntiSpam] I found your business in dLook.com.au…


I would like to draw your attention to our Free Australian Search Engine / Business Directory. Enterprisesearch.com.au received over 30 000 page impressions in March 2007 and is growing at an average rate of 32% per month.

Enterprise Search is great way for businesses to gain more online exposure. Please feel free to add your business to our directory. In exchange for this exposure we ask for a link to www.enterprisesearch.com.au

To add your business to Enterprise Search please click the following link


Kind Regards

Matthew Cave
Business Development Manager
Enterprise Search

So I went over to the site to have a look, as you do. Oh, not only do they have a “business directory / search engine” they also run a marketing solutions business “Enterprise Marketing Solutions”.

The team at Enterprise Marketing Solutions specialise in promoting businesses online. We have the IT skills and the marketing know-how necessary to deliver our clients business leads at a lower cost than any other form of advertising.

Uh-ha – and the example they are setting is a one page website with not enough traffic to have an Alexa rating. Not particularly inspiring.

Oh – they have a blog too. Let’s have a look – enterprisemarketing.wordpress.com (please excuse the lack of link love in this post).

Most recent post (October 14, 2006) “Search Engine Marketing Muscle”

Recommendation 2: Start a blog
Blogs are good from an organic search engine marketing standpoint for a number of reasons. The main reason is that blogs are regularly updated with timely, current information.

Did you miss the irony? “…blogs are regularly updated with timely, current information”.

Oh and a post on email marketing (“Connect with your Potential Customers using Email Marketing”) – this should be insightful.

“What is email marketing? …… This list must be an “op-in” (sic) list, meaning that these subscribers have given u (sic) permission to send them marketing materials via email.”

A-hem. Back to the directory – “About us Page”

“20 000 page impressions in December 2006 and is growing at an average rate of 32% per month.”

Is it just my maths or should we be at circa 46,000 if they are still growing at 32% per month? Tsk Tsk. (by the way Alexa rank 764,163. Rating in Australia 28,067.

Please excuse my rant and flame. I don’t like to be mean, but this person should know better.

Matthew Cave, step away from your keyboard and use your own frigging database.

4 responses so far

4 Responses to “Enterprise Search and Matthew Cave – Spammer of the Month”

  1. Spammer Alert « dLook Newson 08 Apr 2007 at 5:52 pm

    […] You can see a full write up of the situation at Meg’s blog. […]

  2. Fat Bastardon 08 Apr 2007 at 6:25 pm

    I’ve heard of this guy before. He’s on just about every spam alert list in Australia. His site is crap too.

  3. Jason G. Williscrofton 09 Apr 2007 at 7:41 am

    This is delightful! Thanks for doing the background work… we’ll be posting this under the heading “How NOT to Sell… well… pretty much anything.”

    With appropriate link love, of course. :)

  4. Megon 09 Apr 2007 at 10:32 am

    Hi Jason

    Thanks for the link back and the digg :)